Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Malthusian-Transhumanist Riders of the Pale Horse
In Population and Human Values, the Salks analyzed “demographic data [that] provide a basis on which to discuss the relationship between changes in population growth patterns and changes in human attitudes, values, and behavior.” Based on the data, the Salks estimated that “we can expect the human population growth curve to follow a sigmoid pattern. The level of the plateau [of the sigmoid curve] is still uncertain, however, and is subject to human influence. In the years to come, we face the challenge of understanding and facilitating a slowing of human population growth and, ultimately, of adapting to the conditions associated with a relatively constant population size.” Nevertheless, the Salks asserted that, “[a]lthough we have turned a corner and the rate of world population growth is presently decreasing, world population size is still rapidly increasing and will continue to do so for many decades to come. The further slowing of growth will require expansion of family planning programs and a general increase in availability of social, health, and educational services.” Failing to institute such population control policies, according to the Salks, could lead to “a total collapse of the human population.”
Echoing the Salks’ “epochal change” theory of conscious Malthusian evolution, Hubbard envisioned “a time of quantum transformation” when overpopulation and resource depletion would be offset by family planning and euthanasia policies while, at the same time, “advanced medical technologies” would be harnessed to “extend life” and “build new bodies” for the new “universal life” of a transhuman homo universalis. In a passage from “The Revelation: Alternative to Armageddon,” which is reprinted almost verbatim in The Revelation: Our Crisis Is a Birth [1], Hubbard wrote:
“at a time of quantum transformation, . . . ‘[b]e fruitful and multiply’ goes too far and becomes over-population. ‘Preserve all life’ goes too far and results in undesirable technological prolongation of animal/human existence. ‘Give food and shelter to the people’ becomes the over-industrialization, pollution, inflation, and resource depletion by the developed world. . . .
The feedback from the environment is rapidly informing you to stop doing in the future what was necessary in the past.
‘Be fruitful and multiply’ becomes ‘consciously conceive chosen children who will be given the opportunity of optimum development.’
‘Preserve all life’ becomes ‘the opportunity for chosen death, and chosen extended life.’ Thanatology and gerontology enter the scene. Death can be chosen by those who have finished their work on Earth. The purpose of advanced medical technologies is not to maintain animal/human bodies in a semi-vegetative state. It is to be used by the minds motivated to do new work in the new environments of outer space, to extend life, change bodies, and eventually build new bodies accustomed to the new conditions of universal life.”
Today, Hubbard’s futurist prescriptions for Malthusian population control and conscious transhuman evolution are being advanced by the Salk Institute. Even though Hubbard parted ways with the Salk Institute during its incubation period, her Malthusian vision of conscious transhuman evolution, which was shared by Salk, is reflected in the research and development projects of the Salk Institute, which has been contributing to sustainable development while engineering the building blocks for the new transhuman bodies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
In fact, the Salk Institute, which experimented with “RNA-targeting CRISPR-Cas technology to destroy the SARS-CoV-2 virus’ RNA” in 2020, has conducted extensive research advancing “genetic engineering,” including “CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing,” “gene editing-based stem cell therapies,” and “a new Salk tool, called CasRx,” which can “target . . . RNA.” At the same time, members of the Salk Institute’s Computational Neurobiology Laboratory and the Salk Institute’s Systems Neurobiology Laboratory, with the help of the United States Office of Naval Research and the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), have been enhancing transhuman AI consciousness by “teaching artificial intelligence to . . . ‘think’ like humans” through “computational model[s]” that “simulate . . . how the brain’s prefrontal cortex . . . control[s] the flow of information between different areas of neurons.” It is worth noting here that Nicola Allen, who is an Associate Professor of Molecular Neurobiology at the Salk Institute, is a member of the WEF, which is one of the key groups at the helm of pushing transhumanism and Malthusian sustainable development as the cornerstones of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset.
Hubbard and the Sustainable-Malthusian Globalism of the Rockefeller Dynasty
Hubbard’s Malthusian outlook toward conscious evolution was shared not only by Salk, but also by her “beloved patron,” Laurance S. Rockefeller [2], who bankrolled her Foundation for Conscious Evolution, which calls for “radical evolutionary technologies” to be bolstered as remedies for “a complex series of crises, most especially environmental . . . crises, [which] are acting as evolutionary drivers pressuring us to innovate and transform.” Rockefeller, whose Venrock venture capital firm has bankrolled transhumanist science and technologies, including biotech, nanotech, and AI, is praised by Hubbard in five of her books over a span of 22 years between 1993 and 2015 [1] [2] [6] [7] [8]. Not only did the transhumanist interests of Rockefeller and Hubbard converge, but they also shared the common belief that Malthusian ecological crises must be met with global “sustainable development” policies entailing human population control and environmental conservation.
According to a biography titled Laurance S. Rockefeller: Catalyst for Conservation, Laurance championed the Malthusian ecological philosophy of “his brother JDR [John D. Rockefeller] 3rd, whose interest in population control he shared.” The Malthusian philanthropies of Laurance and John D. III, the latter of whom was the chairman of the US Commission on Population Growth and the American Future, were inspired by their father, John D. Rockefeller Jr., who funded Nazi eugenics programs through the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics. The Malthusianism of Laurance and John D. III was also inspired by John D. Jr.’s crony, Henry Fairfield Osborn Jr. The son of Henry Fairfield Osborn Sr., who was a co-founder of the American Eugenics Society (AES), Osborn Jr. was also the cousin of Frederick Osborn, who was both a director of the AES and a co-founder of John D. III’s Population Council. It was Frederick Osborn who professed that eugenic goals could be more effectively attained through “crypto-eugenics” under the guise of “family planning” and Malthusian ecology, the latter of which is a pillar of Hubbard’s transhumanist schema for “conscious evolution.”
In Laurance S. Rockefeller: Catalyst for Conservation, Laurance’s biographer records how “the young LSR [Laurance S. Rockefeller] learned from him [Henry Fairfield Osborn Jr.] quite early about the world’s growing problem with overpopulation — an interest shared with JDR 3rd . . . Above all, LSR recalled, Osborn helped him to understand ‘participating in doing,’ not simply . . . in passive philanthropy, but in playing an active role within his philanthropic interests.” Laurance was so inspired by Osborn Jr. that he beamed about how he “felt they shared an ‘interrelated energy field’; years after they met, Osborn recognized the younger man’s similar curiosity, sending him a portrait inscribed, ‘from one rogue to another.’” Not only was Osborn Jr. a muse for Laurance’s Malthusian ecological philanthropy, but “[o]ver the years Osborn and LSR worked together on many projects, from the goals of Save-the-Redwoods to the development of the Bronx Zoo into a Wildlife Conservation Society.” In 1972, honoring the legacy of his deceased Malthusian mentor, Laurance wrote a Reader’s Digest article on “The Most Unforgettable Person I Ever Met,” which lauded “Osborn’s dynamism, . . . his writings on the post-war population explosion, and his sense of global responsibility.’”
About a decade after Laurance’s death, he was similarly eulogized by Hubbard in the dedication to her 2015 Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation [7]. As I document in “Barbara Malthusian Hubbard: From Limits to Growth to Agenda 2030,” out of the five books in which Hubbard lauds Rockefeller, four of them advance Hubbard’s calls for population control and sustainable development in order to avert Malthusian crises [1] [2] [6] [8]. In addition to spreading Hubbard’s Malthusian crisis gospel by bankrolling her books, Laurance also financed a Rockefeller Brothers Fund “Environmental Program” that “conduct[ed] scientific anticipatory analysis” of “the way in which population, resources, food, capital, pollution, and values interact.”