Battlespace Of The Brain: The Military Conquest To “Master The Human Domain”

Neuroscience and invading the human brain as “dual-use” technology? The military complex says, “Well, somebody else is going to do it, so why not us?” What a gaslight! Obama’s BRAIN Initiative to “map the human brain” was a military operation from the start, and now the rotten fruit is surfacing. Forget MK Ultra, which was like the teletype machine compared to today’s supercomputers. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood.

By: Linda Goudsmit via Independent Sentinel

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

In 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski published his book Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era.[i]Brzezinski was a futurist who cofounded the globalist Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller and Jimmy Carter in 1973, and served as national security adviser to Jimmy Carter between 1977 and 1981. Brzezinski understood the impact of science on society:

Speaking of a future at most decades away, an experimenter in intelligence control asserted, “I foresee a time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain.” (Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, p. 15)

Another threat, less overt but no less basic, confronts liberal democracy. More directly linked to the impact of technology, it involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control. (pp. 252–253)

In an August 2017 seminar at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Center for Global Security Research (CGSR) guest speaker Dr. James Giordano, of Georgetown University Medical Center, offered a sobering view of the calculated war on our brains, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people, and the potential for weaponizing neuroscientific discoveries and neurotechnologies.

Dr. Giordano is a professor in the Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry, Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program, and Co-director of the O’Neill-Pellegrino Program in Brain Science and Global Health Law and Policy at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, DC. He is a Senior Researcher and Task Leader of the Working Group on Dual-Use of the EU Human Brain Project, and has served as a Senior Science Advisory Fellow of the Strategic Multilayer Assessment group of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon.

His 2017 briefing, “Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities—and Risks—of Neuroweapons,”[ii]explores the potentials of brain science in the context of public/private research for national defense, including using nano-pharmaceutical low-dose toxins or other chemicals as a controlled vector.

Giordano discussed current political dual-use capabilities of neuroscience technology and, of course, mentioned the new field of “neuroethics.”

[Transcript excerpts]

[5:30 counter] If I am able to in some way access and effect this thing that is, in at least some way, demonstrably and perhaps to a large extent responsible for making you, you—your persona, your thoughts, your hopes, your dreams—well, look at the power that that can yield. We like to talk about influencing hearts and minds, but this is a question of influencing brains to influence hearts, and then influence minds….

[50:00] What has gone from the drawing board to the reality is this: the use of neural interfacing and physiological interfacing through the idea of remote-controlled small-scale systems to be able to modify the behavior of non-human animals. A variety of scales: small mammals, and, increasingly, the use of insects. The pioneering work was done by DARPA, something called the DARPA beetle, the DARPA fly, and more recently an independent non-DARPA-funded commercial enterprise [that] calls itself Dragonfly has been able to utilize a combined set of techniques, both direct neural stimulation and optogenetic control of key neuron firing patterns, to direct the wingbeats impulses, and as a consequence directionality….

[51:16] In some cases, they’re looking to the high-level nano or at least low-level micro-scale use of various electrodes that can both record and perhaps deliver certain types of payloads as well. So, the idea is going back to this very, very low-dose nano- pharmaceutical delivery of toxins or other chemicals, and utilizing this as a controlled vector becomes a real possibility. Note, this has not been directly addressed nor has it been entertained by any United States government entity in a public forum. This is not what DARPA has intended this device to be. This is supposed to be a surveillance device that could be used for public health, and also to monitor key environmental factors. And the same is being touted here, that this is not a device that is weaponizable.

The reason I tell you about it is that this was a point of considerable debate and discourse at the recent meeting of the European Union Human Brain Project Subcommittee on Dual Use. And I stood before these people and said to them, you know, this is not being entertained in these ways, and the response there was “Yes, but it should.” And so, the fact that people are thinking about this, but this was not explicit intent, means that it is in fact capable to be developed in these directions, and that becomes a real concern and consideration.

[53:17] So, we’re looking at this idea of neuroscience and technology for national security, intelligence, and defense. I think the take-home message here is that yeah, we can access and affect manipulating control, so to speak, neural systems to affect, alter, change, direct minds via brains and, therefore, the hearts in which those minds are embodied. We used to talk, as I said, about hearts and minds. Now, through the use of neuroscience and technology, minds and hearts is a far more viable description, because it describes for us explicitly the route of engagement. What we can do here, I think, is very provocative, but what we should do, that’s still, I think, a point of contention and represents a work in progress….

[57:35] Recent estimates, not speculation, by the Neurotechnology Industry Organization has predicted by 2025 greater than 50 percent of international neuroscience and technology will be conducted—listen to this—outside the West. Not outside the United States, not outside Europe. Outside the West.

[58:17] Now, that’s an important consideration, because what it demonstrates is a shift in the capability, potential, and ultimate power that can be yielded by this. I’m not saying it’s a good thing or a bad thing, it’s a thing. But I’m also, I think it becomes important for you to understand, is that this also needs consideration because of the fact that not all philosophies are aligned with our own. Moreover, the needs and values of other cultures may not necessarily be the same as ours, and they have every right in the world to be able to engage that cosmopolitan viewpoint. In other words, certain cultures have different philosophies that then acknowledge different needs and different values in distinct ways. And if, in fact, you recognize this, it demands a larger discourse, one that brings together international partners and a cooperative way to be able to both post the field and in some cases policy the field.

[1:00:46] We may think there are limits in proscriptions, the idea that, well, “we won’t go there” doesn’t mean that someone else won’t. Furthermore, I think that there are some ethical legal issues that need to be raised, not only with regard to what we’re doing with the science or what can be done with it, the inviolability of mind and self, what we talked about earlier. Could we use these for interrogation? Could we use these in warfare? Yes, we could. Should we? Hmm… But we could argue it, well, less harm is going to be incurred. But really, what are the harms once we get into the relative inviolability of the brain space, the last private domain, if you will….

[1:03:28] The operational neurotechnology risk-assessment management process or paradigm, and what it really does, is it embraces, I think, an older idea that had been advocated initially by Brzezinski essentially in 1970, 1972. I won’t bore you with the quote, you can read it for yourself, but essentially the issue here was that the idea that the modification manipulation through biochemical manipulation of the brain was seen as real in 1970 and now has been realized some forty years later. This is not hypothetical.

[Transcript excerpts end]

This briefing in 2017 was given by a man deeply connected to the military-industrial complex. His perspective is, in my opinion, an exquisite performance of controlled opposition. Using the psychological tactic of projection, Giordano deftly accused others of doing precisely what the globalist leaders of our military-industrial complex were and are doing themselves.

Both direct and optogenetic stimulation (stimulating with light) that Giordano describes are neurotechnologies being used to manipulate the bioelectrical potential and behavior of dragonflies. The environmental and biochemical manipulation that Brzezinski referenced in 1970 has been expanded to the bioelectrical potential that Sally Adee documented in We Are Electric in 2023. Adee’s research revealed that all life is electrical, and that means algae, bacteria, molds, fungi, plants, insects, fish, all lower animals, and all mammals including humans.

We now know that bioelectricity is how all life communicates internally, so why not externally as well? It does not take much imagination to foresee a future of bioelectric convergence and communication among all life-forms.

Augmented human beings linked to the electrical grid via the Internet of Bodies are entry-level versions of transhumanist beings. They are the front line in globalism’s aggressive campaign to acquire the science and technology necessary to create and support Humanity 2.0.

The fusion of the Internet of Things with the Internet of Bodies blurs all boundaries between plants, animals, humans, and machines. It connects all things in an electrified planetary ecology ruled by the globalist elite—for our own good, of course. Stakeholder discussions follow a scripted marketing pattern of glorifying social/medical benefits of advanced science, briefly mentioning ethical considerations that must be worked out and completely ignoring the tyranny of the scientific dictatorship they are advancing.

Whether presented by Bertrand Russell, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, or James Giordano, globalism is a totalitarian ideology that relies on the supremacist mindset of the elite, who believe that they can govern you better than you can govern yourself. Cognitive warfare will exploit the neuroscience and neurotechnologies of bioelectricity to establish totalitarian social control.

Consider life in the Unistate and the meaning of Humanity 2.0. The world population becomes part of the Unistate, where people are property and subjects—not citizens—of globalism’s New World Order. There is no opposition, only oppositional ideas that will be neutralized using cognitive warfare to change the minds and then the hearts of any dissenters who survived the globalist purge. Recall NATO Innovation Hub manager François du Cluzel’s haunting description of cognitive warfare in Chapter 39 as the art of using technologies to alter the cognition of human targets: It’s not only an action against what we think, but also an action against the way we think, the way we process information and turn it into knowledge…. It is a war on our individual processor, our brain…. This is extremely important for us in the military, because it has the potential, by developing new weapons and ways of harming the brain, it has the potential to engage neuroscience and technology in many, many different approaches to influence human ecology…because you all know that it’s very easy to turn a civilian technology into a military one.”

What does du Cluzel mean by human ecology? I found it necessary to look the phrase up. Human ecology is the study of the relationships between humans and their environment. It is a sweeping study that analyzes human beings in ways traditionally applied to plants and animals in ecology. Its perspective conforms to United Nations Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Goals, which view all life on Earth as planetary assets. Human beings are just another asset to be controlled through surveillance and technology.

Technology expert Rob Braxman explains how current surveillance capabilities actually extend beyond the Internet in two short videos, “There’s a Secret Network – Skynet 2.0,”[iii] February 16, 2022, and April 17, 2024, “Skynet 2024: The Infrastructure is Complete![iv] Braxman explains how the use of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) mesh networks are being used to surveil iPhone and Android users without their knowledge or consent. BLE mesh networks work when devices are turned off, and

all communications are peer-to-peer. This means that each device will operate with any other BLE device with no interference from a third party. To put it in more black and white terms, you personally have no control over the BLE functionality of your own device. You cannot stop it….

BLE devices cannot only send data, but can receive instructions. Just as a BLE device can be a peripheral that can be turned on and off, think of this functionality on a phone. Apple or Amazon could give instructions to a device that’s turned off to turn on for surveillance reasons. Since an iPhone that is off could receive instructions to turn on, it can then receive further instructions over the Internet to perform specific surveillance tasks….

AI could be instructed to turn on the camera and observe its surroundings and could be initiated even when the device is off….

What the mesh network can do is unlimited. We cannot know or even limit the messaging capabilities of BLE with multicasting [data transmits to a group]. This has some extreme implications with slave devices. It means that a large company can actually control devices far away from itself by making BLE devices operate in peripheral mode….

Remote control of large numbers of devices all under the control of a single company and even, perhaps, one person or one AI.

The potential for advanced location tracking and the potential for a single company being able to control its devices without user awareness is extremely disturbing. If the company is working with the NSA, the surveillance and technology potential is horrifying.

In the name of national defense, on April 19, 2024, the United States Congress passed Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Its change to the definition of “electronic communications surveillance provider” means that any company or individual that has access to equipment on which communications are transmitted or stored, including routers, servers, and cell towers, can be forced to assist the NSA in warrantless surveillance on American citizens.

Also, in the name of national defense, a recent study conducted by RAND Corp., a think tank closely associated with the Trilateral Commission since its inception in 1973, is reviewed by Technocracy News editor Patrick Wood. The study, commissioned by the UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory published March 25, 2024, examines “Cultural and technological change in the future information environment.” According to the report, “The Internet of Bodies ecosystem may lead to the Internet of Brains sometime between 2035 and 2050.”[v]

Technologically, the Internet of Bodies connects human beings to machines through wearable devices and/or implanted devices. The Internet of Brains is the realm beyond the Internet of Bodies, where direct communications between human brains and/or computer devices is established. The augmentation in the Internet of Brains redefines what it means to be human and marks entry into the realm of transhumanism, Humanity 2.0. The authors consider the cultural ramifications of augmentation:

The social dynamics of human augmentation adoption may include disparities in access to relevant technologies, thus introducing new forms of digital exclusion whereby the economically disadvantaged cannot access the same enhancement level as other societal segments….

In other words, transhumanism may lead to super-human capabilities for some, and mind control for others. Manipulation and control are other areas of concern with human augmentation, the Internet of Bodies, and the Internet of Brains.

False information, images, sounds, memories, and thoughts could one day be downloaded to these devices and uploaded to the human brain with devastating effect.

The unambiguous aspiration of the globalist elite is the Internet of Brains specifically because it awards super-human capabilities for some, and mind control for others. Both achieved through surveillance and technology deceitfully marketed as national defense, which means we the people are the targeted enemy!


*Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats on, and directly from Ingram in paperback.

[i] Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Viking Press, 1970;

[ii] Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities—and Risks—of Neuroweapons;

[iii] There’s a Secret Network – Skynet 2.0;

[iv] Skynet 2024: The Infrastructure is Complete!;

[v] The Internet of Bodies ecosystem may lead to the Internet of Brains sometime between 2035 and 2050;

Read full story here…

Sourced from Technocracy News & Trends

Image: Truthstream Media

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