David Icke’s New Book “The Reveal”

By Neenah Payne

William Shakespeare had Hamlet tell us: “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy”.

The legendary British author David Icke has written over 20 books and has spoken to vast audiences in over 25 countries for several years. Icke was a footballer (soccer player) in his youth, a member of the Green Party, and worked in the BBC News. Icke was widely ridiculed when he started talking about so-called “conspiracy theories”. Now 30 years later, Icke speaks to massive sold-out audiences around the world. Icke models the courage he is calling on us to show in the face of the oppressive globalist agenda.

Icke explains that until the 1920s, mainstream science taught that the Milky Way was the only galaxyNow, science estimates there are 2 trillion galaxies! Icke has been expanding the concept of “reality” for 30 years with his books and talks. That includes our understanding of the financial, political, media, and educational systems as well as of who we are, why we are here, and what we must do. Icke is a Master Teacher whose time has finally come. There is perhaps no one else who has the insight to reveal what is really happening on Planet Earth and why – and how we must respond to save humanity.

David Icke/Brian Rose 10: August 23 Noon ET points out that Brian Rose, founder of London Real, began interviewing Icke in 2020 with Rose/Icke 1 which went viral. David Icke Discusses “The Reveal”: August 23 Noon ET shows that Rose interviewed Icke for the 10th time on August 23 to discuss Icke’s latest book The Reveal: The Next Stage of Human Awareness. London Real said: “Rose/Icke X: “The Reveal” promises to be the most important conversation yet.” That was an understatement.

Many people no longer rely on the corporate media and have turned to the Alt Media. However, Icke explains in The Reveal that most of the Alt Media has been taken over by globalists and is now the “Mainstream Alt Media”. Icke quotes Vladimir Lenin: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

Nevertheless, Icke obviously has a high regard for Activist Post which he quotes on pages 70, 73, and 92. He also asked Activist Post to review his latest book.

Why David Icke Was Banned From Europe For Two Years

Why Was David Icke Banned From 26 European Nations? shows that Icke was invited to be the featured speaker at the 11/5/22 peace rally “Together for the Netherlands”. However, far-left activist groups demanded that Icke be barred from entering the country. His son Gareth said the Dutch government banned Icke from the country (not just from the rally) for two years on the charge that he is a “Level 3 terrorist”.

Because the Netherlands are part of The Schengen area which consists of 25 other European nations, Icke was banned for two years from 26 countries in Europe as well as other countries — including the US and Australia — that follow the guidelines of The Schengen area! Icke had planned a tour throughout much of Europe for the Spring of 2023.

However, Icke gave his speech (shown in the video below) on a beach near his home. Gareth pointed out that because of the ban, more people probably saw Icke’s speech posted on his site than if he had attended the rally!

Icke spoke about the Dutch government trying to force farmers to sell their farms. That affects many nations because the Netherlands is the world’s second largest food exporter. Icke spoke about Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum as an expression of the global cult taking over the world now.

David Icke speech for Amsterdam peace rally that he was banned from 26 countries for trying to make (video)

The Renegade: The First Authorized Biography

Icke explains in the documentary below that The Project For The New American Century (PNAC) was written before the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. It called for wars on seven nations including Afghanistan and Libya, and said an attack on America equivalent to Pearl Harbor was needed to justify the wars.

The 9/11 attacks on the WTC were widely compared to the Pearl Harbor attack. 9/11 was used to justify the endless War on Terror which included an attack on Afghanistan and Libya. The wars have cost Americans $8 trillion and have killed more than 900,000 people. The fear was used to justify the Patriot Act which undermined the Fourth Amendment, and the TSA began invasive searches of airline passengers that leave many people feeling violated. The “Friendly Skies” were gone.

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have shown that the Twin Towers (and Building 7) could not have been brought down by planes or fires. Yet, most Americans still accept the official 9/11 story.

Trailer: NO NOT DOING IT – Short Clip for David Icke “Renegade”

RENEGADE” David Icke The Professional Conspiracy Theorist (video) 2/11/22

The first authorised documentary exploring the life of famed conspiracy theorist David Icke, the ‘mad man’ who has been proved right again and again.

Perceptions of a Renegade Mind

David Icke has been writing books for decades warning that current events were coming. He has faced ridicule and abuse for saying that the end of human freedom was being planned, how, and by whom.
His latest highly topical book, Perceptions of a Renegade Mind, is published in very different circumstances with vast numbers of people acknowledging that he has been vindicated by the happenings of the ‘Covid’ era. His predictions over more than 30 years have been proved stunningly accurate since the turn of 2020 often down to the fine detail.

Icke set out only in January 2021, to write a book to quickly bring enormous numbers of people worldwide up to speed and who can now see that something very strange is happening. But they ask, “what exactly?” “What is going on?” He answers those questions in his usual dot-connected detail and lays out the background to what he calls the ‘Global Cult’ which operates across borders to advance a long-planned agenda for total human control.

Those who read his section on ‘Covid’ will view events of 2020 and 2021 in a totally new light as he produces the evidence that humanity has been misled on a scale that defies belief. David Icke’s time has come, and Perceptions of a Renegade Mind is destined to be an international best seller that could not have been published at a more important and relevant time or with such a now receptive audience to what he has to say.

Perceptions of a Renegade Mind

Downfall of Legacy Media: Rise of Alt Media

Downfall of The Legacy Media  shows that Michael Benz, Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Technology at the US State Department from the Fall of 2020 to January 2021.

Benz explains that the legacy media were always controlled by the National Security State. However, that changed in 2016 with the election of Donald Trump as president and Brexit when the alt media began empowering nationalists. That threatened NATO, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, United Nations, and World Economic Forum.

Joe Rogan interviewed Maajid Nawaz on 2/20/22. Nawaz explained that the global takeover by the World Economic Forum was a wake-up call for millions of people who may not have heard of The Great Reset. Nawaz explained that the internet and cryptocurrencies are decentralizing information and money — and thus power. He says this is similar in the shift caused by the Gutenberg printing press. Nawaz said decentralization of the media is critical because whoever define truth defines reality and controls the world.

The globalists are losing control of the narrative and the money supply needed. Nawaz says, “So, it’s an internal civil war over truth and over information.” The conflict is not about Left or Right. It is about Centralization or Decentralization. He says humanity is facing a crossroads now — total centralization (slavery) or decentralization (freedom).

The Mainstream Alternative Media (MAM)

Icke’s September 2024 book The Reveal: The Next Stage of Human Awareness is the third in his trilogy which was preceded by his 2022 book The Trap and his 2023 book The Dream: The Extraordinary Revelation Of Who We Are And Where We Are.

David Icke Discusses “The Reveal”: August 23 Noon ET announced Icke’s 10th interview with Brian Rose of London Real. David Icke/Brian Rose 10: August 23 Noon ET shows that Icke explained that globalists use the following primary means to control the world’s 8 billion people:

  1. Control of Information
  2. Control of Money
  3. Control of Our Minds

Icke quotes Vladimir Lenin to explains how the globalists are handling the challenge by the Alt Media: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves. Icke shows that many politicians, podcast hosts, etc.) who appear to oppose globalization are either dupes or are complicit.

The Reveal: The Next Stage of Human Awareness provides a depth of insight into what’s really going on and why. The book discusses many of the icons of what Icke calls the “Mainstream Alternative Media”. He explains that Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, Russell Brand, James O’Keefe (Founder of Project Veritas), Candace Owens, Dan Bongino, Andrew Tate and Rumble are part of the “controlled opposition”. Icke also calls out Mark Zuckerberg, PayPal founder Peter Thiel, Mark Andreessen who founded Netscape, Bret Weinstein, and Eric Weinstein.

Elon Musk: Soft Sell For AI

Icke warns that Elon Musk has fooled many people – especially podcast hosts in the Mainstream Alternative Media – that he is a good guy because he apparently facilitated more free speech when he bought Twitter (now X).

However, Icke warns that Musk is the soft sell for AI to get people to trust the next steps which will ultimately be devastating for humanity. Icke explains that Elon Musk is part of the globalist Cult which plans direct control of our thinking by merging our brains with Artificial Intelligence. He says the “Smart Grid” with the Internet of Things will become the Internet of Everything – including the human mind.

Icke explains that if we take our power back, eight billion people can’t be controlled by a tiny cabal. Icke’s goal is to wake up enough people now to the true nature of our reality to save humanity.

David Icke Exposes the Mainstream Alternative Media, the Zionist Lobby, & Jesse Ventura (video)

Journalist Derrick Broze interviews Icke  on the hijacking of the independent media.

The Hidden Nature of Reality

The Reveal: The Next Stage of Human Awareness continues Icke’s discussion of the nature of reality which is so different from what we are taught in school, via the media, and through religions. Icke is issuing an urgent wake-up call for humanity to discover who we really are and to use our power to free ourselves from the trap – both on Earth and after we die so we don’t opt for reincarnation.

Waking up is especially urgent now as Artificial Intelligence threatens to imprison humanity in ways that may make escape impossible. The book is a very deep dive – mind-blowing for people who are not familiar with Icke’s work. Read The Dream: The Extraordinary Revelation of Who We Are and Where We Are and Perception of a Renegade Mind for a deeper understanding of who we are, the globalists’ plans, and what we need to do now.

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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