Deep Dive with Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs

By Maryam Henein

I’ve been wanting to interview Corey Lynn for a while. I’ve been listening to her on her podcast Dig It since March 2020. She and The Sharp Edge were voices of reason. and I have bittersweet memories of listening to them while walking on a barren beach in Costa Rica under lockdown. Today, I am honored to call her a friend.

As someone who gets deep into the weeds, I am so grateful and in awe of her hard work and eye for detail. Not many can hold the macro and the micro and also write about it. Kudos to the few of us out there who are writers and reporters.

I learned so much during our conversation so I invite you to tune in this Friday, October 24th at noon EST on Truth Lives Here!


We break down two of her reports 1. Space: The New Frontier For the Central Control Grid, and 2. Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework

If you’ve ever wondered why Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are above the law, it’s because they are.

“They do not operate above the law, they operate entirely outside of the law,” writes Corey in her report. She proves that indeed they are. It’s called the International Organizations Immunities Act (IOIA) of December 29, 1945. Have you ever heard of it?

Join us on Truth Lives Here! And please share. It DOES make a difference in this post-truth censored world.

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