Dees Illustration |
PA Farruggio
Activist Post
The fine 1960 film Inherit the Wind was more than just about the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial in Tennessee. Yes, it had as its focal point the law forbidding the teaching of evolution in schools. However, when one views this film, or reads the play it was developed from, one sees a doorway to totalitarianism.
So, we have another horserace election cycle. Once again, we are told how this election is the most crucial one in our history. The right wing will tell you that Mr. Obama is a Marxist who wants to create a totalitarian socialist state. They reveal how it is the entitlements to lower classes (code word for blacks and illegals) and the unions that are destroying our economy. Of course, in the same breath they stand tall with the little flags on their lapels and demand that we do not touch the military spending . . . matter of fact they want increases! Of course, no mention of the mess in Afghanistan and Iraq or the deaths of our soldiers there . . . because those are bipartisan occupations of sovereign nations.
Then you have the Democrats in this latest horserace who rant and rave about how the right wing wants to destroy the middle class. Yet, the Democrats never do squat for the middle class! They too vote to keep our military empire intact and all over the damn globe. They brought forth a health care law that only helps the private insurers stay in control and reap mega profits. Only a fool would think that Mr. Obama would insist on a public option to help create a Medicare for All scenario, after you look at his 2008 campaign donations. The health care industry gave over $7 million to McCain . . . and over $21 million to Obama.
So, we have two evils controlling our nation’s political system. Well, not really controlling; shall we say they are navigating it for others? Who are these others? Well, all one needs to do is see who is benefiting despite the fact that over 90% of us are not. Follow the age-old adage and ‘follow the money ‘. As many small businesses either fold up or cut labor and services, see what companies and individuals are doing so well during these tough times. They are who the both political parties and the mainstream media are serving.
Isn’t it time to follow the creed of ‘Your vote counts… use it? ‘And go into that booth November 8th and refuse to support any of them? The only inheritance they will leave to us is the wind . . . hot air wind at that!
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Philip A Farruggio is son and grandson of Brooklyn, NYC longshoremen. He is a free lance columnist (found on Information Clearing house, Dandelion Salad, Activist Post, Dissident Voice and Smirking Chimp sites), an environmental products sales rep and an activist. Since 2010, Philip is a spokesperson for the 25% Solution Movement to Save Our Cities by cutting military spending 25%. Philip can be reached at [email protected]
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