The Collapse of Major Media

By Jon Rappoport

As I indicated in a recent article, the B-team, or even the C-team, is now heading up the national evening news in America. These anchors’ faces and voices (Muir, Glor, and Holt) are not even faint reminders of the so-called Golden Age, when father figures like Cronkite and Reasoner fed official truth into the brains of viewers. The new C-team is vague gloss from a paint job on a used car. This is an ominous sign for the news bosses in the upstairs suites. They can’t find adequate hypnotists anymore.

What happened?

Many things—among them, the father figures left the fold. They decided to sell real estate or take corporate work in PR. They saw the handwriting on the wall: the networks were fostering a youth movement, seeking younger and prettier talent. Why? Because Madison Avenue was convinced the younger viewer demographic was the important one, in terms of consumer buying power. Therefore, on-air news faces had to be younger as well. This sounded right, but it overlooked one vital fact. The young news anchors couldn’t pull off the appropriate level of mind control. They were merely bland robots. Friendly, nice, literate to the point of being able to read copy. (Lester Holt at NBC is a bit older, but he comes across as a corpse someone dug up at a cemetery for a role in a Frankenstein remake.)

There is another gross miscalculation. The commercials, between news segments, are overwhelmingly pharmaceutical. Those drugs aren’t intended for the youth demographic. They’re for the middle-aged and the seniors, who want to toxify themselves for the rest of their lives.

So the commercials are playing to the older crowd, while the faces of the news are supposedly attracting younger viewers. It’s a mess. The news execs and programmers really have no idea what they’re doing.

They’re basically hoping their game somehow lasts until they can retire.

There’s more.

Terrified by “visionary” Ted Turner, who started CNN as a 24/7 cable news outlet in 1980, NBC decided they had to spin off their own cable news channel. This move, on its own, splintered the unitary hypnotic effect of having one anchor deliver one version of the news to one audience. Suddenly, there were several hypnotists on stage, all talking at once. It was a disaster in the making.

Then you had the various financial news channels, and FOX, and the sports channels, and the weather channel, and Bloomberg, and C-SPAN, etc. Plus all the local news outlets.

This fragmentation began to erode the programmed mind of the viewer. If, hoping to retreat to an earlier time, he sought out one face and one voice and one great father figure on ANY of these channels, he came up empty. The archetype was gone.

In a pinch, a viewer on the political right might opt for Bill O’Reilly, and a viewer on the Globalist left might choose Charlie Rose. But they’re both out of the picture now.

Enter, from stage left, the goo-goo behemoth, the CIA-connected Facebook, which, amidst building a tower of likes for infantile posts, is trying to convince its adherents that it IS the Internet and a source of tailored news that is sufficient unto the day. Unanchored news. No single voice or face.

Big media, in all its forms, has lost the mind control war.

It has lost it from inside itself.

Into the vacuum have swept the million voices of independent media. I’ve written about that revolution at length, and won’t recap it here.

Instead, consider the Youth Phenomenon. You could peg it at the Beatles’ US invasion of 1964.

Why? Because that was the moment when children began to be entertained by other children. Seriously, deeply, religiously.

Add in the drugs, and other factors, and you had the groundswell of the 1960s.

Stay young forever. Never grow up. Adults are dull dolts.

These children eventually became parents, and their children became parents…and you have the whole generation-to-generation, societal, eternal-youth package. “I want to be young. I want to be happy forever.”

How do you sell these people the news?

You put a nice face on it.

And you lose the hypnosis.

You still have all the lies and cover-ups and diversions and omissions…but the trance element at the core grows weaker over time.

Like the snowfall from a great blizzard, the aftermath shows patches of snow disappearing, piece by piece.

This is happening, and the news titans can do nothing to stop it.

It’s a long-term trend, and it’s called good news.

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Image credit: Banksy

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19 Comments on "The Collapse of Major Media"

  1. While the author is correct about the news anchors, the point being missed is that 24 hour, partisan infotainment networks have the citizenry divided in a way that the news anchor never could. Now, not only are they grossly misinformed, they are to a point where discussion about anything is impossible, because all they can do is regurgitate what their propaganda masters told them, and are incapable of any rational debate. Maybe it’s more like they are trying to crash the nightly news format, and angle the herd into the chute of 24/7 WWE Smackdown to be ridden by the CIA while the rodeo clowns like Hannity, and Maddow distract.


  3. The sloppiness of unbridled arrogance, done in by the fact their puppet shows were no longer entertaining. Even Shakespeare knew you gotta keep the peanut gallery entertained or they start throwin chit.

  4. @Jon Rappoport

    “Those drugs aren’t intended for the youth demographic. They’re for the
    middle-aged and the seniors, who want to toxify themselves for the rest
    of their lives.”

    🙂 Thank you for that chuckle and the article over all.

    “Big media, in all its forms, has lost the mind control war.”

    I concur. The common folks, laymen can see right through lies spread by big media. I know that is not the only ‘tool’ the C.I.A/N.S.A/Mossad have at their disposal yet it is a very much used one.

    Simplified strategy, take over the town criers and pay them to keep denying an enemy is infiltrating the town, the infiltrators you train as priests and religious leaders to start educating the enemy, then start sending in social workers & psychologists to help the town folk adjust to this ‘new’ way of thinking, eventually you toss in one private banker who takes over the money and replaces it with currency/debt.

    By then you’ve enslaved the town by debt, demoralization, loss of cultural identity, eroded social values. You might not even need to ‘fight’ at that point, doing Lao Tzu real proud in capturing the state whole and without violence. That is barring none of the town folk ‘see’ what’s going on.

    “You still have all the lies and cover-ups and diversions and
    omissions…but the trance element at the core grows weaker over time.”

    Imho, the loss of the ‘trance’ will be the full undoing of TPTB. They’ve lost the banter of the stage magician selling illusions, this lets us see even the misdirecting going on through the smoke. Also in losing the trance, religion in general will also suffer. Religion relies upon use of the trance as well, of course this had already started being stripped away. Now, it all gets lain threadbare for anyone to see the Emperor’s invisible clothes.


    “Now, not only are they grossly misinformed, they are to a point where
    discussion about anything is impossible, because all they can do is
    regurgitate what their propaganda masters told them, and are incapable
    of any rational debate. Maybe it’s more like they are trying to crash
    the nightly news format, and angle the herd into the chute of 24/7 WWE
    Smackdown to be ridden by the CIA while the rodeo clowns like Hannity,
    and Maddow distract.”

    “Hey, you there, yep you. When you got the full line covered up you’re supposed to call Bingo.”

    Yep. You hit the head on the nail, or the nail on the coffin, one or t’other. 🙂 But why do you suppose they want clowns distracting? Hm, they trying to cloud up the room so we don’t see them trying to revive the trance, to regain control? *chuckles*

  5. 2/3 of the public distrusts the mass media,so this article is full of shit. It’s easier to demean the public than to think.

    • Yeah, but they’re idea of mass media is the major networks, and the nightly news. They somehow think if they watch Maddow or Hannity that they have some kind of edge in information. Don’t believe it? Go talk to 10 people and you will find 3 Fox News zombies, three twinkle toed liberals, two completely apathetic people, and one person who has a cognitive mind and can discuss a subject. And pointing out that the majority of media is a psy op is not demeaning the people, it’s showing that the people are victims of psychological warfare.

      • Fox “News” get about 2 million viewers, or far less than 1 in 100 adults Go talk to 100 people and you might find, on average, one who follows Fox.

        You claim the public is a victim for believing the MSM but in fact,most do not trust it and therefore cannot be called victims. Trump’s lies have recently caused trust in the media (an abstraction undefined) to rise, but a year ago, “- Americans’ trust and confidence in the mass media “to report the news fully, accurately and fairly” has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media.”

        • Trump’s campaign has failed: the public sees the MSM as victim of his abuse and has generated more sympathy and trust AND the MSM has made a strong effort to be accurate and police itself. Trump calls them fake and failing, but as his trust goes down, trust in the media goes up, and as for failing, as his ratings tank, Washpo, CNN, MSNBC, and NYTimes all have increased their audience.

        • Than I must be in a saturation zone of their market. The numbers I threw out are based on the last 15 years since the news transitioned into infotainment. Now maybe some of those people listen to Rush, or read WND, and now Alex Jones everyday, but they are down right kool aide swilling zombies, and can only repeat what they hear. Now it can be said for the left as well, where they used to be way smarter and didn’t need to be told what to think. And Trump has done CNN and The Morning Joe a favor. One thing I have noticed in the days since 9/11, is controlled opposition promote each other, and Trump has been a walking billboard, as well as his sycophants like Jones and Hannity, for CNN and the Morning Joe. These are two entity’s that couldn’t get arrested in 2015. Think about that.

    • I regret my role in that, but I like the new avatar :] & Mr. Rappoport’s conviction.

  6. not to mention the fact that they dont even report the news

  7. did you hear what chuckie shumer did to his daughter’s bestie when they were 16? Probably won’t hear much about it on MSM dolTv… do a yahoo search. Another pedo going down in flames

    Look at this list of 66 individuals, three are Republicans, the remaining 63 are all liberals and many media individuals who have been champions of women while abusing them. Champions of children while abusing them. Meanwhile the media protected them while attacking anyone who challenged them.
    The media suck and they continue declining in credibility.

  9. Great article! So true. As a westernized 60 year-old I can relate. I especially liked the comment: “seniors who want to toxify themselves for the rest of their lives.” Exactly! I have not had a prescription of any kind, in my life, and likely never will. Solution? Eat mostly produce and be off your butt more than on it! And these drug commercials are still fairly new for those of us whose been watching broadcast TV for many decades now; they’re actually bizarre to me (and should be outlawed).

    And, I’ve been a consumer of alt news for over a decade now: I have a link to them all, at my links page (including of course, Activist Post):

    But I suspect that with all the old white guys (the good-ole-boys club) being targeted for their handy coworker inappropriateness, the timing of this media personnel shift is correspondent (puns intended)! I’d prefer more pretty (female) faces do the news anyway. I’m more interested in content than personality in any case. Besides all that; the evening news, like the local news that follows, is mostly a repeat of content, which I have already read by them, via the many alt news websites, plus G-News itself. So, I now skip them altogether!

  10. Major Media=Judeo-Marxist controlled leftist media.

  11. You left something out, genius..
    They brainwashed the entire nation with fabricated lies. MSNBC serpent personnel posing as human fabricating lies to destroy Trump and ignite civil war for the purpose of complete beast system takeover is AMERICAS greatest enemy.
    At this time, the wicked, have just destroyed innocent ROY MOORE and won that election by destroying ROY MOORE with fabricated lies just like they are doing to Trump. There’s not one shred of truth backing the entire democratic party, nothing. There’s not one democrat who can debate ME on anything. They have no research, no facts, the truth is not in them, just a foundation of lies. America has sold out to these lies. You will all be gone from this flesh life within 5 yrs… Here’s your Christmas present

  12. Right-on Jon !

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