The CDC’s Strange Case of Poul Thorsen, MD, PhD, Vaccine Data Manipulator “Extraordinaire”

By Catherine J. Frompovich

A few months ago after reading the book Master Manipulator, I wrote an article about Poul Thorsen, MD, PhD, the Danish medical researcher who produced the ‘premiere safety study’ that vaccines do not cause Autism; however, the study was produced fraudulently, but the CDC still promotes it and has not retracted it from vaccinology research, as science protocol requires.

One of the questionable studies involved is “A population-based study of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination and autism” co-authored by Poul Thorsen,  See comment in PubMed Commons below N Engl J Med. 2002 Nov 7;347(19):1477-82.  It’s the study CDC particularly likes to point to regarding vaccines and Autism, and is published online here.  The research was about ethylmercury in Thimerosal attributing to and/or causing Autism.

Poul Thorsen apparently was many things and probably even at cad, at that. He ingratiated himself both personally and professionally with CDC employee, Diana Schendel, PhD, who apparently was able to ‘guide’ his research around the CDC’s Atlanta headquarters.

When the CDC was notified by Thorsen’s Denmark colleagues about inaccuracies regarding CDC grants and funding, further investigation resulted “in 22 federal criminal counts – 13 counts of wire fraud and 9 counts of money laundering,” which never have been acted upon by the USA or CDC.  Thorsen is hiding in plain sight, working and publishing articles in Denmark, with no extradition apparently requested by the CDC!  How strange? “The United States has had an Extradition Treaty with Denmark since the Nixon Administration (1974).” (Pg. 4)

Enter into the story, Attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has been investigating mercury in vaccines (ethylmercury in the preservative Thimerosal) and mercury elsewhere in the biosphere and medicine.

Mr. Kennedy founded the World Mercury Project, whose

…Mission of the World Mercury Project is to work aggressively to reduce exposure to all sources of mercury, hold accountable those who failed to protect our planet and people from these unnecessary exposures, restore health to those who have been harmed, and to establish necessary safeguards to prevent such tragedies from ever happening again.

Thimerosal is a vaccine preservative that still is in multi-dose flu vaccines and as a residual ingredient in vaccines, since during the manufacturing process, Thimerosal is used but then extracted.  CDC and FDA admit there’s a residual amount in vaccines.

According to this CDC/FDA website:

 For two childhood vaccines, thimerosal is used to prevent the growth of microbes during the manufacturing process. When thimerosal is used this way, it is removed later in the process. Only trace (very tiny) amounts remain. The only childhood vaccines today that have trace amounts of thimerosal are one DTaP and one DTaP-Hib combination vaccine.

Mr. Kennedy even went so far as to post a science challenge regarding thimerosal:  Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Esq., offered a $100,000 reward to any journalist who “can find a peer-reviewed scientific study demonstrating that thimerosal is safe in the amounts contained in vaccines currently being administered to American children and pregnant women.”   Kennedy now, however, is turning his attention to getting Poul Thorsen extradited to the USA to face legal charges.  In order to explain the “Thorsen Saga,” Kennedy engaged Beth Clay to produce an update and report about Thorsen and his legal standing.

I’ve been in contact with Beth and obtained her permission to cite verbatim information she so eloquently put together and about which I thought readers ought to know.  There needs to be a public outcry directed to Congress and the U.S. Attorney General to get the fictitious science surrounding Autism and vaccines mainstreamed as such, plus retracted by HHS/CDC/FDA and other nation states, including the World Health Organization.  Beth’s outstanding report can be found here.

The report is 21 pages plus two pages of Exhibits.  What I’d like to bring to readers’ attention are the following facts:

The U.S. CDC apparently sank $16Million into a vaccine investment fraud in Denmark!

Thorsen, apparently from the very beginning of his CDC ‘stint’, had designs of grandeur and lived high off the hog, while raising flags with his expensive Harley Davidson and suburban Atlanta home.  In Clay’s paper we find,

CDC-Danish Coverup of Ethics Violations:  The next day, the beginning of an ethical crisis began to take shape.  Coleen Boyle, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp and Diana Schendel participated in a Denmark Grantees Autism/CP conference call.  Poul Thorsen participated and presumably helped bring the two new principal investigators up to speed.  He was asked to provide Aarhus University a copy of all permissions in his files ASAP.  Coleen commented that from what they had discussed, most of the activities were completed.  Diana began discussing additional projects. Soren raised the issue of bringing the CP biomarker data to Aarhus for safekeeping.  Then, there was a discussion about who had the various data and whether it could be gathered and secured all in one place.  Diana and Poul were asked to provide historical context to this.  Marshalyn asked if Aarhus could work with the Danish Psychiatric Data on the autism project. Poul stated this was the registry based data on vaccines.  He stated that permission should already be in place.  (However, it would be confirmed later that no permissions were in place and that Thorsen had never applied for them.)  [Pp. 18-19] [CJF emphasis]

Not only were the above lack of permissions going on, Clay says,

Marshalyn had more questions.  She verified that there was no medical abstraction of the autism perinatal records.   Carsten had not found original approvals and was looking to Poul to provide them.  Carsten believed they did not have permissions for the autism disorder case control study.  Poul suggested checking with Kristine. (Exhibit 40)

On the 30th of November 2009, Coleen Boyle, Diana Schendel, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp colluded with Danish grantees to cover up a serious ethical violation in already published and about to be published research.  They sought to cover their tracks on their failure to ensure Poul Thorsen had obtained all the needed ethical approvals for the autism bio and genetic studies.  Two studies were published in which legally required ethical permissions were apparently never applied for and granted according to their notes. When repeatedly asked to provide them, Thorsen did not.  

In what are completely unethical acts by all involved, the team members went into damage control mode and decided that they likely could obtain permission for ongoing and future studies.  They concluded that it would probably be impossible to get permission for research that was already finalized (and published). It is absurd that experienced federal grants management officials even discussed the idea of seeking a human subject safety review retroactively.  These reviews, known as Institutional Review Boards (IRB) in the United States and Ethical Committees in Denmark are required before a study is initiated in order to protect patients and patient records from abuse. It would seem from the outset that the CDC was incompetent or inept in the management of this project.  They also failed to do a site visit for the first three years. [CJF emphasis]

Collusion on the part of yet other CDC employees to commit fraud

How many times do we have to learn about a criminal collusion culture existing at the CDC/FDA before Congress, or whoever has proper oversight since Congress seems out-to-lunch, does anything to stop vaccine fraud?

Beth Clay ‘punctuates’ an apparent “Peter Principle” [2] promotion scheme within the CDC culture:

The Peter Principle is an observation that the tendency in most organizational hierarchies, such as that of a corporation, is for every employee to rise in the hierarchy through promotion until they reach the levels of their respective incompetence. [CJF emphasis]

Look what happened to Dr. Coleen Boyle!

Dr. Coleen Boyle, who has since been promoted to be Director of NCBDDD at CDC should have shut this grant down immediately upon being informed that ethical clearances were not in place.  She should have immediately contacted the Office of Research Integrity, potentially even the Office of Inspector General.  Funding should have been discontinuedShe should have led the charge to have these papers retracted.  There should have been, at a minimum, a press release from the CDC to inform the public.  Instead, Dr. Boyle along with Dr. Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, Joanne Wojcik and Dr. Diana Schendel colluded with their Danish Grantees to ‘fix it’ and retrospectively apply ethics approvals.  Their next call on 14 December 2009 closed the case on Poul providing information to Aarhus.  Joanne and Diana determined to go back through older grant applications to search for permissions. 

Not only is this an egregious cover up, but it also points to poor grant management by CDC staff.  The CDC staff responsible for this multimillion dollar grant, starting with Diana Schendel, should have had copies of all the legally required ethics permissions in hand before the Danish grantees were allowed to get started and before the first US taxpayer dollar was sent to Denmark.   [CJF emphasis]

The Clay update on Thorsen is worth reading to understand how ‘legal sleight of hand’ goes on in federal bureaucracies and agencies where unelected bureaucrats apparently become ingrained and accepted culture ‘denizens’, knowing the CDC ‘has their backs’ (a la William Thompson, PhD’s whistleblowing [3]) and they will not be held accountable.

Well, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. apparently thinks differently and has shifted his attention to getting Poul Thorsen extradited to the U.S. to “face the music” and “pay the piper” for misappropriating between One and Two Million Dollars in CDC grant money.

However, who will make whole ASD children and their families as a result of Thorsen’s and other CDC researchers’ fraudulent work stating no association between Autism and vaccines, when in fact, there IS?


[3] VAXXED: from cover-up to catastrophe


CDC Knowing LIED About Mercury In Vaccines: Proof Has Surfaced

Action to Take: send an email to

Donald J. Trump (R), President
Mike Pence (R), Vice President
Jeff Sessions, Attorney General

Extradite CDC autism study fabricator & embezzler Poul Thorsen

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich is now available

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