Last Minute Change in Security at Inauguration Reminiscent of JFK in Dealey Plaza
By Aaron Dykes Without explanation and just a week before inauguration, President Obama has suddenly announced he is removing the Major General in charge of…
By Aaron Dykes Without explanation and just a week before inauguration, President Obama has suddenly announced he is removing the Major General in charge of…
By Brandon Turbeville It is clear that Americans were able to avoid the worst-case scenario of a Hillary Clinton presidency. However, the 2016 elections provided…
By Josie Wales The Obama administration just handed even more power to the incoming Trump administration to invade the privacy of American citizens. The recent…
By Jon Rappoport Wall Street On Parade (January 9) details the boggling Goldman Sachs presence on Trump’s team. My comments will follow the list of…
By Matt Agorist Less than two weeks in to 2017, and this year is already beginning to be known as the year mainstream media died. The shit…
By Claire Bernish Defying all reason and journalistic duty, BuzzFeed may have now topped the Washington Post in the quickly burgeoning Fake News market, publishing…
By Nathan Stolpman I’m very excited to have Brandon Smith on the show today. Brandon writes about economics on his website and has gained…
By Melissa Dykes The mainstream media is busy ushering the entire nation back into the Cold War, blithely discussing nuclear weapons and launch codes like…
By Brandon Smith For years, alternative economic analysts have been warning that the “miraculous” rise in U.S. stock markets has been the symptom of wider…
By Derrick Broze Since the moment the polls closed on November 8, the Western establishment media and their partners in the State and Corporate classes…
By Claire Bernish In a development with the shocking potential to upend the U.S. presidential election, ten Electoral College electors have requested further insight into…
By Melissa Dykes The Express is reporting that ISIS (you know, the Western-backed rebels that have come to be called ISIS), is planning an attack…
By Melissa Dykes President-elect Donald Trump recently selected KT McFarland to be Deputy National Security Advisor. The KT stands for Kathleen Troia. She was a…
By Richie Allen In the video below, Richie Allen has an enlightening interview with financial writer Brandon Smith of Smith predicts an engineered economic…