Air Marshal Whistleblowers Reveal a Federal Aviation Culture of Discrimination, Abuse, and Incompetence

Joe Wright
Activist Post

Two training supervisors, Tom Feeney and Matt Ryan, have been exposed by 5 current and former air marshals as having created a discriminatory board game that was particularly disparaging of gays, lesbians, African-Americans, and veterans.

The whistleblowers say that the board game is actually a reflection of a system-wide attitude by Federal Air Marshal management that should make fellow workers concerned, as well as the flying public.

In the words of one whistleblower who revealed his identity, Steve Theodoropoulos, the investigation was a whitewash and nothing more than a review, not a true investigation:

The general public ought to be concerned the largest federal racist discrimination case in the history of federal law enforcement is going on and it’s being covered up. (Source)

More worrisome is that the blatant discrimination is merely the tip of a very large iceberg of unimaginable proportions of corruption and abuse.

The five individuals called for an investigation by the Office of Inspector General, backed by Senators and Congressmen.  After 21 months, the Office concluded that there was no evidence demonstrating a system-wide attitude, but rather was contained only to immediate training staff in one office.

Beyond the blatant discrimination, however, the whistleblowers also have pointed out the general incompetence and wastefulness that is endemic within the Air Marshal service, leading to massive cost overruns due to layers of desk bureaucrats, as well as compromised safety and service for the flying public.

What’s more is that the Federal Air Marshal service is not filled with low-wage, poorly trained personnel such as the TSA where horrendous behavior can be written off more easily.  Federal Air Marshals, according to Theodoropoulos, comprise mostly retired secret service personnel, making their disdain for the public that much more threatening. 

Three of the whistleblowers want to remain anonymous, indicating that there is indeed established retaliation for concerns about racism, as well as a lack of efficiency and transparency that will protect the flying public, which is what the taxpayer believes they are actually funding.

Theodoropoulos appears in the video below with the Jeopardy-style game board in question that he suggests has become part of the Federal Air Marshal culture, and serves as a glaring example of discrimination.  He also drops some other bombshells regarding both Barack Obama and Janet Napolitano, as well as a mountain of evidence showing TSA abuse, incompetence, and criminality of every stripe engaged from the top of the Federal Air Marshal structure to the bottom level of the TSA.

The federal  aviation security apparatus is apparently even more corrupt and abusive than the public could have imagined:

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