Documentary: First Do No Pharm!

By Neenah Payne

How Big Ag/Big Pharma Keep America Sick explains that American medicine excels in treating trauma. So, it you get hit by a car, are in a fire, fall off a ladder, or are shot, you can expect help at a hospital. However, American medicine is failing in chronic disease.

Americans spend an average of $12,555 per person on health care annually according to the Peterson-KFF Health Care Tracker. By comparison, typical health care spending across other developed nations is about $6,651, However, Americans are the sickest, fattest, unhealthiest population. The US ranks high in infant mortality and ranks low in life expectancy compared to other industrialized nations. This shows that the American approach to healthcare is not working.

Del Bigtree is the host of The Highwire which airs online Thursdays from 2-4 PM ET. He was an Emmy Award-winning producer of the TV show The Doctors which he left in 2016 to make the film Vaxxed: From Coverup To Catastrophe which went viral. The courageous British doctor Andrew Wakefield who directed the film lost his medical license for merely suggesting that there might be a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

When YouTube censored The Highwire, Del built a much larger studio where the show is funded by his viewers. The Highwire has an audience of over 30 million people in six countries now and continue to grow. The show collaborates with the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) and works with attorney Aaron Siri, Managing Partner of Siri & Glimstad LLP who has won a number of landmark cases. Shocking New Book: The Pfizer Papers shows that Siri succeeded in getting the FDA to release the Pfizer clinical trial data for the COVID shots in 2022 rather than in 2097 as planned!

Decades of Big Pharma Fraud

The Hippocratic Oath obligates doctors to “First do no harm”. However, now many doctors do not abide by that oath or even take it. They may believe misleading information provided by drug companies, the government, and/or medical journals or they are pressured to conform to “the consensus”.

Del interviewed Dr. Aseem Mulholtra to discuss his shocking new film which should be seen by everyone who wants to understand what’s really going on with our health now and why. The film exposes the massive corruption throughout the Western medical system and explains that we need to focus on lifestyle choices rather than relying so heavily on drugs.


World-renowned Cardiologist, Aseem Malhotra, discusses the new documentary he co-produced, “First! Do No Pharm,” which examines the vast amount of fraud in medical research designed to benefit big pharma. Esteemed members of the medical community detail the systematic corruption from self regulated studies to political capture to financial control over mainstream media.

Dr. Mulholtra’s eye-opening new film First Do No Pharm is available at for $9.99 to view for 72 hours or for $19.99 as a download. Get the download and share the film widely with family and friends. Big Pharma has literally been getting away with murder for decades. This film can help wake people up and turn the tide for healthier options.


How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care

Dr. John Abramson who appears in Dr. Mulhotra’s film serves on the clinical faculty of Harvard Medical School where he teaches public health policy. He was an expert witness in the first major pharmaceutical fraud scandal when Merck falsified their own research to bring Vioxx onto the market in 1999. Vioxx killed an estimated 55,000 Americans before it was pulled in 2004.

Dr. Abramson has served as a family physician for 22 years. He was twice voted “best doctor” in his area by readers of the local newspapers and three times selected by his peers as one of a handful of best family practitioners in Massachusetts. He has been on the faculty at Harvard Medical School for 16 years where he has taught primary care and currently teaches health care policy.

He currently consults as an expert in litigation involving the pharmaceutical industry and has served as an unpaid consultant to the FBI and Department of Justice. Dr. Abramson has appeared on more than 65 national television shows including two appearances on the Today Show and more recently on the Dr. Oz Show. He was written op-ed pieces in the New York Times, LA Times, and others..

Joe Rogan Experience #1756 – John Abramson 6/27/22

John Abramson, MD, is a Harvard Medical School Lecturer, national drug litigation expert, and author. His new book is “Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It”.

Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It

The inside story of how Big Pharma’s relentless pursuit of ever-higher profits corrupts medical knowledge—misleading doctors, misdirecting American health care, and harming our health.

The United States spends an excess $1.5 trillion annually on health care compared to other wealthy countries—yet the amount of time that Americans live in good health ranks a lowly 68th in the world. At the heart of the problem is Big Pharma, which funds most clinical trials and therefore controls the research agenda, withholds the real data from those trials as corporate secrets, and shapes most of the information relied upon by health care professionals.

In this no-holds-barred exposé, Dr. John Abramson—one of the foremost experts on the drug industry’s deceptive tactics—combines patient stories with what he learned during many years of serving as an expert in national drug litigation to reveal the tangled web of financial interests at the heart of the dysfunction in our health-care system.

For example, one of pharma’s best-kept secrets is that the peer reviewers charged with ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the clinical trial reports published in medical journals do not even have access to complete data and must rely on manufacturer-influenced summaries. Likewise for the experts who write the clinical practice guidelines that define our standards of care.

The result of years of research and privileged access to the inner workings of the U.S. medical-industrial complex, Sickening shines a light on the dark underbelly of American health care—and presents a path toward genuine reform.

Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine

Overdosed America reveals the greed and corruption that drive health care costs skyward and now threaten the public health. Before you see a doctor, you should read this book.” —Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation

Using the examples of Vioxx, Celebrex, cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, and anti-depressants, Overdosed America shows that at the heart of the current crisis in American medicine lies the commercialization of medical knowledge itself

For twenty years, John Abramson, M.D., cared for patients of all ages in a small town north of Boston. But increasingly his role as family doctor was undermined as pressure mounted to use the latest drugs and high-tech solutions for nearly every problem. Drawing on his background in statistics and health policy research, he began to investigate the radical changes that were quietly taking place in American medicine.

At the heart of the crisis, he found, lies the changed purpose of medical knowledge—from seeking to optimize health to searching for the greatest profits. The lack of transparency that has become normal in commercially sponsored medical research now taints the scientific evidence published in even our most prestigious medical journals. And unlike the recent scandals in other industries that robbed Americans of money and jobs, this one is undermining our health.

Commercial distortion pervades the information that doctors rely upon to guide the prevention and treatment of common health problems, from heart disease to stroke, osteoporosis, diabetes, and osteoarthritis. The good news, as Dr. Abramson explains, is that the real scientific evidence shows that many of the things that you can do to protect and preserve your own health are far more effective than what the drug companies’ top-selling products can do for you—which is why the drug companies work so hard to keep this information under wraps.

In what is sure to be one of the most important and eye-opening books you or your doctor will ever read, John Abramson offers conclusive evidence that American medicine has broken its promise to best improve our health and is squandering more than $500 billion each year in the process.

Covid Wake-up Call

Shocking New Book: The Pfizer Papers shows the FDA tried to hide the data from the Pfizer trials for 75 years but was forced by a lawsuit to release it all in 2022. Game-Changing Tucker Carlson Interview! shows that the COVID shots may have caused 17 million deaths, the death toll of a global war, and injured many more people.

Downfall of The Legacy Media points out that the corporate media is dying and many people shifted to Alt Media sites in the last couple of years to get more reliable news.

David Icke’s New Book “The Reveal” explains that the legendary British author David Icke reveals that the it is more likely that the Covid virus does not exist. The article shows that two prominent MDs confirmed that view in 2022. All that was needed was to frighten enough people into believing that the virus exists and was a deadly threat to everyone– which was done in a variety of ways. Icke explains that part of the larger agenda of the Covid shots is to transition people into transhumanism.

Icke’s Perceptions of a Renegade Mind provides a deeper understanding of who we are, the globalists’ plans, and what we need to do now for humanity to survive.

For More Information

Was COVID A Global Military Coup?
COVID Policies: Genocide By Protocol
Will COVID Shots Kill Tens of Millions?
Shocking Real Reasons For COVID Shot!
How Big Ag/Big Pharma Keep America Sick
Dr. Joseph Ladapo: End COVID Shots Now!
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Genocide!
COVID-19: Western Depopulation Agenda?
Ed Dowd Reports on 2023 Disability Pandemic
How COVID Shots Pose National Security Issues
Sen. Ron Johnson: What Is COVID Cartel Hiding?
Documentary: How Hospitals Are Making A Killing
Excess Mortality Just Got Worse: Alarming New Data!
Why Are Young Americans Dying At Staggering Rates?
Documentary: How Rockefeller Destroyed US Healthcare
Dr. Paul Alexander’s Bombshell Book About COVID Policies
COVID Polices: Biggest Crime Against Humanity Since WWII

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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