Zen Gardner
Before It’s News
It’s bad enough calling it the “decade of vaccines”. The “Gates of Hell” Foundation is now announcing an Orwellian plan to electronically register every child to supposedly keep track of their vaccines.
Vaccines will be the key. If you could register every birth on a cell phone — get fingerprints, get a location — then you could [set up] systems to make sure the immunizations happen.
Gates suggested using cell phones to record each birth and send the information, including biometric identifiers, to a central database. This database would then send reminders to parents’ phones when it was time to come in for vaccines or other treatments. He said a prime location to implement such programs would be northern Nigeria or northern India, where vaccination rates are less than 50 percent.
Now the Illuminati “shout out”…
Acknowledging that registering every single birth has never been done before, Gates said he’d like to see a birth registration system, and because it’s a new technology, “we should let 1,000 new ideas blossom” in order to make it happen. (source)
Where have I heard that before?
Bill Gates Funds GM Mosquitoes to Combat Dengue
Viruses and the GM Insect “Flying Vaccine” Solution
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