Doc Medina, Contributor
Activist Post
The truth is that Economic Development does not create jobs or increase production.
Economic development generally refers to the sustained, concerted actions of policymakers and communities that promote the standard of living and economic health of a specific area…Such actions can involve multiple areas including development of human capital, critical infrastructure, regional competitiveness, environmental sustainability, social inclusion, health, safety, literacy, and other initiatives…Whereas economic development is a policy intervention endeavor with aims of economic and social well-being of people, economic growth is a phenomenon of market productivity and rise in GDP. [Sen, A. (1983). Development: Which Way Now? Economic Journal, Issue 372. Pp.745-762]
The intent here is not to bore you, but, to illustrate the doublespeak we must now become aware of. Basically, Economic Development pushes to expand the government control over business through policy, NOT to be confused with Economic Growth. On the National level, three of these organizations are: U.S.B.C.S.D , E.D.A. , N.C.P.P.P. More can be found here:
To find one in your area which may not be listed above try a simple web search as follows — Your City’s Name & Economic Development. These organizations may be arranged as LLCs, Councils, Non-profits, or Public Private Partnerships. Regardless of the name they go under their goals are the same. They choose a public figure to champion their cause and therefore minimize any controversy to the fact that government will decide which businesses or projects are sustainable and will benefit from preferential treatment, while the taxpayers suspect nothing.
Free trade is an economic experiment…countries in a free trade zone may face fierce competition from other countries, leading to economic underdevelopment. (Source)
The FTZ is treated as though legally outside of the U.S. Custom’s territory. Tariffs are not charged on imports and real estate taxes are reduced up to 80%. FTZs have contributed to the loss of jobs and decreased GDP. With this amount of benefit to importing goods, why would any company manufacture in the US?
FTZs make it profitable to manufacture, at low cost, outside the US and ship their goods without tariffs or taxes being charged. While most of the 257 some FTZs have also been labeled “land to be inhabited by Chinese communists”.
Above I have illustrated how government will still determine what is sustainable in the name of Economic Development. Also covered how Foreign Trade Zones are detrimental to our economy. Yet, these aren’t quite the full implementation of a globalist agenda. That is where The White House Rural Council and the National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order come in to tie together all loose ends.
The various agencies which make up the Rural council will compile detailed assessments of rural America’s resources. They will do this under the guise of improving the lives of rural Americans. Once the government has established which resources it wants … Americans will lose them in the name of National Defense. Through the National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order, issued March 16 2012, the federal government may take anything they wish to consider necessary and allocate it where they see fit, or not at all.
When the government begins taking over rural resources, about 16% of Americans will be displaced and will move into sustainable population centers called “Megaregions”. With our manufacturing jobs taken abroad, through the incentives of Foreign Trade Zones, people will have to work on government-controlled projects. The projects will revolve around building and maintaining “Sustainable Cities”. Add to these crowded cities the advancement of surveillance technology, our rapidly deteriorating rights, the increased push to forcibly medicate the population … Then we will have the full implementation of Agenda 21.
Doc Medina is a former ARMY combat medic with a love for liberty. This article first appeared HERE on his blog The Soapbox.
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