Amanda Warren
Activist Post
Like most states in the U.S., South Carolina can be a hotbed for undue police harassment. No less in Charleston, presumably during January 2014.
Traffic on the interstate was being unnecessarily stopped up by a man with a female passenger, driving ever-so-slowly in the left lane.
The female driver seen in the following video drove by the unmarked car and “flipped a friendly bird.” Only to be tailgated by the unmarked car which soon sped up and flashed police lights. Turns out, she was a confident law student…
Evidently, this was a self-proclaimed off duty officer who asked for her identification, registration and proof of insurance.
When asked if he was on duty he replied, “we are always on duty, ma’am.” She has to repeat, “am I being detained?” a number of times before he answered, “no.” So she did what was within her rights – she left. He said, “Ok, I’ll see you—” VROOM
Speaking of “claims,” none of the surrounding jurisdictions the law student called will claim him as their own, or even stake claims on knowing who he is. In that regard, the student did the best thing for her own safety.
She describes in the YouTube description,
He pulled me over, not because he had reason to, but simply because he “could” – this is evident by the first comment he made when he approached my car (“Are you being smart with me?!”…)
Clearly, this idiot was off duty, outside of his jurisdiction, and pulled me over simply because he thought he could. While I have all the respect in the world for officers, and appreciate what they do for us on a daily basis, I will not tolerate abuse of power – and neither should you.
It cannot be emphasized enough that flipping the bird is not illegal, and not a cause for physical harm, arrest, charges or traffic stops. What was this bumbling man going to write her up for? Nothing, just assert his perceived authority in the situation, harass, waste time and try to find justification. But it was she who asserted true personal power.
Know your rights. Know how to handle yourself with the police.
[Thank you, Free Thought Project for finding a replacement video for the previous YouTube that was removed!]
Recently from Amanda Warren:
The Whiskey Rebellion was NOT about making whiskey, it was about tax collection on the whiskey.
Yes, I’m very aware of that.
Knives and clubs murder more people than guns, just go look at the stats from the D.O.J.
Tell that to the people living in Chicago, who have the strictest guns laws in the country and the highest death by guns.
The evidence shows you to be WRONG.
You really should stop listening to studies done by colleges instead look at the actual figure released by the FBI, DOJ, CDC. They all show gun deaths are very low on the items used to kill people.
Give up nobody can fix stupid.
Hitler expanded gun rights for 99% of citizens.
I would like the US to be safer, like all other advanced nations. Wouldn’t you?
The crime stats for murder at the fbi website at expanded table 8 shows gun murders as more than 2/3 of all.
Look it up . I accept your apology if you have the guts to admit YOU are full of crap
I doubt you have such integrity.
Prove me wrong. Or prove that stupid can’t be fixed.
That woman who flipped that guy off may not have done anything illegal, but she needs to learn some manners. Flipping people off may be within her rights, but it’s not a civilized way to discuss a problem with someone. If she had a problem about something, talk about it. Don’t just flip someone off.
I’m surprised she’s a law student, especially after her unruly behavior.