Unknown Illness Strikes Cheerleading Competition
Heather Callaghan Activist Post Local and state health officials are currently investigating the cause of a mysterious flu-like illness that ripped through competitors and attendees…
Heather Callaghan Activist Post Local and state health officials are currently investigating the cause of a mysterious flu-like illness that ripped through competitors and attendees…
YouTube http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/07/us-military-beginning-review-of-syri… http://rt.com/usa/news/iran-us-military-sajjadi-829/ http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/feb/06/obama-orders-central-bank-iran-sa… http://patriotupdate.com/18148/congress-calls-for-accelerated-use-of-drones-i…
The Intel Hub NY Times article: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/07/us/we-the-people-loses-appeal-with-people-around-the-world.htm?_r=1 RELATED ARTICLE: FBI Attempts to Make ‘Libertarians’ the Poster Children for Domestic Extremism
Heather Callaghan Activist Post Around 129 dolphins mysteriously beached themselves upon Cape Cod in the last few weeks. The death toll is now up to…
Royal Society – Brain Waves Nicholas West Activist Post In April of last year, Obama announced a $100 million brain-mapping project, which is being promoted…
YouTube Please visit http://www.UFOTV.com to obtain a DVD of this presentation. RELATED ACTIVIST POST ARTICLE: The 10 Inventions of Nikola Tesla That Changed The World
YouTube More Information read “The battle for McPherson Square” — Rough police tactics rout 300 protesters from their tent city in the heart of Washington”…
Nile Bowie Activist Post For anyone paying attention, there is no shortage of issues that fundamentally challenge the underpinning moral infrastructure of American society and…