Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Malthusian-Transhumanist Riders of the Pale Horse
In another book titled The Future of Man,Teilhard de Chardin posited that, in order to avert “famine” and other ecological catastrophes from overpopulation, the human species would need to cull its own population down to a “maximum” size while eugenically engineering the appropriate ratios and proportions of a “racial hygienic” caste hierarchy ranked according to “different ethnic types.” In a chapter titled “The Directions and Conditions of the Future,” which resounded the alarm of “Mr. [Henry] Fairfield Osborn [Jr.’s]” Malthusian treatise, Our Plundered Planet,Teilhard de Chardin postulated how:
“earth’s population began to shoot up in an alarming fashion. . . . Now we suddenly see the saturation point ahead of us, and approaching at a dizzying speed. How are we to prevent this compression of Mankind on the closed surface of the planet . . . from passing that critical point beyond which any increase in numbers will mean famine and suffocation? Above all, how are we to assure that the maximum population, when it is reached, shall be composed only of elements harmonious in themselves and blended as harmoniously as possible together? Individual eugenics (breeding and education designed to produce only the best individual types) and racial eugenics (the grouping or intermixing of different ethnic types being not left to chance but effected as a controlled process in the proportions most beneficial to humanity as a whole) both, as I well know, come up against apparently insuperable difficulties, from the point of view of technical organisation and from that of psychological resistance. But this does not alter the fact that the problem of building a healthy Mankind already stares us in the face and is growing more acute every day” (295).
To put it another way, for Teilhard de Chardin, the collective noetic evolution of the planetary ecosystem and the human species requires that the Earth’s limited resources be stewarded by a eugenically engineered elite who must enforce Malthusian birth control policies aimed at culling “unprogressive ethnical groups” from the human population so that those “unfit” races do not squander the planet’s natural resources.
In yet another book titled Human Energy, Teilhard de Chardin professed, “[n]ow eugenics does not confine itself to a simple control of births. All sorts of related questions . . . are attached to it. What fundamental attitude, for example, should the advancing wing of humanity take to fixed or definitely unprogressive ethnical groups? The earth is a closed and limited surface. To what extent should it tolerate, racially or nationally, areas of lesser activity?” These rhetorical questions insinuate that “unprogressive,” or “lesser,” races should be the primary targets of population control in order to prevent such “unfit” races from consuming the eugenic elite’s share of the Earth’s limited natural resources. In The Future of Man, Teilhard de Chardin indicated that the “unprogressive” hominids, who are essentially synonymous with the “unfit,” are those who balk at the “super-humanisation” and “planetisation of Mankind” which is necessary to consciously plan the collective noetic evolution of the human species and planet Earth.
To be sure, Hubbard did not overtly avow “race hygiene” eugenics. Nevertheless, echoing Teilhard de Chardin, Hubbard did envision that human population would need to be culled, and that the expendable populations would inevitably be those who are not spiritually “fit” to “progress,” or “evolve,” their consciousnesses toward noetic transhumanization and collective sustainable development. In “The Revelation: Alternative to Armageddon,” Hubbard referred to “one-fourth of humanity” who are “defective seeds” and therefore “must be eliminated from the social body.” Hubbard declared that “[i]t is a case of the destruction of the whole planet, or the elimination of the ego-driven, godless one-fourth who, at this time of planetary birth, can, if allowed to live on to reproduce their defective disconnection, destroy forever the opportunity of Homo sapiens to become Homo universalis, heirs of God.” In brief, although Hubbard did not explicitly espouse old school “race hygiene” eugenics, she did believe in the cosmic necessity of a “spiritual,” or “conscious,” Malthusian-eugenics that decrees the culling of a quarter of the population in order to save the planet and harness the noetic transhuman evolution of homo universalis.
In the official publication of The Revelation: Our Crisis Is a Birth,Hubbard, like Teilhard de Chardin, postulated the Malthusian crisis of the “limits to growth” crisis and the “population crisis” as a “crisis of our planetary birth” [1]. Similarly, in Human Energy, Teilhard de Chardin declared,
“[t]oo much iron, too much wheat, too many automobiles . . . and even too many children. . . . [W]e must ask what this excess production means. Is the world condemned, as it grows, to automatic death by stifling beneath its own excessive weight? Not at all, we would answer. It is in course of gathering to itself a new higher body. At this crisis of birth, everything depends on the prompt emergence of a soul which by merely appearing will come to organize, lighten, and vitalize this mass of stagnant and confused matter. . . . The resources at our disposal today, the powers that we have released, could not possibly be absorbed by the narrow system of individual or national units which the architects of the human earth have hitherto used. . . . The age of nations has passed. Now, unless we wish to perish we must shake off our old prejudices and build the earth.“
In short, Teilhard de Chardin believed that the overpopulation of the human species and the over-commoditization of the Earth’s natural resources are triggering a Malthusian “crisis” that will spark the “birth” of a newly evolved system of global governance over all the environmental resources across “the human earth.”
Mirroring Teilhard de Chardin in her 1998 Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential, Hubbard warned that there is an urgent “crisis” which can only be averted by the “birth” of a “planetary system” designed to control human population growth, natural resource consumption, and environmental pollution [2]. In a chapter titled “Our Crisis Is a Birth,” which is also the subtitle to the official publication of The Revelation [1], Hubbard asserted that:
“[w]e must shift to renewable, nonpolluting sources of energy. We feel the pangs of hunger increasing as population escalates and more and more of us are hungry. All around us our old life-support systems are breaking down. What worked before has become destructive. We do not have much time to change. . . .
Yet, despite our fear and ignorance, we are learning to manage a planetary system. . . .
Our crisis is a birth. We are one living system and we have come to the limit of one phase of natural growth on a finite planet. . . .
[W]e may see ourselves as planetary midwives helping to deliver ourselves as a planetary system toward our next stage of life.” [2]
Similarly, in her 2012 book, Birth 2012 and Beyond, Hubbard professed that Malthusian ecological calamities resulting from overpopulation, overconsumption, and pollution are catalyzing a global “birthing crisis”: “[i]f you look at planet Earth as a whole system, it’s obvious that we’re overpopulating, [sic] we’re polluting, and we’re running out of resources. Like an infant that is reaching the ‘due date’ of its birth, we’re overgrowing ‘the womb’ of the Earth. Our ‘birthing’ crisis is inflicting pain and suffering for millions, as well as the possible destruction of our life support system” [3].
According to Hubbard, this “crisis” will “birth” the collective-conscious evolution of a new transhuman: species in tandem with a new world order:
“The urgency of our global crisis is causing people to wake up all over the planet. . . . What is now being born is transforming the old situation with the prospect of new solutions; and . . . it is helping to create a new world . . .
And so, I believe . . . our crisis is potentially the birth of a more co-evolving, cocreative [sic] humanity. . . .
[A] new type of human is emerging in the face of our shared global crisis. I call these pioneers ‘universal humans’ . . . This new person is moving toward cosmic consciousness and an ever-deepening spirituality.” [3]
In “Alternative to Armageddon,” alluding to the Club of Rome’s Malthusian treatise, Limits to Growth, Hubbard described this global “crisis of birth” as a Malthusian “meta-crisis of limits” that is midwifing the human species through a noetic “birth canal,” which will beget a “born again” transhuman species that can circumvent the “limits to growth” through evolutionary technologies, including “cybernetics,” “robotics,” and genetic engineering:
“[w]e entered the ‘birth canal.’ The meta-crisis of limits began. Resource shortage, over-population, pollution, alienation, confusion, malaise about the future, disconnection with the past. Experts with a womb-perspective advocated a ‘return’ to the simpler past, an adaptation to limits, a program of maximum conservation, and no growth. Futurists wrote of a paradigm shift from self-centered to whole-centered. Evolutionaries evangelized the extended gospel of Christ-capacities for all. Simultaneously these capacities turned on. These were the ‘post-natal’ technologies, developed within the womb of Earth for use after birth in the universal environment beyond the biospheric womb of Earth: astronautics, genetics, longevity, cybernetics, robotics.”
It is keen to note here that, in “Alternative to Armageddon,” Hubbard professed that the “universal woman,” or homo universalis, “gives birth to the first natural Christ,” and that “[t]his first natural Christ is transhuman, supra-human.” In other words, according to Hubbard, “Christ-capacities,” which are “turned on” through “‘post-natal’ technologies,” are “transhuman” capacities that are noetically “birthed” through the “meta-crisis of limits” to population growth and resource consumption.
To sum up, Hubbard carried the torch for Teilhard de Chardin’s Malthusian-eugenic “crisis” gospel as she prophesied that Malthusian “crises” would give “birth” to a noetic “Christ consciousness” which would technocratically engineer the sustainable evolution of a new transhuman species. Today, the WEF has adopted a “crisis of birth” ethos to drive the Great Reset by exploiting the COVID-19 “crisis” as an opportunity to accelerate the “birth” of a sustainable transhumanist Fourth Industrial Revolution. In a WEF “Sustainable Development” article published in 2020 and titled, “Now Is the Time for a ‘Great Reset,’” WEF Founder and Chairman, Klaus Schwab, proclaimed that “[t]he COVID-19 crisis is affecting every facet of people’s lives in every corner of the world. . . . [T]he pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future” by “Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”