New Smartphone Uses Mostly Recycled Material, Avoids Conflict Materials, Promotes Good Working Conditions

By B.N. Frank

For those who want smartphones but are concerned about environmental impact and safe working conditions for employees, Fairphone seems to be the way to go:

Modern smartphone production is notoriously bad for the environment and many of the people who work along the supply chain. In 2013, Fairphone set out to change that with a phone that uses recycled raw materials instead of conflict minerals wherever possible. It is produced in factories with good working conditions and can easily be repaired to assure a longer lifespan than conventional smartphones.

E-Waste is an increasing problem and it’s being reported about by a variety of sources including PBS.  Many people are interested in making more mindful choices when given the option.  That’s why companies like Fairphone are succeeding.

Unfortunately E-Waste isn’t the only environmental health issue caused by new and increasing sources of technology.  Activist Post also reports on a regular basis about environmental harm caused by all sources of wireless WiFi radiation and “Electrosmog.”

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