
Obama vs. Dancing With The Stars

Dees Illustration Brandon Turbeville Activist Post If anyone thought the President’s speech defending the attack on Libya was broadcast a bit earlier than other Presidential…

Time To Do More Than Worry

Dr. Mark Sircus IMVA As the news worsens from Japan we hear that the FDA has a problem declaring or warning people that artificial food…

Betraying Humanity

Dees Illustration Dr. Mark Sircus IMVA “I think there is a role for safe nuclear power,” says Dr. David J. Brenner directs the Center for…

No Danger No Concern No Sanity

Wikimedia IMVA On March 15 Michi Okugawa wrote, “The situation in Tokyo is getting worse. The number of people who are panicking is increasing with…

Qaddafi Retaking Libya

Rebels holding up the colonial flag of Libya, the ironic symbol of this latest round of Western-backed unrest. Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer Activist Post It…