Blinded by the Artificial Light. How New Technology Is Pooping Out Peepers, Causing a Variety of Health Issues, and Wrecking The Environment.

By B.N. Frank

Blue light from digital screens, flat-screen TVs, Fluorescent (CFL) and LED light bulbs are causing a multitude of biological and environmental problems.

A July 2018 article from NaturalHealth365 provides more details about excessive blue light exposure harming retinas:

According to Dr. Gary Heiting, an expert on preventive vision care, studies have shown that too much exposure to blue light damages cells in the retina – causing changes that resemble those found in macular degeneration.

Although computer screens emit far less blue light than the amounts generated by the sun, doctors are concerned because of the proximity of the screens to people’s faces – and the sheer amount of time spent looking at them.

Yes – the sun also generates blue light.  However, most people don’t look directly at the sun because they’ve been taught not to do so and because it hurts.

Unfortunately most public schools use artificial lighting and also require students to use digital screens several hours a day.  “High-tech schools” have been controversial in many ways other than requiring students spend so much time on screens in the classroom and at night to complete homework.

According to TIME magazine:

The American Medical Association warns that nighttime lighting, especially the blue-white LED variety, “is associated with reduced sleep times, dissatisfaction with sleep quality, excessive sleepiness, impaired daytime functioning and obesity.” Alarmingly, a Harvard study showed that artificial lighting may actually be linked to increased breast cancer rates, probably as a result of decreased levels of the hormone melatonin, which influences circadian rhythms.

On June 14, 2016 The American Medical Association warned municipalities about installing LED street lights.

Regardless, many municipal governments have ignored “The Precautionary Principle” and switched to outdoor LED light bulbs to save money.  This is causing devastating effects on residents and the environment in these communities.

In June, Ecowatch ranked the most light-polluted metropolitan areas.

According to some scientists, the next big thing in light pollution is “The Race for 5G” which involves installing hundreds of thousands of small cell towers in front of homes and pretty much everywhere else. 

Although the human eye can’t see them, the waves are an important part of the electromagnetic spectrum that radio astronomers use to study the universe.  Now wireless communications companies are poised to fill this part of the spectrum with more human-generated noise. The actual number one [threat to radio astronomy] these days is the advent of 5G. (Source)

Increasing light pollution is adding to the rapidly increasing amount of electrical pollution (Electrosmog) which is just as harmful as other sources of pollution already being passionately addressed by many environmentalists.

Isn’t it time to stop turning a blind eye to light pollution before it gets any worse.

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2 Comments on "Blinded by the Artificial Light. How New Technology Is Pooping Out Peepers, Causing a Variety of Health Issues, and Wrecking The Environment."

  1. So now blue light is an health issue. This stinks as yet more Monsanto propaganda to divert attention from GMOs – any sane person can see that blue light is harmless compared to GMOs.

  2. I miss the nights when I could look up at the sky and see all that profound celestial beauty.

    Now nature’s beauty is removed, and all we have to marvel at are, the works of the hand’s of man. Which pale in comparison, for it is all lifeless bullshit.

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