Global Blitzkrieg: West’s Terror Battalions Eye Russia Next
Reuters lays groundwork for Western support of Al Qaeda terrorists in Russia’s Caucasus region. Tony Cartalucci, Contributor Activist Post With the US openly supporting, arming,…
Reuters lays groundwork for Western support of Al Qaeda terrorists in Russia’s Caucasus region. Tony Cartalucci, Contributor Activist Post With the US openly supporting, arming,…
Dees Illustration Paul Craig Roberts, Contributor Activist Post A new film, Compliance, examines “the human desire to follow and obey authority.” Liberal institutions, such as…
Russia’s own Federal Reserve Bank photo source Brandon Turbeville Activist Post In what seems to be the stirrings of a Russian “End the Fed” movement,…
Madison Ruppert, Contributor Activist Post As I have pointed out in the past, Russia and China have been providing a pretty significant stumbling block for…
Tony Cartalucci, Contributor Activist Post An empire seeking to covertly overrun a targeted nation would ideally do so with an opposition movement featuring the complete…
Youtube – RT
Michael Snyder, Contributor Activist Post Everyone knows that the Obama administration has been steadily gearing up for a military campaign against Syria. Everyone also knows…
Also, German paper FAZ reports Houla was the work of rebels, not pro-Assad militias. Tony Cartalucci, Contributor Activist Post In his most recent statement, Foreign…
US Attempts to Mass-Murder Its Way to Victory in Syria. Image: Brookings Institution’s Middle East Memo #21 makes no secret about long-planned regime change Assessing…
Susanne Posel, Contributor Activist Post Sergey Lavrov, Russian foreign minister, believes that those in political power are deflating the possibility of ending the violence in…
Rigged media already crying foul over elections yet to take place. Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer Activist Post In the spirit of recognizing mobs of terrorists…
West & Arab proxies fail to swindle world with genocidal Libya-style regime change resolution at UNSC. Love Bombs – Anthony Freda Art Tony Cartlalucci, Contributing…
Madison Ruppert, Contributing Writer Activist Post Geopolitical developments continue at a pace that likely makes most peoples’ heads spin, and for good reason. With the…