Trump Says He Doesn’t Need a Fake Chemical Attack to Bomb Syria

By Kurt Nimmo

Now that the noninterventionist president appears ready to give the go-ahead to kill more people in Syria, the corporate script reading media is providing the sort of necessary propaganda required to get the American people in the mood for mass murder.

There is NO EVIDENCE of this. But we no longer need evidence, merely the word of a “anonymous officials” and a crop of neocons who are demonstrable liars and deceivers in the name of state inflicted violence, what they call democracy.

A few days ago, Trump’s combative UN ambassador said the US will not help the Syrian people rebuild their country following its criminal destruction by CIA-Saudi Wahhabi murderers.

This has been the plan all along. It’s the same treatment Iraq and Libya received, turning those countries into failed states. Nikki didn’t come up with the idea. It was planted in her head by the Israelis and the neocons.

Here’s Haley on September 7:

Hardly comparable to the countless tons of rubble—and the dead buried beneath—the US has produced on a practically non-stop crime spree since the Vietnam War. In fact, this has been the state of affairs since the creation of the national security state after the Second World War.

It’s 2002 all over again, the same caliber of premeditated deception and lies are burbling up like acid reflux in the propaganda media, designed to convince us bombing Syria is the sane and logical thing to do in response to what are—and have been—fake chemical attacks, usually staged by the White Helmets.

Naturally, the most ardent neocons in Congress support the coming attack on Syria which will, this time, target al-Assad, his military, and his people.

It looks like an improbable chemical attack really isn’t required as a pretext to turn Syria into the next failed state where ethnic and religious sectarian violence make sure balkanized states cannot challenge Israel and the United States.

Trump and Bolton have apparently decided it doesn’t matter one way or the other if the White Helmets are now in the process of staging a chemical attack. It’s not required.

Bombing the shit—as Trump so eloquently promised—out of Syria will be complimented with a new crop of US soldiers and bases. Trump’s Pentagon will stay there until the process of political and social disintegration is complete—and will (if Germany, Japan, and South Korea serve as examples) stay there indefinitely. That’s how democracy works.

For a large number of Americans, an organized kill fest soon to be committed in their name is far down on the list of concerns. In fact, it we can believe Gallup, there is virtually no concern about what this impeding war crime will produce.

The “situation with Russia” is directly tied to Syria. Russia has said it won’t permit the US to attack al-Assad, his government, military, and the Syria people. It has an armada of warships gathered in the Mediterranean. Putin and the Russians might actually do something this time despite increasing the odds of direct conflict with the US and its ultimate nuclear endgame scenario.

Of course, this “situation” is not about Syria. It’s about another fictional tale—Russian influence of the US election.

Americans are simply not all that interested in war and organized mass murder perpetuated by a government in cahoots with the most pathological of partners—Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Most Americans are worried about falling out of the middle class, availability and affordability of healthcare, and the economy. Nuclear war with Russia and the horrifying prospect of the end of life on planet Earth isn’t even a blip on the radar.

In a climate like this—where a majority of Americans can’t find Syria on a map—war and misery are inevitable.

Like the character Tommy Ray Glatman in the film Dreamscape, the neocons believe they can do whatever they want in this emerging nightmare.

Recall the observation of Republican political strategist and former Nixon dirty trickster, Karl Rove.

We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.

An empire that may soon be reduced to radioactive ash.

Kurt Nimmo is the editor of Another Day in the Empire, where this article first appeared. He is the former lead editor and writer of Donate to ADE Here.

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5 Comments on "Trump Says He Doesn’t Need a Fake Chemical Attack to Bomb Syria"

  1. These noninterventionist President’s are really killing us.

  2. Gutless congress….curses !
    I’m hoping he’s impeached now.

  3. The city of Idlib has fewer than 200,000, and the entire region has 1.6 million, so what is this shit with ” 3 MILLION people are at risk.” Refugees are not fleeing TO idlib but from it.
    Every military aggression is rationalized from Big Lies. How many will die and how dangerous is the risk of war with Russia because Trump, with sagging approval, needs a war? If not Iran, then Syria…the pretext: Assad wants to slaughter the people he has been fighting to liberate from the terrorists. The Big Lie. We have to let Trump know that if he continues to betray his campaign promises (lies), we will treat him as the Italians treated Trump’s hero, Mussolini.

  4. Please, please let Ms. Haley go home to the Carolinas for the weekend!

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