First VA Lets Vets Die for Lack of Treatment, Now VA Wrongly Pronounces 4,200 Vets Dead

cropped-us-flag-and-soldiersBy Melissa Dykes

The joke has been made that waiting to receive treatment at a VA is like waiting to get on a ride at Disneyland during the busy season. One Navy veteran even self-immolated in front of a VA hospital as a protest over the lack of treatment (although the mainstream media quickly ignored the story and buried it, of course).

Now it has come out that the Department of Veterans Affairs wrongly declared 4,201 veterans dead since 2011, cutting off their benefits. This “accident” happened to over 1,000 vets just in 2015 alone.

Via Washington Free Beacon:

[Danny Pummill, the VA undersecretary] wrote that the agency could not explain why the veterans were declared dead because its computer systems could not pinpoint the errors.

“Although we are able to identify cases where benefits were terminated based on an erroneous notice of a beneficiary’s death and subsequently reinstated, our computer systems do not collect information on the cause of the errors (e.g., VA employee error, erroneous information received through a data-matching program, incorrect identifying data provided by a third party, etc.),” Pummill wrote.

Subsequently reinstated after these men and women had their entire worlds shattered without benefits for however long it took for them to prove to a computer at the VA that they weren’t dead.

In 2015 the US spent a whopping 54 percent of all federal discretionary spending, some $600 billion, on its military budget. To see how veterans who are sent off to fight mostly unconstitutional wars are treated like pieces of garbage who wait in two-year-long lines just to receive even basic care, some dying in the process, is just disgusting.

Now this. It’s beyond merely disrespectful. Is there even a word for it?

Reminds me of the Henry Kissinger quote about how military men are “dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns of foreign policy.” The government sure does treat them that way.


Melissa Dykes is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-founded Nutritional Anarchy with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!

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11 Comments on "First VA Lets Vets Die for Lack of Treatment, Now VA Wrongly Pronounces 4,200 Vets Dead"

  1. “To see how veterans who are sent off to fight mostly unconstitutional wars are treated like pieces of garbage who wait in two-year-long lines just to receive even basic care, some dying in the process, is just disgusting. … Reminds me of the Henry Kissinger quote about how military men are “dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns of foreign policy.”

    Knowing all this for decades, why do people still sign up by the truckload?

  2. I was actually going to comment using the exact same quote from Heinz ‘Kiss-of-death-inger’…very apropos!….How do you tell these vets that they their buddies died &as they themselves were mutilated & wounded from corporations like Haliburton et al to prosecute wars solely created-> by the Top Dog Parasites of Central Bankster’s-> for the Banksters!… & has nothing to do with ‘Patriotism or Democracy as pure Pavlonian ‘entrainment’… in a stasi world of deliberately programmed ‘cognitive dissonance’ obfuscating this abject treason & mass murder all wrapped in the flag…makes me wanna puke in disgust the way these vets are treated!.

    • There are so many that have made it home & realized this after the fact that the US govt is using any means possible to take away their gun rights including their VA medical records if they have ever been on antidepressants or spoken out online against USA military policies. This is why Southern Poverty Law center has dubbed OATHKEEPERS a militant group which they are not. They are former military, first responders & patriots that are sworn to uphold the Constitution and refuse to harm American citizens when govt declares martial law or encroaches on civil liberties..

      • The SPLC is an AIPAC /NGO (non govn’t agency)tentacle of the Khazarian/jewish lobby groups! period…end of story slimeballs promoting a HATE agenda like all the rest of the jewish/khazarian (Kagan) lobby groups promoting Israhell as this $$$ is funneled back in the form of Lobby $$$ to influence /buy our shiftless congressmen/women prostitutes to again promote their un American agenda …totally nutz!

  3. what you have got is not even half of the truth, first of all you have a mixture of willing gullible idiots, serial killers and the indoctrinated innocent, that have sighed on to plunder the innocent of other countries, they are not there to police and help the people, they are there to subjucate them with the terror that the US GOVERNMENT created, and also what else they were not told, was all the weapons of death they are using, is also killing them, and many of those men are still dying from the Dupleted uranium bullets that they were using, the US is not only hiring serial killers, they are the serial killers.

    • this also a half truth, most armies are made from people that didnt have other choice some others were just bored, but that doesnt mean its inherently bad as you said it, war has always been present in human history, and those same people made the modern states, so this same adjectives could be applied to the population or even worst ignorance in the matters of foreign policy.

      War is justifiable in some cases and has been, however you are right that is such is the case the responasbility is on the civilian and military population that allow this to continue.

  4. Had a sister-in-law who worked at the VA in Milwaukee, about fifteen years ago. Babysat for her kids. She came home one night and started telling me, how the men there were always complaining about having to wait so long at their appt..So I asked her, how long do they have to wait? Six or seven hours. My jaw dropped, I at looked at her, a nurse, LOL, And was very upset with her attitude. Thank God she’s no longer my sister-in-law. But unfortunately, we are still having these problems. When will Congress get off their lazy a–es and get something done! We have waited for Obozo the clown to do something right for once. When will it happen??

  5. Edgardo L. Perez-De Leon | May 27, 2016 at 10:58 am |

    Henry Kissinger was the most important advisor of Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy as Secretary of State. This is important for the disrespect he has for military men,deeming them “dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns of foreign policy.” Please give the source to Trump campaign for an add against Hillary (and against Kissinger)

  6. “Support Our Troops.”
    A cruel deception of decent people to hide the actual command, “Support illegal and immoral elective wars of aggression and occupation in order to enrich psychopathic oligarchs.”
    The latter doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker.

  7. Kissinger its not wrong altough this also applies to the civilian population and domestic policy, however this also only applies when wars are being fought for not justifiable means, like corporate profit, but still im sure he knew that if it was not for this militaries he will have to deal on different terms with mercenaries, as has been the case.

    Finaly for kissinger politicians and administration in modern age are nothing more than bots incapable of long term planning, that sacrifice they personnal liberty for some coins in the hope that they will be useful for however is above them, to be used as beacons for the gullible civilian and military animals, in pursuit of foreign and domestic policies.

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