Rally In Geneva June 1 To Oppose WHO Pandemic Treaty

By Neenah Payne

Warning: W.H.O Global Coup in May! explains that the vote on the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty and changes to the IHR Regulations will take place in Geneva May 27-June 1.  Until now, the WHO has been an advisory organization. If approved, these changes will make WHO edicts compulsory – overriding national sovereignty and, in effect, installing a world government run by unelected bureaucrats. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is the first WHO Director General who is not a medical doctor. Tedros was a Board Member of GAVI, a Bill Gates organization.

Since Bill Gates’ organizations are the second largest funders of the WHO, Gates can dictate global health policies –- as he did during COVID. Although Gates is not a doctor (didn’t even graduate from college) and was not elected or appointed by anyone, he told us in 2020 that we couldn’t go back to normal until almost all 7.5 billion people got the rushed, expensive COVID shot. Gates now admits the COVID shots don’t prevent infection. He has not acknowledged that they also aren’t safe despite the “safe and effective” mantra used to mandate the shots.

Live Coverage of WHO Meetings May 27

Dr. Meryl Nass is the founder of Door to Freedom which will cover the WHO meetings live May 27 starting at 2PM EST. The site shows that 24 US governors signed a letter against the WHO treaties and 22 US state Attorneys General oppose the treaties. Dr. Nass points out that eleven nations (Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Eritrea, Islamic Republic of Iran, Nicaragua, Russian Federation, Syrian Arab Republic, Venezuela, Zimbabwe) informed the UN General Assembly that they will not go along with the UN’s support of the WHO Pandemic Preparedness.

The Netherlands lower house of Parliament has instructed the Netherlands government to delay the WHO votes or vote “No”. Slovakia said it will not sign current drafts of either document. Croatia’s new majority party is against the WHO’s Pandemic Preparedness Plan. Italy’s Senator Borghi said Italy will vote “No” on the treaty and there are 10 more months in which to reject the IHR Amendments.

The WHO’s Relentless Power Grab

It’s Not Over: The WHO’s Relentless Power Grab (video) 5/25/24

The world watches and waits, as delegates from represented nations gather at the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland to decide the fate of the universe through global health governance. But a growing number of the human population refuse to simply sit idly and concede to disagreeable protocols — in Japan, Germany, Slovakia, the United States, and beyond.

‘Good Morning CHD’ co-hosts, Meryl Nass and James Corbett, return to CHD.TV for a pertinent presentation — a final warning — of the important points related to this May 2024 meeting and its implications for people, everywhere.

8 Leaders Shot/Killed After Opposing WHO/COVID Policies

Dr. Nass explains that on May 10, Slovakian: Prime Minister Robert Fico came out against the WHO Pandemic Treaty. About 10 days later, Tedros visited Slovakia to ask Fico not to “break the consensus”. Five days later, Fico was shot in the abdomen and is now in critical condition! It was the first assassination attempt on a European leader in 20 years. See Slovakia’s new government led by populist Robert Fico wins a mandatory confidence vote.

The President and Foreign Minister of Iran were killed in a helicopter crash in bad weather on May 20. Iran was one of the nations that signed the letter saying it did not support the WHO Pandemic Treaty. Dr. Nass says Iranians believe the President and Foreign Minister were murdered. James Corbett points out that Tanzanian President John Magufuli died of a heart attack at age 61 about a year after exposing the fraudulent PCR tests.

Reuters said in 2021 No Evidence Five Leaders Were Killed For Opposing COVID Policies:

Following the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise on July 7, a new meme circulating on social media presents the unfounded claim that he and four other leaders, who also died while in office, were killed for opposing COVID-19 vaccines….. The meme ( here , here ) includes the photos of five leaders: Jovenel Moise of Haiti, John Magufuli of Tanzania, Hamed Bakayoko of Ivory Coast, Ambrose Dlamini of eSwatini, and Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi.

The Road To Geneva: Global Call For Freedom

The video below shows that “The Road To Geneva: Global Call For Freedom” is a worldwide movement gathering in Geneva May 31-June 1 to protest the WHO Pandemic Treaty. The rally is being organized by British journalist Dan Astin-Gregory, Founder and CEO at Unstoppable Media Limited.

Say NO to the WHO! Join the Road to Geneva with Dan Astin-Gregory (video) 5/2/24

Derrick Broze talks with activist and indie journalist Dan Astin-Gregory about his latest effort to stop the WHO Pandemic Agreement with The Road to Geneva Caravan! Join Dan and other freedom lovers as they travel to Geneva, Switzerland to protest the WHO treaty and declare their sovereignty.

Join the Caravan: https://www.roadtogeneva.com

Free Humanity: https://www.freehumanity.org/

Live Coverage of Rally Saturday June 1

The video below shows that The Highwire will broadcast live coverage  of The Road To Geneva rally starting at 6:30 AM CST on Saturday, June 1. This is an historic moment when humanity is standing up to the globalists!


Swiss Attorney, Philipp Kruse, Esq., joins Del with critical details about the upcoming WHO meetings in Geneva to solidify the dangerous Pandemic Agreement in the wake of their massive failure in the responses to COVID. Hear how you can be a part of the resistance at the upcoming ‘Road to Geneva’ convoy to the United Nations HQ which you can watch live on The HighWire.

For More Information

Bill Gates’ Growing Global Tyranny
Global Coup By WHO and Bill Gates?
The Growing Revolution Against Globalists
Najadi: Evict/Arrest Globalists In Switzerland!
WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Enslave Humanity!
Speakers Challenge World Economic Forum’s Globalist Agenda

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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