Dr. Jim Garrow is a renowned author and whistleblower who has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for his humanitarian work. He is the author of The Pink Pagoda: One Man’s Quest to End Gendercide in China.
He has spent over $25 million over the past sixteen years rescuing an estimated 40,000 baby Chinese girls from near-certain death under China’s one-child-per-couple policy by facilitating international adoptions. He is the founder and executive director of the Bethune Institute’s Pink Pagoda schools, private English-immersion schools for Chinese children. Today he runs 168 schools with nearly 6,300 employees.
Dr Garrow was recently contacted by a high-ranking military official who implored him to reveal the truth about a “litmus test” that is being proposed by the Obama administration to the military asking the question “will you shoot Americans if they won’t give you their guns?”
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