By Kurt Nimmo
Brain implants are now a reality. How long will it be before you’re ordered to have one to correct thought crime? I put together a short video exploring this topic.
Kurt Nimmo is the editor of Another Day in the Empire, where this article first appeared. He is the former lead editor and writer of Donate to ADE Here.
I will take a pass….
Run as fast as you can. Until then prepare spiritually and remember God chose you from the beginning to live this remarkable time for His honor and glory forever.
I’m so sick of hearing about this mythical figure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Run Run as fast as you can. Until then prepare spiritually and remember God chose you from the beginning to live this remarkable time for His honor and glory forever.
A few too many decades ago I shot a video about a service called CCI – Computer Chip Implants – which allowed the recipient to instantly learn anything on a list of topics. No studying, no attending class, no forgetting. Of course, since the technology was first gen there m-i-g-h-t be some weird and noticeable side effects. Today, the threats are becoming very real. Pulsed EMF radiation can already have detrimental, even manipulative neurological affects.
The State wants to read my mind? Even if they find a way to make this work, the US is a signer of the UN Charter which prohibits forced medical procedures. Although, this hasn’t seemed to stop forced vaccinations and mandated cancer treatments of minor children which often disfigure, otherwise ruin the health of and eventually kill the patient; because choosing alternative measures are not allowed, even with historical track records of success. Big Brother need not stick a chip in my wetware to find out what I think. I’ll gladly give them a piece of my mind any time. (I bet they still won’t get what I’m trying to say either way.)
I would sooner take a state mandated shot of lead to the head for refusing one of these obvious brain tumor inducing surveillance devices.