The Internet is a military creation that has now become an essential part of communication in the modern world. Melissa Dykes explains the impact this is having on our relationships, our minds, and how we receive information. But it’s also a two-way street where we give information that is used for surveillance, targeted advertising, and even social engineering.
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Iron John 2.0 This time around Iron John triumphs over the machine because all he has to do is turn off the machine.
There is a real danger in today’s world of Breaking News, etc. to give more credence to opinion than truth. What occurs in urban centers is not necessarily reflective of the rest of the nation.
“But it’s also a two-way street where we give information that is used for surveillance, targeted advertising, and even social engineering.” ??
“We” do not “give” anything. It is taken from those who attempt to use “modern technology”, and is taken without either consent or prior agreement or knowledge. It is a matter of obtaining pecuniary advantage by deception.