Ron Paul (R-TX) – Wikimedia image |
Sarah Palermo
Concord Monitor
History is an excellent teacher, and though her lessons can be painful, Americans had better start listening up, says Texas Rep. Ron Paul.
If not, the 6,000 soldiers lost in Iraq and Afghanistan will have died for nothing, he said in a meeting yesterday with the Monitor editorial board.
“I’m hoping and praying we can get a message out of this, learn a lesson. If you don’t change your viewpoints, if you don’t understand history . . . they will have died in vain. We thought we learned our lesson in Vietnam,” he said, but war “is constant, it’s endless, it’s killing. How many more people have to die before we wake up and admit that those people should not have died? If we would have only had the proper policy, those (soldiers) would have been alive today.”
The proper policy, Paul said, is to keep our military limited to national defense, not intervening in other nation’s affairs.
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