Author of iGen on CNN: Kids and Screens — “We’re on the brink of the worst mental health crisis in decades.”
By B.N. Frank What’s good for the goose has never been good for the gander in regard to technology and kids. For many years already,…
By B.N. Frank What’s good for the goose has never been good for the gander in regard to technology and kids. For many years already,…
By B.N. Frank Generation Zapped was produced by filmmaker Sabine El Gemayel. It reveals the science behind the effects of increasing wireless (Wi-Fi) exposure on…
By Catherine J. Frompovich Slowly, but surely, many high tech consumers are coming to the rough realization that the very devices they have fallen in…
By B.N. Frank All wireless devices and infrastructure emit wireless WiFi radiation which is radiation- not magic. Decades of research has already confirmed that exposure…
By B.N. Frank Activist Post has already featured articles about Fitbits causing health issues as have many other media outlets including Natural Blaze, Daily Mail…
By B.N. Frank Many publications have already reported about Fitbit wearers experiencing a variety of health issues including Activist Post, Daily Mail UK, and Natural…
By B.N. Frank Many parents have no idea that there is still no “safe” level of cell phone or WiFi radiation exposure that has been…
By B.N. Frank More religious and spiritually-minded organizations have started using technology such as Alexa and cell phone and computer apps to try to help…
By B.N. Frank Unfortunately WiFi isn’t magic. “The Fine Print” in product manuals explains how you and everyone else is exposed to harmful radiation from…
By B.N. Frank Published on June 21, 2018, top cancer expert, Prof Anthony Miller was interviewed for this Daily Mail UK article, Prof Anthony Miller…
By B.N. Frank This isn’t breaking news: High Risk Insurer, Lloyd’s of London, won’t cover any-wireless radiation hazards. This includes cell phones, cell towers, digital…
By B.N. Frank Fitbits still seem to be all the rage even though they have been formally recalled due to rashes and additional unpleasant symptoms…
By B.N. Frank Because digital, electronic, and WiFi operating devices don’t operate via magic, manufacturers are required to provide safety guidelines and warnings to consumers….
By B.N. Frank There are more reports coming out from a variety of sources that overusing technology can cause addiction and other mental health issues…