School District to Begin Randomly Drug Testing High School Students

By Carey Wedler

Clark County, IN — A school district in Clark County, Indiana, will soon be randomly drug testing students who want to participate in extracurricular activities like sports, band, and driving to school.

“Henryville High School and Borden High School will randomly select ten students each quarter and test them for ten drugs that teenagers are most likely to use,” local ABC 13 reported.

If students test positive, they will be ineligible for one-third of scheduled extracurricular activities after the first offense.

After the third offense, the student will become ineligible for the rest of their high school career.

While some parents support the new policy and hope it will discourage students from bringing drugs to school, others, like Lance Leach, feel it is too invasive. “There has to be a reasoning, and you have to talk to a parent beforehand,” he said. “Like suspicious behavior or they got caught doing something, then maybe, but not just random drug testing.“

The ACLU agrees. The civil liberties organization has long fought against drug testing in schools. In 1998, the organization attempted to challenge drug testing for afterschool activities in Indiana schools, but the Supreme Court refused to hear their arguments. The following year, they challenged an Oklahoma school district, arguing in that case, the after school activities were directly linked with coursework throughout the normal day, and that drug testing infringed on students’ “right to a public education, as well as of the Fourth Amendment protection against illegal search and seizure,” The New York Times reported at the time.

In 2002, however, the Supreme Court ruled it was constitutional for schools to drug test students participating in extracurricular activities because it was an effective method of deterring drug use. This assessment turned out to be untrue. The Washington Post examined one 2013 study that “looked at 14 years of data on student drug use and found that school drug testing was associated with ‘moderately lower marijuana use,’ but increased use of other, more dangerous illicit drugs.”

Another study found “drug testing was ‘was not associated with changes in substance use.’”

Over the years, a number of other experts have expressed their opposition to the practice over legal concerns and the sheer fact that it doesn’t work. The ACLU has cited the American Academy of Pediatrics, while other doctors have also expressed skepticism.

Nevertheless, in 2015, nearly one in five public high schools had drug testing policies in place:

[A] nationally-representative survey of 1,300 school districts found that among the districts with drug testing programs, 28 percent randomly tested all students — not just ones participating in after-school programs. These schools are opening themselves up to a legal challenge.

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5 Comments on "School District to Begin Randomly Drug Testing High School Students"

  1. Wonder if the admins will be randomly tested.
    Gross violation of our Constitutional rights.

  2. It never ceases to amaze me the crap parents allow the schools to do to their kids. Just because you want to lower drug abuse in schools does not make this action constitutional. Don’t forget that money comes from your tax dollars AND most of the kids doing drugs are not in sports anyway. Also these kids are smart and often know how to beat tests. If you think your kid is on drugs buy a kit and test him yourself.

  3. a tiny piece of a cannabis seed so small it is almost invisible placed into the urine cup will get your enemies/competition expelled, go at it kids better than pulling the fire alarm on test day!!!
    that girl your want to date likes another guy so dope him up and win her heart LOL.
    we are all victims now that our goygov is doing the same crap to each other, test the congress then the school kids.

  4. I’m for drug legalization and punishing crimes committed sober and under the influence. In other words, I’m against drug testing for anything except a paid position like pro sports or the Olympics where outcomes are affected. Teens are sneaky little beasts and they will find a way around it, didn’t we when faced with curfews and rules we didn’t like or agree with? My parents gave the high school keys to my truck so they could check anytime they wanted to see if I had a joint in there! It didn’t stop anything except my sneaky hiding places. Now, 30 years later, a joint would still not be out of the question in the right circumstance and environment, but I’ve got responsibilities and a family to consider, not to mention a job. Teen years are for doing what we all did.. then we grow up, look back and smile.

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