J.T. Coyoté
When it comes right down to it, does it matter who you vote for? I mean, when you really think about it, they’re all human, so most are corruptible — it’s the way things are. Yet, being a republic we can control them, right? Well — when a republic morphs into an apathy based quasi-democracy like ours has, politicians are voted in alright, but the electorate feels blocked or powerless even when their guy wins, he seems to be under higher control — can we possibly turn this around?
It seems we have amnesically forgotten that we are a republic. Most no longer contact their representatives with their reasoning on issues. Instead, in the throes of this morphing apath-ocracy, the people vote and then put the whole thing out of their minds, until something happens that politically gores their ox. Even then, apathy prevails, why? Is it because we don’t use what is at our disposal, the very tool of a lawful republic — communication? We have our pens, computers, and I-phones, all primed to set our will as the driver for our elected representatives, why not use them.
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