Tony Cartalucci

Bin Laden Hoax to Expand War

Globalist think-tanks are already building a case against Pakistan  “Osama’s mansion:” Looking more like an LA crack house, it is more likely that it was…

Syria Attempts to Break Free

More reports of armed gangs, snipers, and dead Syrian security forces. The “peaceful,” “unarmed” protesters have managed to kill over 80 Syrian security force members….

Osama Bin Laden: Not an Issue

Globalists cartoonishly pull rabbit from hat in desperate act of misdirection. Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer Activist Post Bangkok, Thailand May 2, 2011 – We were…

Assassinate Qaddafi?

Tyrants beware. What goes around might come around. No one will miss these people: The elite should think carefully before raising the stakes. Nation-states may…

Color Revolution’s Mystery Gunmen

Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer Activist Post Bangkok, Thailand April 24, 2011 – Imagine you are an embattled regime fighting against a rising tide of foreign-funded…

Syrian Conflict Escalates

Propagandists seeking US intervention, shift blame on puppet Obama. Tony Cartlucci, Contributing Writer Activist Post Bangkok, Thailand April 23, 2011 – It is no secret…

Carving Up Pakistan

Troops will never leave Afghanistan until regional hegemony and its full integration into the “international system” is complete. When they say “Long War,” they mean…

Warning Signs Over Old Siam

Wall Street Journal article signaling uptick in Thai-globalist agenda. Thailand’s army has recently been flexing its military might, but to what end? The globalists make…