WARNING: The Race War is Being Engineered

By Derrick Broze

The corporate deadstream media continues to stoke the flames of an alleged brewing race war. Is there any truth to this tale or are we witnessing something much more nefarious?

There is a division brewing. At least, that’s what the “mainstream” media would have you believe. If you have been plugged into the deadstream corporate media (TV, Internet, magazines, etc.) over the last year, you would likely have spent at least some of your time being afraid of the following:

– Russia
– North Korea

Now you can add white supremacists and anti-fascists to the list of things that should keep you up at night. This is not to say that any of these topics are completely irrelevant. What I am getting at is the fact that the corporate media (which is owned by a handful of corporations) have the power to influence your thinking and, as a result, keep you afraid or angry. The media (and the people behind it) are working together to create conflict. To stir the pot. To stoke the flames. In reality, for the average American these issues truly represent a small slice of the issues which are of immediate threat to their freedoms and livelihood.

While I believe all people should oppose low-level, primitive thinking such as racism and bigotry, we should be hesitant to let these stories and pundits play on our fears and push us into violent action. Also, we should remain skeptical and be aware there are infiltrators and provocateurs involved with promoting these fears. That is what I would like to focus on today. We must consider the possibility that the threat of both white supremacists and violent left-wing activists is being blown out of proportion to manipulate the public’s emotional state. A second possibility: These incidents of violence are being provoked by a State agency in order to create further conflict and justification of police state measures in response to this faux race war.

As I first wrote in December 2016, the purpose of a Donald Trump’s presidency is to radically divide the American people. He has not only emboldened conservatives who grew tired of mainstream politics and neoconservatism, but his actions and words have lit a fire under the extreme right wing of American politics. This extreme, or “Alt”-Right includes white nationalists, white supremacists, anti-Semites, former anarcho-capitalists and libertarians, and others who do not quite fit in with mainstream (or even independent) politics. Of course, not all Donald Trump supporters are racist bigots and not all those who choose to identify as Alt-Right should be considered racist bigots. Still, there is no denying that Trump’s policies and speeches have given the bigots a glimmer of hope that their ideas might become mainstream.

In reaction to the rise of racist factions of the Alt-Right, we are seeing the growth of the American AntiFascist Action (Antifa) movement. Despite the reports from the corporate media, this tactic has historical roots. Since at least the 1930s, anti-fascists and anti-racists took the streets of Europe to fight actual fascists. In America 2017, the Antifa activities have tended to focus on pro-Donald Trump rallies, freedom of speech rallies, and the growing American Alt-Right.

The purpose of this piece is not to argue that white supremacists do not pose a danger or that Antifa has not used violence. The purpose is to punch holes in the idea that these conflicts over race and identity are 100% organic. To be fair, there have been previous reports warning about the dangers of white supremacists. Specifically, in a joint intelligence bulletin, issued May 10 and obtained by Foreign Policy, the DHS and the FBI said white supremacist groups had carried out more violent attacks than any other domestic extremist group over the past 16 years. The report also said the agencies expected more attacks. There’s also a 2006 bulletin warning law enforcement about infiltration by white supremacists. Unfortunately, organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center often lump these legitimate dangers together with warnings about peaceful “anti-government” activists and organizers.

The white supremacists are not the only group striking fear into the heart of some Americans. An online petition calling on the White House to designate Antifa a terror group has been signed over 300,000 times. “It is time for the pentagon to be consistent in its actions – and just as they rightfully declared ISIS a terror group, they must declare AntiFa a terror group – on the grounds of principle, integrity, morality, and safety,” the petition reads. Unless we are to assume that all 305,000 signatures were done by their white supremacist nemeses, it would seem Antifa’s tactics are opposed by a few hundred thousand Americans.

These two groups — the right-wing racists and the left-wing anti-fascists who fight them – -are quickly becoming the focal point of the latest drama in middle America. The corporate media has done a hell of a job running round-the-clock news coverage of these white supremacists and Antifa. Not only do these groups represent a small minority of Americans, but, as I wrote in my last piece, there is a great danger in the FBI (or other government agency) infiltrating Alt-Right, white supremacist groups and anti-fascist groups for the purpose of causing or encouraging violence.

“There is a real danger of masking up while in the moments of conflict , not only from law enforcement , but also the possibility of hidden white nationalist who infiltrate to cause disruption or to make antifa conflicts worse,” scott crow, former Antifa organizer and author of the upcoming Setting Sights: Histories and Reflections on Community Armed Self Defense, told Activist Post. “We have seen it online with fake antifa sites calling for fake violence.”

The desire to protect one’s identity is understandable, but it also opens the door to infiltrators who only desire to initiate chaos and violence without any purpose or message. Police masquerading as black bloc activists have been exposed at the 2001 G8 Summit in Genoa, Italy, and at protests in 2007 in Quebec, and police posed as activists to infiltrate the Occupy movement.

“There is always a cost benefit analysis that needs to be assessed before any strategy or tactic is used,” crow warned. “These questions have to be answered by those participating in the streets at any given time, and sometimes its absolutely necessary and infiltration does happen.”

We must also consider the infiltration of the right-wing groups, especially the more extreme racist and supremacist groups. While there were Internet rumors of Crowds on Demand organizing paid protesters for the Charlottesville march, those allegations are not factual. There was another story from the website True Pundit which claims that anonymous FBI sources confirmed that federal confidential informants were responsible for the violence at the Charlottesville march. Unfortunately, anonymous government sources are not credible. We do not have to imagine the entire rally to be fake to understand the danger of provocateurs. As the Alt-Right and their supporters begin to don masks and helmets it is likely that police or private actors will infiltrate for their own purposes.

Believe it or not, there is actually a historical precedent for provocateurs playing a role in riots and protests directly related to racism. By studying the Central Intelligence Agency’s role in promoting riots and racial division in Guyana one might gain insight into how the CIA (or other state agency) could operate domestically.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the conclusion of this look at the engineered race war. 

Derrick Broze is an investigative journalist and liberty activist. He is the Lead Investigative Reporter for ActivistPost.com and the founder of the TheConsciousResistance.com. Follow him on Twitter. Derrick is the author of three books: The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 1 and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 2

Derrick is available for interviews. Please contact [email protected]

This article may be freely reposted in part or in full with author attribution and source link.

Read Part 2 HERE

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25 Comments on "WARNING: The Race War is Being Engineered"

  1. Hi Americans!
    My name is George Soros and I approve of this article.
    In fact, I have funding both sides of this impending race war with illgotten gains in my currency games that Emperor Rothschild allows me to fiddle with.
    Together, my plan, ahem I mean his plan is coming to fruition.
    We have all worked all demons, you Americans for nothing, and us Satanists for the Order out of Chaos that is now close at hand.
    I want to thank all of our dark side subsidiaries: Medicine, Education, Religion, Television/Print/Radio/Web and of course our sole proprietorship the US Federal Government. You lackeys have been exemplary in selling out your fellow human beings.

    Hail Lucifer! The end is close at hand when we will rule like kings, no better than kings, like GODS !

  2. Unity through love will triumph.

  3. Divide, conquer, and loot. People who so lack a sense of identity that they claim the identity of either color of skin or being born in the same country are a sad. lot, easily exploited by fascist movements whose core value is presented as ultra-nationalim, with the corrollary of scapegoating immigrants fleeing from the disaster produced by the mother country, whether economic or military.

    We need to identify ourselves through common values of liberty, equality, tolerance, and justice for all.

    We need to oppose tolerance of intolerance, which is destructive of human freedom. Hate speech promotes discrimination , persecution, and violence. We all know that individual libel is a crime but why then do we accept collective libel, which crushes the rights of millions as protected speech. Hate speech is the enemy of freedom, and the First Amendment is NOT a suicide pact. All genocides in history have been first justified and then incited by hate speech which attacks the rights of others and dehumanizes them.

    Goebbel’s Principle of Propaganda #18: “Displace anger onto targeted groups.” These groups, who are scapegoated and blamed for social ills, are almost always the most vulnerable populations. In Germany, it was the 0.6% who were Jews, in the US the undocumented immigrants with a 50% lower crime rate and 99% lower murder rate than natives. Fascist movements grow by attacking the defenseless, a form of political bullying that can always be identified by the bullies who lead them.

    When it is not enough to attack the defenseless, soulless cowards will invent bogeymen like Saul Alinsky or George Soros to blame, a secondary scapegoating meant to provide another target of hatred to mobilize the angry and wounded people who lack a sense of identify and seek one in mass movements. The great classic on this top is Eric Hoffer’s very short work True Believers.

    Beware the anonymous sources offering up scapegoats and sacrifices; their goal is to divide us, to promote hatred, and to justify the persecution of the innocent.

  4. Along with Antifa, all Soros Foundation organizations should be designated terrorrist irganizations. That old dried up prune and his family should be charged with sedition, thrown in jail, stripped of all their wealth, loaded onto a rocket, and shot into the Sun. As for his boss the Rothschild, they can all go along for the ride also. In the meantime, be on the lookout for any caravans of busses, specifically any dark charcoal painted ones. They may contain foreign mercenaries posing as legitimate American police officers, and other black and white men and women posing as BLM, KKK, Antifa, Neo-Nazi, or any other hate organization they happen to have an emblem or t-shirt from. Remember, these foreign troops have been trained to speak the language and are well versed in American culture. If you make positive identification, aim for….oh, never mind, you know what to do.

  5. Pardon my audacity but it’s the KOSHER media, using virtually the SAME “playbook” they’ve used in Russia, Germany and Europe in toto.

    Completely out of their reach if not for the “Shabbos Goi” and dual citizens they’ve placed in power in D.C. etc. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3a26ad1b08863753c0ca5e112d27ec1aaddb8c32f297eb7208a5346f60231861.jpg

    The ONLY thing I can see that might finally end the Synagogue is their OWN AMAZING arrogance in open photos/statements/videos bragging about their plans. the ONLY thing I can see that might ALLOW it is the continued clinical IGNORANCE of western culture, Sewer Nation specifically.

    Actually, for the world at large, extinction might be a GOOD thing when it comes to Sewer Nation.

    • Thank you! The libertarian movement has GOT to wake up to this. They have to familiarize themselves with the Talmud and all it’s prescriptions for “We the Goyim”. ….all while they have us focus on the Muzzies and their Koran. It has nothing to do with “race”, it’s about theology.

      • Compare the Talmud and Quran, lots of similarity. Read Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 about false Jews and research Khazaria and the Khazars and what they did to Russia and Germany before moving on to other equally terrible activities.


  7. Race baiting is nothing new. Check out this quote from Booker T. Washington

    “There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.”

  8. (which is owned by a handful of corporations) claims Mr. Broze. But the issue I bring forth is that no one in the libertarian movement wants to seriously discuss WHO OWNS these corporations? Who runs them? And don’t tell me about “Soros”. He can’t do it all by himself.

  9. Being a racist is constitutional as the founding fathers and scribblers of that nonsense document were slave owners and Indian killers, who were so hypocritical they said “all men were created equal.”

  10. While the elite may have the wherewithal to start a civil war they are delusional if they think they can dictate how it unfolds. Nobody can control the course of chaos which is what they’d have to do. In all wars you lose battles, you lose important people, and like the Nazis they may end up in court facing capital charges.

    All it might take is one turning point like losing majority police support for it to turn against them, and as the US has done itself so many times abroad other states may assist the people to remove the establishment.

  11. catalanismo is hatred | August 29, 2017 at 10:10 pm |


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