Amir Alwani, Contributor
Activist Post
As many of us now know, a vast amount of airplanes are currently spraying most of the Earth’s population with aluminum, barium, strontium, etc. Less discussed components of the spray programs include lab-created synthetic life-forms and other biological materials such as red blood cells, fungus, and self-replicating nano-fibers. Massive and diverse geo-engineering operations are indeed occurring. Moreover, a peculiar syndrome called Morgellons has emerged and has now been linked to these eugenics/transhumanist operations.
While this is alarming, humanity should at some point face the ugly details of this dilemma. This is an agenda partly involving a nano-technology infestation in our bodies. Potent News Blast #10 seeks to shed some light on this often neglected issue:
What You Can Do About It
As creepy as all this is, there is room for hope.
August 17-19 of 2012 represented the coming together of some of the most prominent chemtrail researchers at a historic conference and fundraiser event in L.A., California titled Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails. The event was also the premier of the documentary film “Why In The World Are They Spraying?“ and even well-known public figures like Cynthia McKinney and Rosanne Barr spoke at the conference to show their support. DVDs of the fundraiser are still available and all proceeds apparently go to Morgellons research, namely Morgellons Research Group and Carnicom Institute.
A recent Carnicom Institute newsletter has also mentioned that there currently is a petition on the White House official website asking the Obama Administration to honestly investigate Geo-Engineering, HAARP & Chemtrails. Since its inception 2 weeks ago, it has accumulated over 4000 signatures (with the goal being 25,000 by Dec. 14, 2012).
The general increase in awareness on this subject is refreshing. Even as far back as two years ago chemtrail protests were happening in places like the UK and Italy. Now similar chemtrail rallies have popped up in places like Greece and New Zealand. The movement is gaining ground.
But what can be done about chemtrails and Morgellons to yield immediate effects for our bodies here and now? To answer that question I’ve included some very instructive videos that summarize Gwen Scott’s excellent dietary suggestions and also Ken Rohla’s fascinating research into orgonite.
Related links
- Morgellons & Mind Control Crimes – Melanie & Guests (Live-Stream 18.10.12)
- Morgellons Research Discussion – Carnicom Institute – Oct 19 2012
- Morgellons Study Cited by Faculty of 1000: Not a Delusion
Sources for PN Blast #10:
- Morgellons Disease: The Big Lie, The Ultimate Cover-up
- Quantum Dots! Nanotech Bards Inside? Population, Tracking & Mind Control, Chemtrails, Transhumanism
- Morgellons Look what the doctor didn’t see!
- Scanning the Skin for Morgellons fibers
- Morgellons Bad skin day!
- Morgellons? Tiny caterpillar found in fuzzball on finger. shot at 150X magnification.%20Microscope
- Morgellons Fibers Moving Transhumanism at the Door, NWO Taking Over
- Morgellons Symptomology
- Nano weather machines – chemtrails and smart dust! micro machines MEMS
- Its Raining Fibers and Particulates in Phoenix, Jan. 7, 2011
- Dry Rain Falls From Chemical Clouds in Phoenix, Oct. 25, 2011
- Fiber Snow!!! Fiber Snow Flakes & No it’s not a balanced breakfast! 5-7-2012
- AMAZING!! “Dancing” Morgellon’s Nano Fiber – Reacts to Music?
- Seltsamer Fussel oder Morgellon?
- Doctor Gwen Scott. Revolution radio. July 2011 – Morgellons
- Morgellons Fibers are Alive!!!
- Morgellons Museum On Hexagon Alley
- The Morgellon’s Hexagon
- Morgellons Exposed (Your Photos)
- Morgellons: The Toll on Families
- Hexagons of Many Colors
- Web Fall 2001
- Pissed off!!!
- Lines in the Sky Alarm Bay Area Locals
- Chemtrail Fallout 2, Chemtrail Fallout 3
- chemwebs ~ jet cirrus ~ south yorks ~ uk ~ uvaf
- Saturday 7th July MELBOURNE CHEMWEBS
- Jeff And Jan Smith – Morgellons…See What The CDC Calls Hallucinations !
- Mystery substance (chemwebs) Morning after night of intense spraying – MUST SEE
CDC calls Morgellons’ nanoworms a delusion, protects DARPA
If Chemtrails And HAARP Didn’t Disturb You Enough, Wait Until You Hear About Morgellons
Amir Alwani is the Founding Editor of and he also makes music.
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