Truckers Freedom Convoy Strong: Trudeau Widely Criticized

By Neenah Payne

Justin Trudeau Invokes Emergencies Act shows that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada invoked the Emergencies Act on February 15 in response to the Freedom Convoy 2022 by Canadian truckers which arrived in Ottawa, the capital, on January 29. The truckers initially wanted reversal of the COVID “vaccine” mandates for themselves, but later expanded that to all Canadians. Four provinces agreed to drop the mandates and Ontario (where Ottawa is located) said it will drop them on February 23.

The 45-50 mile long convoy of truckers is the largest and the most important peaceful protest in the history of the medical freedom movement. The protests received a boost when hundreds of farmers arrived in Ottawa in their tractors. Since January 23, the group’s GoFundMe page raised over ten million dollars to cover the cost of the journey and to help truckers in Ottawa.  When GoFundMe confiscated the money, eight million dollars were raised on GoSendMe.

The Freedom Convoy inspired a trucker convoy in Paris last week, in the US starting on March 5, and in other countries. The videos below show that Tom Marazzo  initially emerged lowly as the spokesman for the truckers. He has shown patience, courage, and wisdom in the face of severe threats. The trucker movement is restoring power to the people. It is reaffirming our human rights, our democracies, our freedoms, our economies, and the real science. It is helping to protect us from The Great Reset of Klaus Schwab which includes The Fourth Industrial Revolution in which we have been told “You will own nothing and will be happy”. The Great Reset is also intended to shift us from Humanity 1.0 to Humanity 2.0. Dr. Carrie Madej warns that COVID Shots Facilitate Transhumanism. So, the globalists are using the COVID “health” policies to wage WWIII against humanity.

All the massive demonstrations around the world for two years did nothing to change the COVID “health” policies. Law suits, Congressional investigations, petitions by 17,000 doctors did nothing to change COVID mandates that were forcing people to get the shot or lose their jobs. Who is changing  the COVID policies? Canadian truckers. THAT’S leadership.

Freedom Convoy Is Supported By Doctors

In the video Freedom Convoy ADDRESS TO THE NATION – Feb.6, 2022 “State of Emergency Update” reports

“Freedom Convoy Leadership Update — Address to the Nation February 6, 2020, Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, a world renowned medical expert, said: ‘It is time that we stop and we declare this pandemic emergency over.’  He added that the Canadian truckers are ‘backed by solid science’ and that the ‘government positions of these vaccine mandates have no scientific or medical bases and must be stopped now.'”

Acclaimed physician Dr. Roger Hodkinson stated: “The mandates must be lifted tomorrow. The carnage that’s going on out there with our children is indescribable.”

Identified only as “Tom”, Marazzo is shown on the left in the photo below and begins speaking at about 8:15. He calmly explained that the police can’t end this situation and said he would  provide an update on February 7 to propose a meeting with Trudeau to end the impasse.

New Freedom Convoy Fundraiser Raises $2 Million In Single Day, With More Than $4 Million Total

Truckers Will Remain Peaceful Even If Arrested

Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference

In this press conference, Tom, the initial spokesperson for the truckers, pointed out that the police had confiscated their fuel and food the night before, but it was quickly replaced. However, he said they had reason to believe they might be arrested. He said they were not frightened and will remain non-violent, but wanted people to know what they may be facing. He said if people stop hearing from them, they can assume their communications have been cut off. If that happens, he asked Canadians to come to Ottawa because “there is strength in numbers”. He asked to meet with negotiators from the federal government and pointed out that the scientists supporting the truckers would like to sit down for a discussion with the government’s scientists. All the people in the group introduced themselves.

“We are prepared to be arrested”: trucker convoy organizer

Ty Jadah

During a Wednesday evening press conference, Tom Marazzo, the organizer of the “Freedom Convoy,” said, “We are prepared to be arrested.” Marazzo says there has been a “significant amount of pressure” from city officials and law enforcement over the past few days and he says if protesters are arrested as a result, “we will be taken into custody peacefully.” The convoy organizer says the “Freedom Convoy” has a team of pro-bono lawyers in the nation’s capital who have set up an entire clinic to help drivers and protesters deal with “nuances tickets” and “nickel and dime issues.” Marazzo reiterated that the demonstration’s issues are “not with Ottawa and residents, but with the federal government.”

Freedom Convoy’s Address To Canadians

On February 10, in his Address To Canadians, Marazzo came forward with his full name. He emphasized that the truckers simply want all the COVID mandates permanently ended for everyone.

Freedom Convoy — Address To Canadians by Tom Marazzo

What’s At Stake For Humanity Now In Canada

See David Icke’s Comprehensive Explanation of COVID.


Trudeau Acting Like Dictator, Not Elected Official

The February 14 video Trudeau Waiting To Invoke Emergency Act points out that Trudeau had promised the mandates would end when 70% of Canadians got the COVID shots. However, Canada is now at 90% — even the truckers. Yet, Trudeau invoked the Emergency Act which this video sees as a declaration of civil war.

It’s Official, Emergency Act Is In Effect said on February 14 that this act has never been invoked before. It says, “This is the saddest day in Canadian history. This is the most embarrassed I’ve ever been to be Canadian.”

In the video below, police officers explain why they support the truckers. Jordan Petersen speaks out both about the tyranny of the Canadian government and the failure of the legacy media. He criticizes the failure of Canada’s Conservative Party to speak out.


“The Great Reset is already here. Have you noticed with these assholes it is always about stealing what you have? Your job, freedom, liberty, property, children, money etc. Government is the problem not the people.”

Sen. John Kennedy shreds Trudeau’s ‘underwhelming’ leadership

BREAKING UP WITH TRUDEAU! International Left and Right Agree: PM is a disaster

Trudeau Finds Little Support

‘He’s digging his political grave’: Trudeau heckled over his treatment of Freedom Convoy truckers

“Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been heckled by conservative members of parliament while trying to defend his decision to enact the Emergencies Act. The Emergencies Act was passed in 1988 and has never been used until Mr Trudeau announced he will invoke the powers contained within the bill. The act would allow banks to freeze the personal accounts of anyone linked to the protests without a court order. Police will be able to seize trucks and other vehicles that are parked in downtown Ottawa.”

Trudeau is treating trucker protesters like terrorists: Turley

Tucker: The media played a starring role in the death of Canadian democracy

Trudeau is afraid of Canadians who support freedom: Keith Wilson

Kayleigh McEnany torches ‘elitist’ Justin Trudeau

‘The Five’ slam Canada’s threat to freeze trucker’s bank accounts

Take Back Our Freedoms: Follow The Science!

On February 15, the Take Back Our Freedoms webcast Call to Action – Stop the “Emergency” interviewed Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, a world-renowned medical expert who is supporting the truckers.

“On this Emergency Webcast (15 February 2022), Roy Beyer and George Bears are joined by Joseph Ben-Ami and Dr. Paul Alexander to discuss the possible enactment of the Emergencies Act as well as a call to action to put a stop to this immediately.” The webcast encouraged Canadians to call and email their representatives in Parliament to urge them to oppose the Emergencies Act. It explained that the Senate and House of Commons must vote on the act within 7 days of being in session. The act will be immediately revoked if either side rejects it.

In the video, Dr. Alexander said: “It is time that we stop and we declare this pandemic emergency over.”  He added that the Canadian truckers are “backed by solid science” and that the “government positions of these vaccine mandates have no scientific or medical bases and must be stopped now.”

Dr. Alexander pointed out that the truckers have made Ottawa safer — crime rates are down 50-90% in Ottawa. Now, 12 countries have rolled back COVID mandates. There is no basis for the Emergencies Act. The only resolution is to drop all the COVID mandates for everyone. Omicron is so mild that is one tenth the severity of the common cold! The pandemic emergency doesn’t exist anymore. The COVID shot has failed because it doesn’t stop transmission..

Dr. Alexander explained that the Emergency Declaration on which the mandates were implemented must be revoked so they cannot be re-implemented later. The webcast pointed out that is the most important vote of our lifetimes. Vote for freedom.

Truckers Re-Iterate Their Demands

What the Truckers Do and Do Not Want

“In this video, Benjamin Dichter, who is integrally involved in the Truckers Freedom Convey, reads a statement of the movement’s demands, who they are, and addresses what they are not asking for that has been presented by the legacy media. Full interview with Mikhaila and BJ available at:


“the most important update on the freedomconvoy in Canada”

Peaceful Civil Disobedience Is Winning

Fearless Canadian trucker has a message for Trudeau

“Truck driver James Doull discusses the fate of the Canadian trucker ‘Freedom Convoy’ as PM Justin Trudeau vows to freeze protesters’ bank accounts, arguing he doesn’t see the PM’s efforts ‘making any difference.’”


Determined Truckers Vow To Stay

Ottawa Police Hand Out Notices To Truckers- Get Out Now Or Be Arrested

“Demonstrators with children under 19-years-old face up to a $5,000 fine or five years in jail.”

“A Canadian named Tom thanked his nation’s forefathers for dying in the trenches so the country’s current citizens could live free. “We fear for our grandchildren and our children,” he said, adding that he has no fear of being arrested. “If they want to come get me, I’m right here.” “They can freeze our assets, they can take the insurance off our vehicles, but you know what? We’re not leaving,” one man told NBC News.”

Protester: ‘We’re not leaving’ Ottawa demo site

 “it’s just a protest”


Nothing Changes As Long As You Obey

Exceptionally Cruel and Insensitive Health Officials by Dr. Mark Sircus in 2020 should be read in full. Much of it is quoted here. Dr. Sircus says:

“Not only are they cruel and insensitive but they are outright liars (they love scary predictions that do not come true) and do not want to listen to anyone who disagrees with their insensible plans to destroy human civilization. They are destroyers of human existence, human activity, human happiness and even human health. To be in favor of lock-downs is to be for death of the world economy, increased death by suicide, increased death by over a million from tuberculous, vastly increased homelessness, and for millions to die of starvation. That is the short list.

Medical Nightmare Turning Apocalyptic

It has not completely sunk in yet but the real nightmare is just getting started. More than four out of five people in the global labor force of 3.3 billion have been hit by full or partial workplace closures, according to the International Labor Organization, which says 1.6 billion workers in the informal economy ‘stand in immediate danger of having their livelihoods destroyed.’ How a few men got the politicians of the world to do this is something that history will have to eventually answer.

More than 36 million have filed for unemployment in the United States since mid-March. It is not a depression we are entering but a collapse that could halt most human activity. If the coronavirus pandemic continues to drive unemployment levels as high as predicted, homelessness will increase 40% to 45% by the end of the year, according to an analysis by a Columbia University economics professor. That would mean 250,000 more people in the US would experience homelessness compared with last year, bringing the total number of those experiencing homelessness to above 800,000.

How can we possibly measure the human suffering as a consequence of what is being done following the orders of health care officials? For those who oppose the orders it might be a good time to revisit the teaching of Martin Luther King Jr. ‘Martin King, was a minister who exposed the truth that obedience keeps us in chains. His crucial synthesis was to combine disobedience with goodness. His crucial work (and this is greatly under-appreciated) was to hold disobedience and goodness together.’

There is open lockdown rebellion in Pennsylvania and demonstrations in England and Germany…. World health officials are not practicing medicine or public health they are practicing cold-hardheartedness. They along with politicians are acting like the original communists and fascists who believed that their way was the only way, killing or censoring anyone who disagrees. Certain epidemiologists have said there is very little sturdy evidence to base lockdown policies on, but this has not prevented politicians from acting as if everything they say or do is based on solid science….

While many European cities begin the process of reviving their economies, the Big Apple — America’s coronavirus epicenter — remains shut as authorities fear sparking another wave of COVID-19 infections. So let the city die and long live fear! Sweden never closed down in the first place and they are not having more difficulties with the virus than countries that have lockdown their people. We have let the fears of health authorities choke the world and create a form of hysteria never seen before.”

The article links to an article about Dr. King: Nothing Changes As Long As You Obey.  Also see Dr. Sircus’ articles Greatest Civilization Collapse in History and Medical Coup D’état – The Culling of Humanity.

Peaceful Civil Disobedience Protects Democracy

In the 19th century, Henry David Thoreau emphasized the importance of civil disobedience in his Civil Disobedience and On the Duty of Civil Disobedience. Thoreau inspired Gandhi who inspired Dr. King. Jefferson also strongly endorsed peaceful non-compliance.

Research contributions from Elba Cornier

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post and Natural Blaze

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