Are Deep State Denizens Brennan & Clapper In Deep Doo-Doo?

Op-Ed by Catherine J. Frompovich

Over several years there has been “off again—on again” talk about the “Deep State” and “Shadow Government.”  Very few Americans probably don’t know about such “features” of the apparent ‘triumvirate’ [the position of being one of three who exercise power or authority (Encarta Dictionary online)], which actually govern and/or manipulate geopolitics of the USA, military incursions, and design homeland fear campaigns for control.

If Americans knew, I think there would be a totally different opinion by the majority of the citizens, not as ‘street’ politics exist now, i.e., the determination for establishing a Socialist state in the USA.

My readers may remember my writing about CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou with whom I corresponded and wrote about while he was in prison, sent there by the Obama administration.  Well, John has been out of prison and involved in discussing what has gone on in his life as a CIA employee and whistleblower.  Here’s an interview with whistleblowers Kevin Shipp, Bill Binney and John Kiriakou.

2 hours 13 minutes

Recently John Kiriakou wrote an Op-Ed piece wherein he called for John Brennan and James Clapper not to be allowed to ‘escape’ prosecution for their apparent crimes.

The Hill online reported “Falsehood shames Clapper, Brennan and pledge to protect whistleblowers.”

It turns out that entire pledge was false and disingenuous. And it took us four years and a new presidential administration to get the truth.

Just four months before Clapper penned that letter, the CIA intercepted one or more whistleblowers’ disclosures, legally submitted and intended to go to Congress through the Intelligence Community’s official whistleblowing office.

And the intercepts were briefed to CIA leadership, contrary to Clapper’s assurance.

The disclosure was contained in two memos declassified this past week from the Intelligence Community’s inspector general.


“The fact that the CIA under the Obama administration was reading Congressional staff’s emails about intelligence community whistleblowers raises serious policy concerns as well as potential Constitutional separation-of-powers issues that must be discussed publicly,” Grassley said in a statement sent to me Friday. “I have been asking the same question for years: what sources or methods would be jeopardized by the declassification of these notifications? After four and a half years of bureaucratic foot-dragging, led by Directors Brennan and Clapper, we finally have the answer: none.”

Now, let’s consider what Kiriakou has to say in his Op-Ed.

Grassley had had his requests to declassify the documents ignored repeatedly throughout the last two years of the Obama administration. He decided to try again because all of the Obama people at the CIA and DNI are gone now. This time, his request was approved.

So what was the information that was finally declassified? It was written confirmation that John Brennan ordered CIA hackers to intercept the emails of all potential or possible intelligence community whistleblowers who may have been trying to contact the Congressional oversight committees, specifically to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Judiciary Committee.”  [What?]

Simply put, Brennan ordered his people to hack into the Senate email systemagain. Grassley is the longtime chairman of Judiciary Committee, and he was understandably appalled.


“Grassley went through the proper channels. And even though Brennan and Clapper essentially gave him the middle finger, he didn’t say anything until the documents were finally declassified.” 

First, it’s my own opinion that John Brennan belongs in prison. He has flouted U.S. national security laws with impunity for years. That’s unacceptable. In these declassified notifications, he’s confessing to hacking into the Senate’s computer system. That’s a violation of a whole host of laws, from illegal use of a government computer to wire fraud to espionage. There ought to be a price to pay for it, especially in light of the fact that Brennan was the leading force behind the prosecutions of eight national security whistleblowers during the Obama administration, almost three times the number of whistleblowers charged under the Espionage Act by all previous presidents combined.

[Will Brennan get the same type of ‘justice’ Hillary Clinton received to date – Nada, Zilch – for breaking the law as Secretary of State.  Will Robert Mueller receive justice, too, for his role in Uranium One?]

Second, it’s a crime, a felony, to overclassify government information. Most Americans have no idea that that’s the case. Of course, nobody has ever been charged with it. But it’s a serious problem, and it’s antithetical to transparency. The CIA Inspector General said of the notifications, “I could see no reason to withhold declassification of these documents. They contained no information that could be construed as sources and methods.” That’s an admission that the notifications were improperly classified in the first place.

[Oh the ‘games’ the Obama administration played and even got away with, but Americans don’t know about thanks to the controlled press owned by six corporations.  As a result, progressives are acting like chickens with their heads cut off running around demonstrating to prevent fascism in the USA at the hands of President Trump, when, in reality, they don’t understand who really were responsible for implementing those very fascist seeds at Deep State levels.]

John Kiriakou sums it up with this:

Grassley went so far as to call out Brennan and Clapper by name.  “What sources or methods would be jeopardized by the declassification of these notifications? After four-and-a-half years of bureaucratic foot-dragging, led by Brennan and Clapper, we finally have the answer: None.”

So why weren’t they declassified four years ago? Remember, it’s illegal to classify a crime. And it’s illegal to classify something solely for the purpose of preventing embarrassment to the CIA. Yet those were the very reasons for classifying the documents in the first place. It was because Brennan and Clapper think they’re somehow special cases. (Recall that it was Clapper who lied directly to the Senate Intelligence Committee about intercepting the communications of American citizens. He also did that with impunity.)

Brennan and Clapper think the law doesn’t apply to them. But it does. Without the rule of law, we have chaos in our country. The law has to apply equally to all Americans. Brennan and Clapper need to learn that lesson the hard way. They broke the law. They ought to be prosecuted for it.

John, not only Brennan and Clapper, but all the swamp critters who are involved in various criminal activities, including pedophilia, child trafficking, and the overthrow of the legitimate U.S. government to comply with the UN’s globalist agenda, must be ferreted out and prosecuted—no matter who they are or what high office they occupied in the Washington, DC swamp.

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich is now available

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