David Icke: Humanity’s Master Teacher

By Neenah Payne

Why Humanity Is Waking Up Now! explains that people have been waking up for three main reasons:

1 – Failure of Corporate Media: Downfall of The Legacy Media shows that the legacy media is rapidly declining because it lost the trust of many Americans. It failed to report accurately on so many issues including the Biden laptop, January 6, the open southern border, COVID, and the injuries and deaths caused by the COVID shots. Those and other failures woke up a lot of folks who now turn to the Alt Media for reliable information.

2 – COVID Policies: The COVID policies woke up many people – including prominent doctors like Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID shots. He is the author of Lies My Gov’t Told Me: And the Better Future Coming. World-renowned British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malholtra woke up after his healthy father died shortly after getting the COVID shot. Documentary: First Do No Pharm! discusses his shocking new film.

3 – Woke Democratic Party: Mikki Willis was the filmmaker of Plandemic 1 which has been seen by over 1 billion people worldwide. Del Bigtree, an Emmy award-winning member of The Doctors TV show, produced Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe which went viral in 2016. Bigtree now hosts The Highwire which airs online with an audience of 30 million in six nations. Both Willis and Bigtree left the Democratic Party because they no longer recognize it.Tulsi Gabbard represented Hawaii in Congress and ran for the presidency as a Democrat. Her book For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind explains why she left the party in 2022 to become an independent. Earlier this year, Gabbard joined the Trump Transition Team. On October 22, Gabbard explained at a Trump rally why she has joined the Republican Party!

David Icke Banned From 26 Nations For Two More Years!

However, the legendary British author David Icke has been trying to wake up humanity in multiple ways for decades. He has written over 20 books and has spoken to vast audiences in over 25 countries. David Icke/Brian Rose 10: August 23 Noon ET shows that Brian Rose, founder of London Real, began interviewing Icke in 2020 with Rose/Icke 1 which went viral.

David Icke Discusses “The Reveal”: August 23 Noon ET explains that Rose interviewed Icke for the 10th time on August 23 to discuss icke’s latest book The Reveal: The Next Stage of Human Awareness. London Real said: “Rose/Icke X: “The Reveal” promises to be the most important conversation yet.” That was an understatement. See David Icke/Brian Rose 10: August 23 Noon ET for links to Icke’s other nine interviews on London Real.

Why Was David Icke Banned From 26 European Nations? shows that Icke was invited as a featured speaker at the 11/5/22 peace rally “Together for the Netherlands”. However, far-left activist groups demanded that Icke be barred from entering the country. His son Gareth said the Dutch government banned Icke from the country (not just from the rally) for two years on the charge that he is a “Level 3 terrorist”.

Because the Netherlands are part of The Schengen area which consists of 25 other European nations, Icke was banned for two years from 26 countries in Europe as well as other countries — including the US and Australia — that follow the guidelines of The Schengen area! Icke had planned a tour throughout much of Europe for the spring of 2023 where he would have spoken to tens of thousands of people.

However, Icke’s site shows that the ban has been extended for two more years – until November 2026! Is the ban permanent? It looks like the globalists don’t want the world to hear Icke’s views. Why?

David Icke banned from Europe for ANOTHER TWO YEARS because he has NOT CHANGED HIS VIEWS. Talk about fascism in our face.

The first two-year ban ends in November. I wonder if the mainstream hijack of the ‘alternative’ media might at last have something to say about this having virtually ignored the first ban.

The Mainstream Alternative Media

David Icke’s New Book “The Reveal” shows that Icke quotes Vladimir Lenin: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

Icke calls out what he describes as the “Mainstream Alt Media” when he says:

How telling it is that while I have been banned from most of Europe, the mainstream hijack of the ‘alternative’ media – including Carlson, Rogan, Brand, Owens, Musk, Oliver, etc, etc. – remained silent and while these ‘defenders of freedom’ are banned from nothing and nowhere, I face another two years – indefinite in truth – banned from basically Western Europe, plus Australia and more besides.

It might be worth asking what I am saying that they are not saying which makes governments so terrified of a bloke from the Isle of Wight that they go to these lengths of what can only be described as fascism.  Oh, but then to do that we must go beyond right-wing politics, Trump, and religion into the so-called ‘far out’. And that would never do. Let’s stay safe, stay within strictly limited boundaries, play the game, and they may leave us alone.

Icke accuses Carlson, Rogan, and others in the Alt Media of being the Christian Right rather than a true alternative. Nevertheless, Icke has a high regard of Activist Post which he quotes on pages 70, 73, and 92 of The Reveal. He also asked Activist Post to review the book.

David Icke Exposes the Mainstream Alternative Media, the Zionist Lobby, & Jesse Ventura (video)

In the video below, Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance interviews Icke on the hijacking of the independent media.

Elon Musk: Soft Sell For AI

Icke warns that Elon Musk has fooled podcast hosts in the Mainstream Alternative Media that he is a good guy because he bought Twitter (now X) in an apparent bid for “free speech”. However, Icke warns that Musk is part of the globalist Cult which plans direct control of our thinking by merging our brains with Artificial Intelligence. Since Tucker Carlson’s show now airs on X and Joe Rogan is friends with Musk, neither is likely to invite Icke on his show for deeper insights.

Does COVID Virus Exist?

Why Humanity Is Waking Up Now! explains that COVID helped wake up a great many people, including some top doctors. However, once again, Icke shows that a deeper insight is needed to understand now how the COVID hoax (along with the climate hoax) is being used by the globalists to take over the world.

Shocking New Book: The Pfizer Papers reminds us that the COVID-19 virus was said to be from bats or was bioengineered in the Wuhan lab in China.

However, Icke says in Perceptions of a Renegade Mind that it makes most sense to assume that there is no COVID virus! He points out that to impose the unprecedented COVID policies, it was just necessary to terrify enough people into compliance — which was done in a variety of ways. The strategy was even coordinated during Event 201 in New York City in October 2019 months before the virus was announced to the world. How did the participants, including Bill Gates, know the “virus” was coming?

Doctors Show COVID-19 Doesn’t Exist explains that Broze interviewed Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Thomas Cowan on his 1/13/21 show Has COVID-19 Been Isolated? (video) Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Cowan explained that because SARS-CoV-2 (which is said to cause COVID-19) has not been isolated/purified, it has not been scientifically proven to exist. Therefore, it cannot be used in tests or in a vaccine.

Amazon banned Dr. Cowan’s 2020 book The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease which was a #1 Best Seller at Barnes & Noble until it stopped ranking it – which Dr. Cowan said was unprecedented. The Contagion Myth: The Book So Dangerous Amazon Had to Ban It discusses the banning of the book by Amazon. This explosive article explains why this revolutionary book poses such a threat to the COVID-19 mythology and to Big Pharma in general. Amazon Banned My Book! is a discussion with Dr. Cowan and his co-author Dr. Sally Fallon about the shocking causes of COVID!

In “Whatever Happened to Rigorous, Open, Scientific Discourse?”, Dr. Cowan wrote subscribers:

The central premise of “The Contagion Myth” is that, contrary to what we have been led to believe, no actual scientific evidence exists that any novel coronavirus exists. Science lays out clear, well-accepted and defined rules for how we determine that a new virus exists.  Researchers take a sample from a sick person, macerate, filter and centrifuge it until a pure virus is obtained. This virus is then examined under the electron microscope.

Who Controls The World?

Tulsi Gabbard and others may believe the Republican party is better than the Democrats party. However, Icke explains that both parties are controlled by what he calls “The Cult”. So, it’s essential to have a much deeper understanding now of who runs the world, how, and why.

Icke says the power of the “One Percent” will fall – but it won’t fall on its own. Icke points out that if we take our power back, eight billion people can’t be controlled by a tiny cabal. Icke’s goal is to save humanity now by waking up enough people to the true nature of our reality and what we can do.

Although he sees the alt media as “Mainstream Lite”, Icke credits it with waking people up. He explains,

The more uncensored information circulates, the more the system of control will fall because its whole foundation, its whole way of surviving, is to keep from its target population what it is doing, how it is doing it, and to what ultimate end.

In the video below, Icke says people began waking up in 2016. That’s when Donald Trump was elected US president and Brexit began. MEGA Conference Celebrates Nationalism! shows that Trump’s “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) slogan was adopted by European nations for the “Make Europe Great Again” (MEGA) conference on April 27-28 in Romania. The exit from the European Union now includes Brexit (Britain), Nexit (Netherlands), Frexit (France), TAlexit (Italy), and Auxit (Austria). Dr. Robert Malone gave the In Praise of Nationalism and the Diversity of Nations address.

David Icke on Free Speech & Who Controls the World

For More Information

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Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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