Big Brother Wants A Tracking Box In Every Car…For Tax Purposes
David Seaman
David Seaman
Aaron Dykes Activist Post 1984 describes the ultimate tyranny to come. Or the retro-nightmare future that might-have-been, had it not been outdone by reality. Aldous…
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By Michael Snyder Are you ready for the future? We live at a time when technology is advancing at an exponential pace. Today, scientists are…
Michael Snyder Activist Post Do you ever feel trapped in an invisible control grid that is slowly but surely closing in all around you? Do…
Stephen Lendman Activist Post Spying on its citizenry reflects one of the most defining police state characteristics. Post-9/11, America crossed the line. Unconstitutional mass surveillance…
Daisy Luther Activist Post You are probably participating in the facial recognition database whether you want to or not. Most likely, your visage is there…
Stephen Lendman Image Activist Post It shouldn’t surprise. It’s longstanding policy. Post-9/11, it escalated. Previous articles said Big Brother is real. It’s no longer fiction….
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image credit: Mick Meaney Activist Post Today disturbing new figures have renewed accusations that Britain has turned into a surveillance society, raising more concerns…
Anthony Freda Art Brandon Smith Activist Post There are two types of people in this world; those who worship the ideal of centralized command authority,…
Activist Post New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg admitted this week that Big Brother is already here . . . and added we better “get use…