Is This Conclusive Evidence of a Directed Energy Weapon Being Used in California?

By Activist Post

At the very least, it’s bizarre and interesting. According to researcher Dutchsinse, he witnessed a clear beam of directed energy in real-time on September 7th. We know these weapons exist, but is this the best evidence yet of their use?

Dutchsinse states:

This is a real life example of something beaming from somewhere very strange (Malheur or above it in space) to another location hundreds of miles away in California, beaming directly into a fire…

High power microwave can show up on IR. So can high power IR lasers. Both could theoretically cause fires.

The first video is not enhanced, but this is followed by a color enhanced version.

Best view of the beam seen in full HD 1080p at 11:34 or so. another good view at 13:20 or so… In a very strange turn of events, upon the upload and premiere of this video on youtube.. almost all shots of the beam are hard to see only on youtube (you can see just fine on twitch for instance). You literally cannot see the beam in the half video here on youtube that was seen live by my audience just fine over on twitch.

Nonetheless you can view pretty well in 1080p HD using a laptop , maybe turn down the lights and look close. The live links are provided for you to see on your own instead of having to watch this video.

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Here is a brightened and color saturated version of the same beam event:


Dutchsinse offers the following additional research links to investigate for yourself:

Close up beam going to fire in California –

Close up beam going to Malheur Oregon –

Near Infrared view –

View the beam coming from / going to Malheur here –

Please leave your explanations and/or theories in the comment section below.

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