Etienne de la Boetie2 – Weapons Against Evil – The Scam of “Government” Revealed for All to See

By Etienne de la Boetie2

Even though my speech to Liberty on the Rocks 2023 – The Sedona Sessions was my best presentation ever, we have kept it under wraps until today to help promote Liberty on the Rocks – 2024 – The Voluntaryism Conference (be sure to use code AP5 for a 5% discount) that kicks off on Nov 1st-3rd in Sedona and streaming globally on Saturday, Nov 2nd from 9:00 AM PST – 5:00 PM PST.

Ernest Hancock’s Introduction

“It’s a long story, but I had him on my show years ago. And he was inspired by a guest that I had right before him and what they were doing. It was information thing. I’m always about information sharing. What he was doing is he was taking USB drives that were used and he just throw them away or cheap or whatever at, you know, functions. And he was putting movies and stuff on them in South Korea. And they were just dumping them in North Korea because in North Korea, they had devices that they could, you know, do a USB as the only way they could get media and stuff. So it was indoctrinating, westernizing, exposing North Koreans to like South Korean and their, you know, almost understand language, I guess, you know, they’re a little bit different. And they’re like, whoa, what the crap? And it was an interesting conversation that sparked ideas with Etienne. And he’s going, wow, that was awesome.

Weapons Against Evil – “Government”- The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! – The book designed to wake up your friends, neighbors and colleagues by leveraging the way people learn, and The Liberator – The 64GB credit card-sized flash drive backing up the book.

Then I see him at Anarchapulco, kind of took that along with his book and did all that. Then it turned into The Liberator, all this information that you get with his book. I would take the books home and I’d put them in our guest room. And they always wound out on the coffee table. The guests would usually come out and they had been, you know, reading this book. Then it wound up in, you know, in the bathroom. So then it gets, you know, ear torn. And you have, I mean, it was just a visual representation of what’s really going on, which has a lot of impact, especially on the youth, which is why he did it initially.

So as we have Etienne come on and talk about this, other people are inspired around the country, around the world. They start doing more and more books. They start pre-ordering. They start making use of it in the schools. This has been a good example of somebody, a concerned father, a concerned American, that wanted to have an impact on his community, that wanted people to know and see and understand and internalize what he saw. Would they respond to it? Yes, they did.

So now he’s in Sedona, he spends his time, you know, here and around the country and probably, you know, summer might, you know, not as much, you know, but he’s found a home here and he’s been introducing me to a lot of you guys over the years. And it’s been a very interesting experience. People that are of the freedom oriented mindset already going inside and what’s important to their individual pursuit of happiness, There’s something in the way. Oftentimes there’s a cloud. There’s a, there’s a specter. There’s an apparition. There’s something out here that’s suppressing this enlightenment that’s exploding all over the world.

And I’ve seen it progress from the time that the internet started. Then it went broadband. Then you got satellite communications. Then you got the ability to edit and make your own feature length freaking movie. We’ll get in with Larken. That is a time that humanity will rise up against a small percentage of no empathy, sociopaths, psychopaths, scumbags that he has been able to articulate to an entire generation of youth that normally would not, they sure as heck aren’t teaching this in school, but to be able graphically and visually understand just how bad it is.

Humanity will eventually act in what it perceives to be its own self-interest. It always has, no matter how bad it gets. Right when it’s darkest before the dawn, there is a spark. And my only concern over the decades I’ve been doing this has been the only way that they could suppress humanity, keep it down and not oppose the evil is if they physically change us: fluoride, vaccines, aerosols, GMO foods. They have to take that spark that makes us human and will always rise up against this inevitable threat of Satan, evil, bad.

I just call them pointy horn, pointy teeth, blood dripping, pointy tail people. That’s how I explained it to my kids in the ’90s. Well, who’s this guy? They’re just pointy, pointy tail people, man. I mean, I, you know, how else do you tell a 12 year old? They’re evil. There is evil in this because there’s a lack of compassion and empathy that is represented by Christ or other religions. That compassion, that love that you benefit from, that you seek, that you work on for yourself is in opposition to they, them, those that will use whatever evil and bad and fear to get you to do whatever. At the end has tapped into that and he’s created an awareness and a tool for all of us to use. And I’m hoping he has some more for us: weapons against evil….

Etienne de la Boetie2 – Founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation

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