Alex Thomas
The Intel Hub
I have received multiple tips from our sources that indicate Wikileaks is part of a massive government operation. Rather than posting an article with quotes from sources that must remain unnamed, I have decided to let what we know about Wikileaks speak for itself.
From its inception, Wikileaks has been hailed as a mysterious entity capable of exposing government corruption on every level. Even more mysterious, Wikileaks founder and public face, Julian Assange, has been able to out maneuver multiple federal agencies on his supposed quest for truth. Alternative news outlets across the globe have applauded Wikileaks for its exposure of our disastrous military policies and their implications for the people of Afghanistan. Basically,Wikileaks has been given a free pass within the “truther” community. In our info battle against this so called “New World Order,”[Old World Order] we tend to overlook the shady tendencies of the people and groups we perceive to be allies. Clearly this is the case with Julian Assange and his supposed release of classified material. Could Wikileaks be a well placed group of Cointelpro Agents, started not only to take the spotlight off other, more legitimate whistleblowers, but to be used as a pawn in order to demonize all whistleblowers as potential threats to national security?
Recently, Wikileaks released the Afghan War Logs, which documented multiple operations that killed a high number of civilians, “secret” operations/units, a rise in Taliban attacks on NATO, and perhaps most importantly the perception that the Pakistani intelligence service has aided the enemy by double crossing NATO forces and passing intelligence to the Taliban.
WMR has confirmed Young’s contention that Wikileaks is a CIA front operation. Wikileaks is intimately involved in a $20 million CIA operation that U.S.-based Chinese dissidents that hack into computers in China. Some of the Chinese hackers route special hacking program through Chinese computers that then target U.S. government and military computer systems. After this hacking is accomplished, the U.S. government announces through friendly media outlets that U.S. computers have been subjected to a Chinese cyber-attack. The “threat” increases an already-bloated cyber-defense and offense budget and plays into the fears of the American public and businesses that heavily rely on information technology. Article
This statement assures us that shutting of the whole Internet, partial parts or just certain IP’s is within the capabilities of our Cyber National Security teams abilities. Yet there is the “Insurance” rumor that must be addressed as to whether shutting down the WikiLeak site would solve the problem, apparently there is a claim that an “Insurance” file, called AES256 was encrypted to the WikiLeak’s site that totaled a whopping 1.4 GB suggesting this file had all the documents in question written within it. Rumor has it that if anything happens to the WikiLeaks site or it’s founder then the file would distribute it’s information to multiple web sites to get it’s information published. Now as I read this I was dumbfound as to how that would be an insurance policy. The Internet was developed by the Think Tanks and Researchers in the US Military and executed as an experiment for intelligence gathering. The smartest and brightest minds have over seen the project since it’s creation and certainly would know how to contain a site and an encrypted file. I fail to see how we can yet again claim a person who obviously has ties and connections to the very ones they claim to be “exposing”. Whistle-blower is becoming a distasteful word now a days as these planted whistle-blowers gain such public support only to let the public and the hype down at it’s peak when it’s discovered there is a connection between the blower and the approval of it’s “victim” to release such information for propaganda purposes. Is it possible this information was “given” freely in order to again taint the very existence of the noble deeds of true whistle blowers? Such strong evidence of something so simplistic as shutting an IP down is suggesting so.
It is hard to imagine that many people will judge it sensible to speak to NATO troops in the future. That can only prolong the suffering of the Afghan people.
What about 9/11? “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.” What about the Bilderberg conference? Belfast Telegraph
“The principal deficiency of Wikileaks is its lack of transparency about its operators and funds, characteristics of spies and secret societies up to no good and whose main purpose is to hide from public accountability and conceal corruption and criminality.Such organizations always use a noble purpose and claim secrecy is needed to protect supporters. In practice the secrecy protects the principal beneficiaries, the operators and sources of funds, and supporters are sacrificed to protect the continuation of the enterprise.Wikileaks has followed the lucrative model of the cult of national security, the largest world’s secret enterprise, composed of selected elements of governments, military, intelligence, NGOs, contractors, lobbyists and supporters, identified by their clearance for access to classified information.Royalty and religion have long demonstrated the power of secrecy in misrepresenting what they are up to, pronouncing a great public benefit while reaping privileged rewards behind this cloak — a lavish cloak of property, ceremony, titles and prizes, architecture, clothing, language and literature, music, fine arts, and not least, a complex apparatus of punishment for apostates and infidels, often by military means but equally often by covert attacks.Cults of royalty, religion, military are the main practitioners of secrecy and they are role models for ambitious persons who believe they have a mission to be superior to the public and must violate public trust to battle those who have similar ambitions. They invent enemies to warrant this betrayal.They also combine with their competitors to advance their causes. Thus the appeal of global initiatives to violate national borders in transgression of local law hidden by secrecy.That’s the short sermon. Far better is the browsible library of bountiful supporting information undoctored by sermonizing, Cryptome.”
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