The Uprising: Is it Time?
Carl Herman, Contributing Writer Activist Post The artistic power of PuppetGov‘s The uprising video communicates to a different part of us than academic facts, no…
Carl Herman, Contributing Writer Activist Post The artistic power of PuppetGov‘s The uprising video communicates to a different part of us than academic facts, no…
Brandon Smith, Contributing Writer Activist Post Only a few days ago I attended a community meeting here in the Flathead Valley of Montana which revolved…
Aaron Dykes Infowars In a glowing review of the rising prevalence of high-tech big brother surveillance gadgets in police force use, the Associated Press reports…
We each can decide the fate of humanity every single day. Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer Activist Post And our small planet, at this moment, here…
YouTube RELATED ARTICLE: PIPA vote stalled while US censorship still grows
Senator misses flight to Washington after refusing to be groped by federal agents Steve Watson Infowars Kentucky Senator Rand Paul was briefly detained this morning…
Corbett Report See Transcript and Sources HERE RELATED ARTICLE: Cashless Society: India Implements First Biometric ID Program
Rise like Lions after slumber / In unvanquishable number / Shake your chains to earth like dew / Which in sleep had fallen on you…
Commercial viability is driving the research agenda in too many cases. Not what’s medically necessary and what’s medically useful. Heather Callaghan Activist Post In 1980,…
Amir Alwani, Contributing Writer Activist Post Yesterday morning (January 20th, 2012), around 4 a.m. I stumbled upon 20-30 tanks on train cars here in Halifax,…
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