Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Malthusian-Transhumanist Riders of the Pale Horse
On top of funding Malthusian crisis propaganda and Malthusian environmental programs, Hubbard’s Rockefeller benefactor founded the Conservation Foundation, which was later merged with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The WWF had been set up by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands; Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh; and Julian Huxley:
A former Nazi storm trooper, Prince Bernhard, who was also a founder of the Bilderberg Group, was the “honorary sponsor” of the Third Annual Meeting of the WEF. At this 1973 Annual Meeting, Club of Rome co-founder, Aurelio Peccei, who met personally with Hubbard in 1972, preached the Malthusian gospel of Limits to Growth, which would lay the groundwork for the sustainable development initiatives of UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF’s Great Reset. The Limits to Growth thesis was resounded by Hubbard in several of her books, including Conscious Evolution[2]; Birth 2012 and Beyond[3]; Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence[8],and the published and unpublished versions of the “Book of Co-Creation” [1] [6].
Prince Philip, who was kin to Prince Bernhard and several other members of Hitler’s Nazi Party, was the father of the current King of the United Kingdom, Charles III, who launched the WEF’s Great Reset and the Terra Carta mandate of the Sustainable Markets Initiative. In an anthology titled If I Were an Animal, which donated sales royalties to the WWF, Prince Philip confessed that he was “tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus” to cull the “population explosion” of the “human species” and, in turn, protect “endangered species.”
The president of the British Eugenics Society and the first Director-General of the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Julian Huxley coined the term “transhumanism” in his 1957 book, New Bottles for New Wine. In UNESCO’s 1946 mission statement, UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy, Huxleycalled for a global eugenics program and a global population control policy:
“[t]he recognition of the idea of an optimum population-size [sic] (of course relative to technological and social conditions) is an indispensable first step towards that planned control of populations which is necessary if man’s blind reproductive urges are not to wreck his ideals and his plans for material and spiritual betterment. The recognition of the fact that the wild life [sic] of the world is irreplaceable, but that it is being rapidly destroyed, is necessary if we are to realise in time that areas must be set aside where, in the ultimate interests of mankind as a whole, the spread of man must take second place to the conservation of other species.”
Not only was the World Wildlife Fund set up by these prominent Malthusians with the help of Russell E. Train, who was a Rockefeller Brothers Fund trustee. But the WWF, which advances UN Agenda 2030 through the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, has explicitly advocated for Malthusian family planning programs. In brief, for the WWF, wildlife conservation and human population control are interlinked elements of sustainable Malthusian development. It is worth noting here that, in a 2020 WWF video, Sir David Attenborough, who is a WEF member, called for “stabilis[ing] the human population as low as we fairly can.” It is also worth noting that numerous other WEF members are also WWF officials, including Shi Wang, David Dao, Andreas Follér, Jim Sano, David Miller, Emilio Tenuta, Yuan Jiakai, Julia Novy, Carter Roberts, Mei Dewen, William Smith Stubbs, Rasmus Helveg Petersen, David Hoyle, Victoria Fuentes, Oscar Soria, Razan Al Mubarak, Jayesh Ranjan, Frances Seymour, Erin Simon, and Bubba Cook.
Wildlife conservation and population control are similarly hitched together by Hubbard in “Alternative to Armageddon,” which asserts that, in order to save “animals” from “killers,” a planetary “tribulation” must ensue so that “[t]he killers must not survive to become universal humans”:
“[h]uman history has been a difficult and as yet incomplete effort to overcome the mammalian defect programmed in our genes—killing animals and each other. We are heading toward the birth canal with this defect uncorrected . . . [H]undreds of millions are still killing animals and each other.
This is why tribulations must be so severe on your planet. The killers must not survive to become universal humans.”
Ironically, Hubbard’s remedy for the killing of wildlife is the selective culling of human beings. It can be inferred that the “killers” who “must not survive” belong to the “one-fourth” of the “defective seeds” who must be “destroyed” in order to midwife humankind through its cosmic Malthusian birth crisis into a new transhuman species. Notice here that this passage reinvokes Hubbard’s “birth crisis” eschatology through the imagery of “heading toward the birth canal.” Notice also that this passage echoes Huxley’s decree that “man must take second place to the conservation of other species.”
Hubbard also collaborated with WWF trustee Maurice Strong, who served alongside her on the Global Advisory Board of the World Future Society. According to Laurance S. Rockefeller: Catalyst for Conservation, Laurance had “conversations with and high regard for such individuals as Maurice Strong from the United Nations.” In fact, Laurance was a member of the US delegation to the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment, which was led by Strong, who later set up the 1992 UN Earth Summit Conference where the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of UN Agenda 21 were established as the precursors to the SDGs of UN Agenda 2030. Meanwhile, Laurance financed a battery of “sustainable development” projects as trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. It is keen to note here that SDG 5.6 affirms the Neo-Malthusian “family planning” tenets of the Program of Action of the UN’s 1994 International Conference on Population and Development.
The godfather of the SDGs, Strong was a WEF Foundation Board member who also crossed paths with Hubbard at the State of the World Forum (SWF), which was orchestrated by the first and only president of the Soviet Union: Mikhail Gorbachev, who was also a member of the Malthusian Club of Rome. The SWF also brought together an array of Hubbard’s New Age “allies” along with key WWF officials, including the WWF Senior Program Officer, Jaime Cavelier, and the WWF Chair, Ruud Lubbers, who was also the Prime Minister of the Netherlands. At the same time, the SWF also included several members of the WEF and the Club of Rome along with Laurance’s nephew, Steven C. Rockefeller, who was the Chair of the International Drafting Committee of Earth Charter, which Gorbachev co-created with Strong as a UN Agenda 21 proxy through a merger of Gorbachev’s Green Cross International and Strong’s Earth Council. According to the Rockefeller Brothers Fund website, Steven Rockefeller “became an RBF trustee in 1977 and joined Laurance and several like-minded cousins in embracing spiritually grounded approaches to a new ecological ethos.”
It is worth noting here that the Rockefeller dynasty not only purchased and donated the land upon which the UN headquarters were built. But the house of Rockefeller also financed some of the UN World and International Population Conferences that paved the way for the Neo-Malthusian population policies that are embedded into the SDGs of UN Agenda 2030, which Hubbard endorsed during her 2016 address to the UN High-Level Forum on the Culture of Peace. It is also worth noting that Laurance’s Rockefeller Brothers Fund and his venture capital firm, Venrock, have financed “sustainable development” technologies since 1980, and they continue to invest in “sustainability” enterprises today.
In sum, Laurance Rockefeller and Barbara Marx Hubbard shared a common Malthusian vision of conscious transhuman evolution. Through collaborations with the UN, both Laurance and Barbara advanced the Malthusian population policies that undergird the SDGs of Agenda 2030, which was spawned by their mutual comrade, Maurice Strong. By proxy, Gorbachev’s SWF brought together Strong, Hubbard, and Laurance’s nephew along with top officials from the UN, the WEF, the Club of Rome, and the WWF, all of which are pivotal institutions driving the Malthusian SDG initiatives of the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In short, Hubbard’s liaison with Laurance Rockefeller intersected through momentous positions at the Malthusian nexus of world governance institutions, such as the UN; globalist Round Table NGOs, such as the WEF, the SWF, and the Club of Rome; and non-profit environmentalist foundations, such as the WWF.