US Boosts Troop Numbers in East Syria to Control Oil

By Jason Ditz

With several hundred US troops already planned to stay in Syria to “control the oil,” US convoys are sending more troops into Syria Deir Ezzor Province from neighboring Iraq, and reinforcing the areas around the oil fields.

Exactly how many troops are there, or how many were sent is not known. President Trump previously classified troop levels in Syria, saying the enemy “must never know” of American plans. It’s not clear who the enemy is at this point, since the war’s goal is now controlling the oil.

But President Trump has indicated repeatedly that he intends to not just retain control over Syria’s oil, and that he believes the US deserves to take some oil for itself out of Syria’s fields.

With Trump escalating talk about taking the oil, it’s clear the US military is being charged with escalating its presence at the oil to preclude anyone from contesting America’s claim to the oil.

By Jason Ditz / Republished with permission / ANTIWAR.COM / Report a typo

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