Smart Meter Science: If It’s a Digital/Electronic Meter, It’s a Problem

By Patricia Burke

Please don’t walk up to your electricity meter – take a picture from a distance if needed. Unless a meter reader has been coming to your house over the years, it’s an electronic meter.*

*or it may be sending signals over the wires (Unitil). Both present problems.

Audible Meter transmissions begin at 15 seconds, posted in 2016, an older-style radiating AMR/ERT meter filmed in New York

Watch the video first before reading about your meter.

Some of the historical data on the internet about smart meters shows individuals locking their meters or gates and refusing an AMI. This is only helpful if your meter is an analog.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT SMART METERS: DO NOT GO RIGHT UP TO ANY UTILITY METER TO TRY TO IDENTIFY IT! To identify a utility meter at your property, stand at least 20 feet away and take a picture of it. Stay away from the meters and instead use the photograph to identify the meter. At this time, the only known safe meter is an analog meter. If it is digital, it is most likely problematic. BACKGROUND: Since the mid-2000s, many utility companies in the US have been removing mechanical analog utility meters and replacing them with digital utility meters, also known as AMR, ERT, PLC, AMI, Smart, non-transmitting digital, etc. Utilities have been doing this without permission from utility consumers and with no proper testing for radiofrequency microwave (RF/MW) radiation emissions or electrical fire safety, with an assumption of safety. Customers were never notified of the health, safety, privacy or security risks associated with digital meters.

Please Don’t Stand in Front of Your Meter

Here we clarified that there is no official pre-market health safety testing or actionable data about injuries associated with new ‘data-collecting’ electricity meters. ‘Citizen scientists” and independent researchers (not financed by governments or industry) provided information that can guide effective decision-making and needs to be viewed accordingly.

Here information was provided about the move away from analog to the use of electronic electricity meter installations, with a guide to a description of the different types of meters. (We introduced health issues, but there are also concerns with planned obsolescence and green washing, cost, security, privacy, hacking, and fires).

Now, we visit 3 issues:

  1. If you are researching your meter, please don’t go up to it and/or spend a lot of time looking for the FCC ID number.
  2. If a meter reader has not been coming to your house, you have a transmitting meter or a meter that sends data over the wires. If your area is installing new wireless meters, you do not want to fight to keep your meter, because your meter is probably not an analog.
  3. You do not want an RF meter with the radio off as it does not correct the issues with the electrical contamination of the grid and your living space. (see extra credit at bottom of email for more info).
  4. Also, in some areas, the ‘opt out’ electronic electric meter has been found to have defaulted to transmit again because it can be controlled remotely. If you are allowed to opt out, with or without a fee, you want an analog, non-transmitting meter with no antennas and no electronic components.
  5. At the end of the email, we note corrections/clarifications to earlier posts, including English translations from Einer’s resource list. Substack easily enables edits, and this allows us to make corrections so that when the same link is shared later, it is as accurate as possible. Thanks for being along for the ride.

Massachusetts: “Meters were already transmitting thousands of times per day and night”…

Continue Reading at Patricia’s Substack and Subscribe!

Also see:

Welcome to Smart Meter Science – by Patricia Burke

What is AMR/AMI/Analog and What is All the Fuss About an Electric Meter?

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