New York Lawsuit Claims 2016 Election Was Rigged

fraud-1024x520By Christina Sarich

“Presidents are selected, not elected.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

New York voters are alleging fraud in a lawsuit that claims their party affiliation was magically changed without their consent. The change of over 200 voters’ registration cards kept them from participating in the recent Democratic primary.

Another emergency lawsuit launched in Long Island recently claimed that thousands of voters were purged from New York voting records.

The suit being initiated in Brooklyn, New York, is demanding that anyone should be able to vote in the state regardless of their party affiliation.

A spokesperson for Election Justice U.S.A., Shyla Nelson, said, “For many of our complainants, to have the electoral process deprived of them, it’s devastating.”

Currently, an obscure election law keeps New York in a group of eleven other states that can have ‘closed primaries.’ Voters can only participate in the primary election process if they were registered the previous year, by November, for the party which they plan to vote for.

Nelson said that the closed primary was a “threat to the democratic process.”

Indeed, federal election observers can only be sent to five states in this year’s U.S. presidential race, among the smallest deployments since the Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965 to end racial discrimination at the ballot box.

Voter fraud is nothing new in the state of New York, or elsewhere, however.

California residents are claiming they have been left with two of the most undesirable candidates for President since the Democratic National Committee (DNC) failed to ensure a fair and balanced process.

The mayor of Phoenix, Arizona, was recently moved to file for a federal investigation after a severe shortage of polling precincts forced voters to wait hours, deterring thousands of people from casting a ballot; and Bill Clinton recently broke election laws by showing up at voter precincts, without so much as a slap on the hand.

In fact, you might say the whole thing is rigged.

With electronic voting machines that can easily be hacked, a corporate-owned media that pre-selects which candidates will get air time, and even the FBI pardoning crimes for Clinton, while Trump continues playing the media circus as far as his money will go, U.S. elections have become an utter joke.

Many argue that whether you vote Republican or Democrat, Bernie, Clinton, or Trump, you are simply playing along with a rigged game.

We’ve been brainwashed to think we chose, but as more ‘voter fraud’ becomes evident, the entire shell game reveals itself more completely.

This article (New York Lawsuit Claims 2016 Election Was Rigged) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Christina Sarich and If you spot a typo, please email the error and the name of the article to [email protected]. Image credit: Flickr/Michael Bentley

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7 Comments on "New York Lawsuit Claims 2016 Election Was Rigged"

  1. The last paragraph refers to ‘voter fraud’- intentional corruption of the electoral process by the voter- while the article discusses election fraud.
    Voter fraud is relatively rare, while election fraud is business as usual.

  2. They are all pretty much rigged give us some real news.

  3. Individual sovereignty should be given to each one of us – thus, sovereign people with diplomatic immununity could resolve all probles through discussions and consents !
    No one should ever again delegate own political powers to others! We all are presidents, judges, journalists… if we want it!
    GIFT ECONOMY to all = all for FREE through consensus – workiong out of passion is pleasure !
    Work for you – not for the system !
    Do not vote – you can not choose betweein pest and colera .

  4. The machines are rigged. Old school paper is best.

  5. Outside of the solution provided by anarcho-voluntyrists’ complete abolition of government on every level (and we’ll see how well Adam Kokesh fares in an important step in their process/strategy on Aug. 9th), voting to select magistrates is here to stay. I have been actively involved in the fight against votescam since ’98, when I became a victim of it in Nye Co., NV (the precice point of the ballot stuffing which gave Harry Reid his anointment for US Senate). So many have done an amazing job exposing this problem… especially since YouTube became available in ’05, but we still lack desperately in the SOLUTIONS department. And until the candidates begin making issue of it on their campaign trails BEFORE it happens to them, things will never change. Are there ways to prevent a voterig in your race? THERE SURE ARE. You simply need to have a burning desire to never be vicimized by it. LCharles14@yahoo if you want to discuss it further.

  6. You have not seen voter fraud like you will that clinton pulls in November.

  7. Here is my suggestion for dealing with voting machines (diebold) that may (might, probably) add counts to the chosen (selected by the unholy bankers) candidate.
    Each voter would make up an eight character unique userid and password for the login.cast yer vote.then get a receipt (date and time stamped and make sure the receipt represents yer vote)then the vote counters may count and publish (on a secure website) all votes with the unique userid (the owner would be the only person to know which is his or her id).They must publish the votes cast – as this would legitimize to all voters that a vote cast is a vote counted.The voter then looks for this id (at the published sight) and ensure the votes are accurate.
    BTW: if Hillbillary gets selected I suggest everyone in the Usurped States stop filling income tax returns.

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