Are you an Unvaxxed NYC DOE employee who just received an EEOC Right to Sue Letter?

By Michael Kane

Many unvaccinated NYC educators who were fired or displaced due to the covid shot mandate filed complaints with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Recently we have found out the EEOC is sending “right to sue” letters to some individuals who have filed these complaints.

IF you are one such individual, we need to hear from you asap!

Our attorney, Sujata Gibson, recently wrote the following to me:

We are looking for NYC DOE employees who filed with EEOC on time back in 2021/2022 over their denial of religious/medical accommodation for declining the shot, who was issued a recent letter from EEOC (issued less than 90 days ago) giving the right to sue.

If that’s you, send an email to:


Source: Teachers for Choice Substack — Subscribe!

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