The Development of the New Manhattan Chemtrail Project & the Sarah Westall Show

By Peter A. Kirby

Sarah Westall was good enough to have me on her show again the other day. We talked about the weather… or at least we talked about the manipulated weather created by spraying tens of thousands of megatons of toxic waste upon unsuspecting citizens and the earth. A focus of our talk was the historical development of the New Manhattan Project which includes the MITRE Corporation and their commanding presence in American aerospace. OK, so I misspoke near the end. Japanese soldiers were only unaware of the war having ended for years, not decades. Sometimes I say things that are incorrect. But I would like to think that I am bringing some important information to light too, so please give it a gander. Thx.

Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Please buy his books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco available now exclusively at Amazon. Also please join his email list at his website

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