In a tale of more than two cities, voters in Massachusetts face dramatically different choices at their town meetings in early May.
As noted by MA4Safetechnology, there are protective Town Meeting warrant articles before voters regarding 5G, FCC guidelines, and wireless exposures in Millis, Sheffield, Great Barrington, Upton, and Chester,
The citizen-initiated warrants in the five towns all draw attention the fact that the Federal Communications Commision has failed to respond to the court ruling in 2021 that its decision not re-assess its 1996 exposure guidelines is “not evidence based.”
The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled (in EHT/CHD et al. v. the FCC) that the 2019 decision by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to retain its 1996 safety limits for human exposure to wireless radiation was “arbitrary and capricious.” The court ruled that the FCC failed to address impacts of long-term wireless exposure, impacts to children, testimony of people injured by wireless radiation, and impacts to wildlife and the environment.
Protective of People vs. Protective of an Inadequately Regulated Industry
In contrast to the actions of informed citizens responding to both risk and reports of harm, voters in Lenox and Sudbury will be asked to approve bylaws that ease the way for the telecom industry to install infrastructure in their communities.
Sudbury voters may not be aware of criticism Lenox residents lodged against the town for proposing new bylaws favoring the telecom industry. “General Bylaw for the Placement of Small Wireless Facilities in the Public Ways” recommends that small wireless facilities should not be placed on poles in rights of way within 20 feet of a driveway for Sudbury, making 25 feet acceptable, with a recommendation in the town’s documentation to place a cell tower at or near a school,
“Limiting liability with positioning to minimize negative health effects of cellular phone towers” reviewed the “large and growing body of evidence that human exposure to RFR from cellular phone base stations causes negative health effects.” The authors recommend restricting antennas near homes, and restricting antennas within 500 meters of schools and hospitals to protect companies from future liability.
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An Environmental Reviews analysis of 100 studies found approximately 80% showed biological effects near towers. “As a general guideline, cell base stations should not be located less than 1500 ft from the population, and at a height of about 150 ft.”
An International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health review found people living less than 500 meters from base station antennas had increased adverse neuro-behavioral symptoms and cancer in eight of the ten epidemiological studies.
Protections For People, Plants, Property Values
Americans for Responsible Technology has published some the best protective codes that communities have established within the current framework of law, including setbacks for homes and schools.
Information from the Environmental Health Trust about cell towers and schools is here.
An upcoming webinar Wildlife and Wireless A Webinar on the Environmental Impacts of Electromagnetic Radiation with Experts in Science, Policy and Law is being held Thursday May 4, 2023 at 1:00 PM EST
Americans for Responsible Technology in association with the BroadBand International Legal Action Network recently presented “The Rights of Citizens in the Deployment of Wireless Infrastructure.”
The “Expert Forum on 5G Cell Towers” was hosted by Pittsfield Cell Tower Injured & Concerned Citizens and the Wyandotte Parents & Community for Responsible Cell Tower Placement, following the installation of a cell tower on school property in Michigan.
The Fork in the Road
Due to a regulatory gap at the federal level, the FCC has not been held accountable for addressing the court’s ruling.
There are two ways that individuals and communities can proceed; either with no recognition of risks and harm, or with precaution. (As communities grapple with removing asbestos from schools due to poor decision making in the past, many parent groups are choosing precaution.)
One strategy available to responsible groups and individuals is to call on the FCC to address the court’s order, which is the basis of the Millis MA town meeting warrant vote.
Letters have been sent by the town of Pittsfield, and the Governor of Wyoming. See also January 23, 2023 Letter from Congressman Nadler on 5G New York Cell Towers which have “generated widespread concern throughout the community.”
Recently, Massachusetts advocates spoke about their town warrants and other activities, as the neighborhood decimated by the Pittsfield Verizon Tower nears 1,000 days of asking for help.
1,000 Days and Nights Driven from One’s Home: EMF/RF/5G Forum, Thursday, April 17 Welcome and Introductions Courtney Gilardi and Amelia Gilardi 1:10 Patricia Burke – MA Town Meetings Citizen’s Petitions vs. Lenox pro-industry bylaw 1:58 Cece Doucette – Expert Science 3:05 Johnathan Mirin – Hilltown Health Success 3:57 Courtney Gilardi – Announcing the MA health registry 5:09 Intro and Spectrum news video re: the Pittsfield Verizon Tower Cease and Desist and discussion 10:12 Intro and Dr Cindy Russell pre-recorded presentation re: Health from the presentation Wireless Radiation- What Environmental Health Leaders Should Know 17:04 Intro and Dr. Kent Testimony pre-recorded video re; NH Commission and FCC guidelines, from Let’s Connect About Cell Towers Expert Forum HIGHLY RECOMMENDED At 31:52 –how FCC guidelines were established 35:28 Intro and Theodora Scarato pre-recorded testimony and the state of the science of RFR and health, from the presentation; Pittsfield, MA Expert Forum on Cell Tower Radiation and the Verizon Cell Tower Cease and Desist Vote by The Board of Health 53:14 Massachusetts Based Efforts – Breaking News: Cece Doucette of MA4SafeTechnology re: Massachusetts Bill H.2158: An Act recognizing EMS as a disease dangerous to the public health, requiring inclusion in MAVEN, establishing the Massachusetts EMS registry and requiring biennial reporting as part of population health trends. Action: Testimony for MA EMS Registry Bill! ( 1:02:20 Patricia Burke, SafeTechInternational re: Millis Town Warrant re: letters of concern 1:05:44 Laurie Wodin, Sustainable Upton: Upton Town Warrant re: 5G applications incomplete until the FCC addresses the court remand 1:12:50 Kathy Levin: SafeHelpsYou Great Barrington and Sheffield Town Warrants re: 5G applications incomplete until the FCC addresses the court remand 1:19:39 Jonathan Mirin, Hilltown Health and Piti Theatre Group and Barn Raising 1:24:00 Breaking News: Theodora Scarato live on the call – update on cell towers being removed 1:40:52 Amelia Gilardi, driven from home nearly 1,000 days- Message of Hope 1:45:28 – 2:01 Powerpoint overview of tobacco science and smart meters – Patricia Burke
To submit Testimony for the MA Legislative Bill establishing an EHS registry: Action: Testimony for MA EMS Registry Bill! (
Info about Bills in other states: Understanding EMFs – Bills in Other States (
To submit written testimony opposing RI smart meters: The RI PUC is accepting written testimony via email until July 13, 2023. Put the Docket Number 22-49-EL in the Subject line. Submit to the Commission Clerk [email protected] (Luly Massaro.) Please request acknowledgement that your written testimony has been received and distributed to the appropriate parties, and cc Sheila Resseger, at [email protected].
Be on the right side of history.
Source: Safe Tech International
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