Russia: West Purposefully Sabotaging Peace in Syria
Also, German paper FAZ reports Houla was the work of rebels, not pro-Assad militias. Tony Cartalucci, Contributor Activist Post In his most recent statement, Foreign…
Also, German paper FAZ reports Houla was the work of rebels, not pro-Assad militias. Tony Cartalucci, Contributor Activist Post In his most recent statement, Foreign…
US Attempts to Mass-Murder Its Way to Victory in Syria. Image: Brookings Institution’s Middle East Memo #21 makes no secret about long-planned regime change Assessing…
Susanne Posel, Contributor Activist Post Sergey Lavrov, Russian foreign minister, believes that those in political power are deflating the possibility of ending the violence in…
Rigged media already crying foul over elections yet to take place. Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer Activist Post In the spirit of recognizing mobs of terrorists…
West & Arab proxies fail to swindle world with genocidal Libya-style regime change resolution at UNSC. Love Bombs – Anthony Freda Art Tony Cartlalucci, Contributing…
Madison Ruppert, Contributing Writer Activist Post Geopolitical developments continue at a pace that likely makes most peoples’ heads spin, and for good reason. With the…
Note: Paul Craig Roberts now has his own website. We encourage you to visit and support his official homepage. Anthony Freda Art Paul Craig Roberts…
Patrushev and Putin (credit: Madison Ruppert, Contributing Writer Activist Post The push for foreign intervention in Syria has been going on for quite a…
Wall Street’s poorly hidden, poorly coordinated agenda in Russia. Who is behind it? Hunting the Russian Bear Dees Illustration Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer Activist Post…
Hemp – Wiki image RIA Novosti Russia may soon authorize the cultivation of hemp – otherwise known as cannabis sativa – for agricultural and industrial…
Russian Prime Minster Vladimir Putin © AFP/File Natalia Kolesnikova AFP WASHINGTON (AFP) – A “reset” of US-Russian ties will go forward regardless of who Moscow’s…
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This is the thirteenth installment in a series of chapter summaries from G. Edward Griffin’s must-read book The Creature From Jekyll Island. This book may…