Pygmies of Cameroon Tortured and Expelled for Rothschild Elephant Hunting Scheme

rothschild-pygmies-cameroone-elephant-trophy-huntingBy Brandon Turbeville

According to a number of media outlets, international banker Benjamin de Rothschild is expelling Baka pygmies from their land in Cameroon in an effort for his company to operate an elephant hunting safari in the area.

Not only has Rothschild expelled the Pygmies, but he has also led an effort to beat and torture them in the process. Survival International, an indigenous advocacy group, published statements in early November from the alleged victims of Rothschild and his business.

“They beat us, they searched for us, they set their dogs on you, their guns on you,” said one member of the Baka who also claimed that his fields were burned.

Another man stated, “They told me to carry my father on my back. I started walking, (the guard) beat me, he beat my father. For three hours, every time I would cry out they would beat me, until I fainted and fell to the ground with my father.”

According to teleSUR, the Baka are not allowed to hunt, visit religious sites or collect plants on their own land as it is now occupied by Rothschild’s tourist camps.

Rothschild’s company has, according to teleSUR at least two protected ancestral plots and uses the land to allow wealthy tourists to hunt wild animals at $50,000 per hunt.

Interestingly enough, the World Wildlife Fund which claims it has a major presence in Cameroon in order to combat trophy hunting, has not responded to Survival International.

This is not surprising since the World Wildlife Fund is supported by the Rockefeller family and a host of oligarchical families and major corporations. It is, in a sense, an organization of stealth designed to parade about as a pro-environment, pro-animal organization but in reality, is a tool of the 1% to gain control of wildlife and wildlife refuges for the benefit of international banks and corporations.

It is also unlikely that the World Wildlife Fund cares very much about elephant trophy hunting when its own trustee, Peter Flack, openly brags about killing elephants in Africa and Cameroon specifically.

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This article (Pygmies of Cameroon Tortured and Expelled for Rothschild Elephant Hunting Scheme) can be republished under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Brandon Turbeville, source and Natural, keeping links and bio intact.

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Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies,Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria,and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 850 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)

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6 Comments on "Pygmies of Cameroon Tortured and Expelled for Rothschild Elephant Hunting Scheme"

  1. So now they go after the peaceful pygmies. This is despicable and just plain evil. Rothschilds are intent on genociding every single indigenous person on the planet. I’m totally disgusted by this and we all should be. We’re next.

  2. This is what you get from one of satan’s disciples with a net worth over $700 Trillion!

  3. “Pygmies Of Cameroon Tortured And Expelled For Rothschild Elephant Hunting Scheme”

    I saw that piece at teleSUR and was disappointed that they use “Survival International” as a source.

    ago I noticed that this organization targeted the “pink” Latin American
    nations while minimizing focus on US aligned regimes.

    It’s not
    that I can prove that the facts about the Cameroon piece are wrong but
    the whole piece amounts to agitprop warmongering.

    All African nations have similar schemes whereby they finance wildlife preservation through limited hunting allocations.

    Cameroon was selected for this attack because it happens to have been developing military ties to Russia and not Africom.

    I saw the story at teleSUR I did not try to independently confirm the
    facts, I just did a quick search for Cameroon + Russia.

    we disseminate this demonization of the Cameron regime we are in fact
    doing nothing for Pygmies but we are furthering the aggressive plans of

  4. Spot on. I simply cannot help thinking about the real Russian holocaust caused by the synagogue and it’s frightening parallels to what is roaring down on us as we “speak”. frightening.

  5. The WWF are hypocrites .

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