Will Free Speech Survive Now?

By Neenah Payne

Rescue The Republic: Livestream 9/29 at Noon! points out that the NY Times article The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous? said on 8/31/24: “One of the biggest threats to America’s politics might be the country’s founding document.”

Rogan scorches NYT piece calling the Constitution a ‘dangerous’ threat: ‘What the f— are you talking about?’ shows that Joe Rogan discussed the article with Dr. Brett Weinstein in his podcast Joe Rogan Experience #2198 Bret Weinstein on 9/4/24.

Dr. Weinstein pointed out:

The First Amendment is already in TREMENDOUS peril. We’ve got Brazil turning off X and threatening to ruin in anybody who uses a VPN to circumvent their block. You’ve got Pavel Durov (owner of Telegram) effectively taken hostage in France. You have people in Britain being arrested for speaking freely.

The US is in someways the last holdout because our First Amendment is spelled out in very clear terms and it’s difficult to get around it….You and I lived through a time of terrible censorship – but it had to be cryptic. You showed The New Yorks experimenting with how to phrase the argument for unhooking the Constitution so that people would get used to the idea that that was being done FOR them….

Here’s the frightening part….that First Amendment is where it is for a reason. It is THE fundamental right to all of these….. So, I am concerned that we can hear our civil liberties creaking. You can hear that document threatening to give away. You can hear the enemies experimenting with explaining why they’re really the ones who are looking out for your best interests.

Free Speech Under Growing Attack

Julian Assange’s First Public Appearance Since Release From Prison points out that on October 1, Julian Assange, Australian founder of Wikileaks, spoke publicly for the first time in over five years in an address to a committee hearing of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), reaffirming the dangers his prosecution posed for journalism and press freedom. The article shows that Assange said that free speech is the issue of this generation as Civil Rights were for the 1950s.

Del Bigtree, host of The Highwire which airs online Thursdays from 2-4 PM discussed the growing attacks on free speech on his show on 10/3/24.

Free Speech Under Attack (video)

This week, former Secretary of State John Kerry declared his disdain for the First Amendment when it comes to social media and ‘disinformation’ at a World Economic Forum meeting. He’s just one of the prominent politicians, journalists and world leaders who are trying to stifle free speech including The Atlantic, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Hillary Clinton, under the guise of protecting the people from misinformation.

Neil Oliver: WATCH How The Elites Are EXPOSING Themselves For Who They Really Are (video)

Neil Oliver explores the increasing tension between freedom of speech and the powerful elites who aim to control the narrative. From social media censorship to state secrets, Oliver dives deep into the challenges democracies face in an era where self-selected information is deemed a threat. Watch as he unpacks the impact of censorship on free expression and the alarming influence of state control.

Shift From Legacy Media To Alt Media

Why is free speech suddenly under such growing attack worldwide? Before the age of the internet, most people got their news from newspapers, magazines, TV, and radio. Americans trusted publications like The New York Times and Washington Post as well as shows like Meet the Press and Face the Nation.

However, in the 21st century, people have many more options including popular podcasts like those of Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan as well as social media and other platforms. COVID led more Americans to distrust the mainstream media.

Downfall of The Legacy Media shows that The Collapse of the Mainstream Media (Part 1) Russiagate explains,

The dinosaurs are dying. Investigative journalism….is disappearing. The Washington Post and CNN are cutting hundreds of jobs. Condé Nast, owner of The New Yorker and Vogue, is laying off 5% of its workforce…. The Los Angeles Times is poised to eliminate 20% of its employees. Sports Illustrated just fired its entire staff. And Vice Media, once much hyped, declared bankruptcy last year and last month laid off 100 reporters.

According to Pew Research, both print media and digital circulation are significantly down across the industry. The American mainstream media is in a state of free fall.

The Collapse of the Mainstream Media (Part 2) 2020 Election explains “How a freefall of public trust in the face of spin and censorship has led to the rise of new and independent media. It will investigate how Russiagate, the 2020 presidential election, and COVID specifically have eroded trust in legacy media and then analyze the growth of other sources”.

The Collapse of Mainstream Media (Part 3) COVID-19 The legacy media also lost trust because it has failed to report accurately on the Biden laptop, January 6, the southern border, and the massive number of injuries and deaths caused by the COVID shots.

Growing Nationalism In The West

MEGA Conference Celebrates Nationalism! shows that Trump’s “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) slogan was adopted by European nations for the “Make Europe Great Again” (MEGA) conference on April 27-28 in Romania. The exit from the European Union now includes Brexit (Britain), Nexit (Netherlands), Frexit (France), TAlexit (Italy), and Auxit (Austria). The Growing Revolution Against Globalists shows that nationalists have been winning across Europe as well as in Argentina.

The 2024 Global Elections Super Cycle points out that national elections are being held in 52 countries this year. The information voters get will determine the outcome. Google’s Threat To Elections Worldwide explains how Google’s manipulation of information can determine election outcomes – and thus help control the world.

The Ultimate Election Year: All the Elections Around the World in 2024 reports,

2024 is not just an election year. It’s perhaps the election year. Globally, more voters than ever in history will head to the polls as at least 64 countries (plus the European Union)—representing a combined population of about 49% of the people in the world—are meant to hold national elections, the results of which, for many, will prove consequential for years to come.

How this year of elections is set to reshape global politics explains,

Almost half of the world’s population will vote in national elections in 2024. Here’s what we’ve learned so far. Elections are taking place this year in countries home to almost half of the world’s population, from Taiwan’s general election in January to the U.S. presidential race in November.

Deep State’s Plan To End Free Speech

Michael Benz, Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Technology at the US State Department from the Fall of 2020 to January 2021. The Chilling Reality of Modern Censorship in the U.S. with Mike Benz. The World According to Mike Benz.

Benz explains that the National Security State always controlled the legacy media. However, they lost control of the public narrative in 2016 when the alt media empowered nationalists. That led to the election of Donald Trump as the US president and to Brexit. Nationalism threatens NATO, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, United Nations, and World Economic Forum.

In the video below, Benz explains the close collaboration between the US government and US corporations — the definition Mussolini gave for fascism. He points out that the nationalism of Trump’s “Make America First Again” is a threat to the interests of multi-national corporations that control the American government and media. This is why the globalists are so opposed to nationalist leaders.

Mike Benz: The Deep State’s Step-by-Step Plan to End Free Speech

Mike Benz joins Tucker to discuss Zuckerberg’s confession about Big Tech censorship, the arrest of Pavel Durov, and how to save free speech.

Historic Power Shift Now: Centralization vs Decentralization

Joe Rogan interviewed Maajid Nawaz on 2/20/22. Nawaz explained that the plans of the World Economic Forum for The Great Reset was a wake-up call to humanity and millions of people who may not have heard of the WEF suddenly got interested.

This is a 2-minute preview of the show: Watch Joe Rogan Get Red Pilled On The WEF, Klaus Schwab, and Digital ID’s aka The Great Reset “WATCH — Maajid Nawaz explains that people in power shut down debate to create a void where reason, logic, and truth no longer exist, but where power can define reality.” For a 15-minute snip of the show, watch: The Great Reset | Maajid Nawaz BLOWS Joe Rogan’s Mind Explaining Klaus Schwab’s Agenda.

WTF?? Great Reset Total Global Control Plan Exposed on Joe Rogan? (video) 2/22/22

At 2:15 in the 3-hour show Joe Rogan Left Speechless on WEF infiltrating Governments, The Great Reset Is Now Out In the Open, Nawaz explained that we are in a pivotal moment in history because of the ways in which the internet and cryptocurrencies are decentralizing information and money — and thus power.

Nawaz explains that this is similar in the shift in power caused by the Gutenberg printing press. Nawaz said decentralization of the media is causing a critical shift because whoever define “truth” defines reality. Whoever defines the story controls minds and thus the world.

The globalists are losing control of the narrative through the alt media and the money supply through crypto currencies needed to retain power. Nawaz says, “So, it’s an internal civil war over truth and over information.” The conflict is not about Left or Right. It is about Centralization or Decentralization. He says humanity is facing a crossroads now — total centralization (slavery) or decentralization (freedom).

Globalization is the West’s new attempt to control the world. With its focus on transhumanism that the World Economic Forum promotes, globalization is a threat not just to nations, but to our humanity. It is proposing total slavery. Israeli author Yuval Harari, featured at WEF meetings, says Humans are hackable animals, We can manipulate, control and even replace people.

Importance of Free Speech

Is Freedom of Expression Dangerous? No, Study Finds More Expression Helps Us Handle Conflict

Free speech scholars and advocates have written about the general decline in freedom of expression that has occurred over the past two decades. Despite great technological advances that make communicating immensely easier—social media, encrypted communications, and ubiquitous computers and cell phones—many governmental policies and public opinion around the world have soured on the importance of expression.

In this recession of free speech, the Future of Free Speech project, a collaborative venture between the Justitia think tank and Vanderbilt University, has released a report that examines the importance of free speech as a “safety valve” to prevent social conflict.

For More Information

Constitution Day Celebration: 9/18-9/19
When Free Speech Dies, The Killing Begins
The Growing Revolution Against Globalists
Speakers Challenge World Economic Forum’s Globalist Agenda
Mike Benz: AI Censorship, 2024 Elections, & The Future of Democracy
No Warning, No Explanation: YouTube Bans Political Commentator Tayler Hansen
Everything You Need to Know about the Government’s Mass Censorship Campaign
Hillary Clinton Advocates for Criminal Charges for Americans Spreading “Propaganda”
Mark Zuckerberg’s Confession: Pressure for Censorship and the Hunter Biden Laptop Case
Bill Gates Laments First Amendment Strength on “Misinformation,” Advocates For Digital ID
Hillary Clinton Calls for Stricter Online Censorship as Establishment Fears Losing “Total Control”

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

Top image credit: Learn Liberty

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