As congressional grandstanders make self-serving speeches repeating the “Russian threat” lie and push for greater sanctions and actions against the world’s only other superpower, veteran journalist Seymour Hersh has once again released a bombshell article blowing the official story of the chemical weapons attack at Khan Sheikhoun out of the water. The article is a “chat protocol” between an American military soldier and an American Security analyst. The soldier is on active duty at a key airbase in the region although the location of his deployment is being kept secret for obvious reasons.
The chat reveals that not only did the Syrian government not launch a chemical attack at Khan Sheikhoun but that the United States knew there was no chemical attack. In addition, the chat shows that not all key personnel are on board with the decision to launch Tomahawk missiles at al-Sha’aryat or even of the whole Syria/Iraq mission. The chat reveals real concerns amongst knowledgeable personnel that the Russians will not continue to act as the cooler heads and that Russia has long wanted peace in the region. Most notably, it reveals the fact that there is a “secret agenda” moving forward in regards to Syria, Iraq, and Russia.
More detailed analysis will follow. For now, however, it is important to read the chat as it was published by Welt Am Sonntag and Seymour Hersh originally. The chat is provided below:
April 6, 2017
American Soldier: We got a fuckin‘ problem
Security-Adviser: What happened? Is it the Trump ignoring the Intel and going to try to hit the Syrians? And that we’re pissing on the Russians?
AS: This is bad…Things are spooling up.
SA: You may not have seen trumps press conference yesterday. He’s bought into the media story without asking to see the Intel. We are likely to get our asses kicked by the Russians. Fucking dangerous. Where are the godamn adults? The failure of the chain of command to tell the President the truth, whether he wants to hear it or not, will go down in history as one of our worst moments.
AS: I don’t know. None of this makes any sense. We KNOW that there was no chemical attack. The Syrians struck a weapons cache (a legitimate military target) and there was collateral damage. That’s it. They did not conduct any sort of a chemical attack.
AS: And now we’re shoving a shit load of TLAMs (tomahawks) up their ass.
SA: There has been a hidden agenda all along. This is about trying to ultimately go after Iran. What the people around Trump do not understand is that the Russians are not a paper tiger and that they have more robust military capability than we do.
AS: I don’t know what the Russians are going to do. They might hang back and let the Syrians defend their own borders, or they might provide some sort of tepid support, or they might blow us the fuck out of the airspace and back into Iraq. I honestly don’t know what to expect right now. I feel like anything is possible. The russian air defense system is capable of taking out our TLAMs. this is a big fucking deal…we are still all systems go…
SA: You are so right. Russia is not going to take this lying down
SA: Who is pushing this? Is it coming from Votel (General Joseph L. Votel, Commander of United States Central Command, editor’s note) ?
AS: I don’t know. It’s from someone big though. . . . This is a big fucking deal.
AS: It has to be POTUS.
AS: They [the russians] are weighing their options. Indications are they are going to be passive supporters of syria and not engage their systems unless their own assets are other words, the sky is fucking blue.’
April 7, 2017
SA: What are the Russians doing or saying Am I correct that we did little real damage to Russia or Syria?
AS: We didn’t hit a damn thing, thankfully. They retrograded all their aircraft and personnel. We basically gave them a very expensive fireworks display.
AS: They knew where ships were and watched the entire strike from launch to end game.
AS: The Russians are furious. Claiming we have the real Intel and know the truth about the weapons depot strike.
AS: They are correct.
AS: I guess it really didn’t matter whether we elected Clinton or Trump. Fuck.
AS: No one is talking about the entire reason we’re in Iraq and Syria in the first place. That mission is fucked now.
SA: Are any of your colleagues pissed or is everyone going along with it and saying this is OK
AS: It’s a mad house. . . .Hell we even told the Russians an hour before impact
SA: But they clearly knew it was coming
AS: Oh of course
AS: Now Fox is saying we chose to hit the Syrian airfield because it is where the chemical attacks were launched from. Wow. Can’t make this shit up.
SA: They are. I mean, making it up
AS: It’s so fuckin evil
SA: Amen!!!
April 8, 2017
AS: Russians are being extremely reasonable. Despite what the news is reporting they are still trying to deconflict and coordinate the air campaign.
SA: I don’t think the russia yet understands how crazy Trump is over this. And i don’t think we appreciate how much damage the Russians can do to us.
AS: They’re showing amazing restraint and been unbelievably calm. They seem mostly interested in de-escalating everything. They don’t want to lose our support in the help with destroying Isis.
SA: But I get the get the feeling are simply trying this approach for as long as they feel it might work. If we keep pushing this current aggressive stance they’re going to hit back.’
Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President, and Resisting The Empire: The Plan To Destroy Syria And How The Future Of The World Depends On The Outcome. Turbeville has published over 1000 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)
This article may be freely shared in part or in full with author attribution and source link.
The alien/military/industrial/complex wants damage on all sides as this is the Agenda. It doesn’t matter that there is a winner. The tall white Reptilian Overlords want a high body count for the planet’s population when nukes go hot we all lose. Also confusion in the ranks makes for more mistakes, low morale.
Perpetual unholy wars for death sake by brought or wrought by the unholy goat worshipers. They want continuous conflicts.
Low morale is part of this and no end game in sight.
I was, hoping, that Trump would pull the U.S. out of this mess.
Have you considered we are the ones we have been waiting for?
I better go home and get my broom!
Softer and gentler pitchfork?
South Park reference, “Rabble Rabble Rabble!”
Aha! Why thank you, Jas, I was clueless. 😉 I’ve only watched about 10 shows at most, one was the funny Scientology episode. I also saw their Book of Mormon show. Stinging parody, reminds me of the late great George Carlin. If he’s watching in spiritual form, I wonder what he’s saying!
It’s when they kick the crooked fair and carnies out of town after Stan calls, “Shenanigans!” and the whole town forms into a mob, brooms are an important part of it.
Thanks for the rundown. Shenanigans! My new rally cry. 😉
Our Bible warns us 3 times when Damascus lays in ruin the tribulation begins. God chose us from the beginning to live this remarkable time for His honor and glory forever. Prepare spiritually as we are fighting the powerful supernatural force of Satan.
While this article had hope, alas, I’m disappointed again. It exposes the Syrian chemical weapons attack as a fraud (with highly questionable intel), but it doesn’t expose that the Russians are really our allies, and that not only both sides, but all sides of every UN nation (you know, central bankster thieves that are also the IMF and the BIS) are working feverishly together to foment WW3.
They’re doing this so they can create enough chaos to introduce aliens or some sort of other fake savior, to convince the irretrievably duped that their DWD – Dystopian World Disorder – is the only way to go. Ordo ab Chao, the same plan they’ve been fomenting for 300 years as of yesterday.
Intel like this doesn’t get leaked, it’s intentionally created and released to further a planned narrative and to sway public opinion. And since when does a “security agent” not know that TLAMs are tomahawks so the American soldier felt the need to clarify? Sorry, not only does this fail the smell test, it reeks of false narrative propaganda.
The IRS is not a U.S. government agency. It is an agency of the IMF. Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I, Public Law 94-564, Senate report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.
The IMF is an agency of the U.N. Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. p. 816.
The United States has not had a Treasury since 1921. 41 Stat. Ch. 214 p. 654.
The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. Presidential Documents Volume 29 – No. 4 p. 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288.
Interesting, (to say the least)
I have a photo copy of a 1933 document in which the crippled snake FDR seized and turned over all people/property of Sewer Nation to the Synagogue’s “City of London” and the Vatican – (rather explains the Bolshevik “shill” pope “Frankie’s” love for all things Marxist and Bolshevik, (both essentially atheist).
This was accomplished by the Bolshevik Central Bank and their Judas Class in D.C. We were driven into covert bankruptcy by shoring up the Bolshevik USSR’s slaughter machine and stopping the National Socialists from freeing not only Germany but Russia and the bulk of Bolshevik-run Europe. Which, when you consider that within months of war’s end, The Bolshevik Jews’ USSR became the “boogeyman in good standing” of Sewer nation, thus increasing/extending their slaughter of Christians/Muslims through out Europe and making the Rothschild clan and their Shabbos Goi many more billions until the Russian people were bled dry and the “wall” came down.
“We have exterminated the property owners in Russia. We are going to do the same thing in Europe and America
(The Jew, December, 1925, Zinobit)
It is propaganda narrative, or simply propaganda if you prefer. Those whom think control is in their grasp, use lies as part of warfare to keep said control over the “us” that “they” think have no control. Irony of it being we, all of us as one, are control absolute. That will not be though as death seems keen upon reminding the cosmos, life should not be.
Who do I think they are going to fight WW3 against? Gosh, it could be anybody, if it’s an out and out physical war. It could be with a nation whose commerce with us will most affect us, so I’d say probably China, who might sneak in the back door and come to the aid of North Korea, the little nation we’re most p’d off at in “the news”. Then Russia could come in, maybe after one of our attacks on NK goes awry and hits Russia instead! LOL I know they’ve also been chomping at the bit for Iran, too, but I think they’ve stolen enough oil in the middle east and sent enough refugees everywhere to create plenty of chaos in Europe and here in the US.
I don’t see a nuclear war either, and it could even be WW3 has already started and it’s a psychological war only, after all, they’ve already done everything but declare war on us and are already treating us like their enemy by stealing our birthrights, removing our rights and converting them to privileges, and basically enslaving us all to their beast system. And considering the tyranny with which they’ve already been assaulting us, I’d say the probability of that are very high indeed. Of course they’ll have to cause riots here for the world stage to back them up when they round us up…
We also know they have DUMBS and tunnel systems already in operation, so they could even fake an “imminent” nuclear attack, sending us all underground for our security where they’ll keep us indefinitely, much like the silent film classic, “Metropolis,” where slaves all work underground for the pleasure and benefit of the owners above ground, who get to enjoy a depopulated paradise when they’ve disposed of most of us. Whatever they end up doing, I think we’ll see what they have in mind in our lifetimes, and I’m no spring chicken~ God bless you~
Hi Grace by Faith. As you might guess, I’m definitely thinking along the lines of Keith and your idea of the final war being a major psychological war to absolutely control our consciousness.
TPTB have a vast array of tools to depopulate in ways that wouldn’t damage their infrastructure, economic system, and overall control grid. Unless they intend mass murder for ritualistic purposes, they have no need for a real WW3 scenario and it undermines the world citizen and world religion memes they are starting to put more energy into. Better for the globalists to transfer military and economic power from the US to a world clamoring for peace and prosperity. At the same time, isolate western nations from each other to crush the rights of the individual and force Americans to suffer tremendous economic pain from the effects of the dismantling of the dollar as reserve currency. A targeted economic crushing would also create a Russia scenario where public and private assets are sold off to foreign investors further entrenching economic interdependence. This is essentially what Trump’s private public partnership infrastructure project is about with the added Trump admin proposal to sell off existing public infrastructure to pay for the new PPP infrastructure projects.
I suspect the “tea leaves” are showing the neo-Bolshevism rearing its head is to create violence and riots to be amplified in a hard economic squeeze. Loud rumblings for state secession and who knows what else could lead to a constitutional crisis – which is exactly what TPTB want to formally impose their regional system for North America. I agree with your posts about the legal frameworks being a trap for us. Yet they still want to flush it all and the rights we expect we should have to create something very different.
Someone’s got her finger on the pulse of the beast, good calls! Regarding public and private assets being sold to foreign investors, they’re already doing that here, thanks to GHW Bush’s 1992 EO privatizing America’s infrastructure. On the surface it looks harmless enough, but when you consider it means selling it all off to the highest bidder, foreign or domestic, corporation or individual, it’s extremely destabilizing.
Say for example, and I’ve used this one a lot, we sell Hoover Dam to China, hiding of course behind several corporate entities… Then we publicly (false flag) piss them off somehow, so what do they do? They destroy it, it’s theirs, after all. And say said destruction kills a few hundred Americans and destroys the land of thousands and thousands more. We go to collect for damages from…whom exactly? LOL And in which court and where is this adjudicated? International courts of course, which are planted with people just as corrupt as those in our American courts, but with no national interest or concern for us. All they have to say is, “Just subtract it from what you already owe them, for made up excuses, a, b, and c….” Boom. We’re not only screwed, we’re kicked out of bed in the middle of the night and sent home in our undies.
Not only is this Public Trust asset/Infrastructure Clearance Sale a perfect way to destroy nations from the inside out, but it’s also pretty cunning way to supply fake fall guys that never have to face us when the effects take hold or damage is done. So it’s anyone’s guess what they might do, but God knows whatever it is they’ve been planning it for a very, very long time.
Great, of course you get it!
“GHW Bush’s 1992 EO privatizing America’s infrastructure”
The first time I saw that was here on one of your posts. I have no idea what happened after this was signed. Was there a big response at first or has this a slow and steady process? The only strong clues I have are the book Blue Gold by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke about the privatization of public water supplies which I read about a year after it was published (2002) and an article by Matt Taibbi that was probably published around ~13 years ago. I regret I didn’t print out a copy. I think it was a Rolling Stone piece and the title was The Highway Men (or close). I can’t find it now, darn it.
Taibbi described how organizations (spawned by both government and foundations, I imagine) were putting together seminars for US governors on how to sell off US infrastructure and foreign entities were typically the buyers. Oregon congressman Peter DeFazio was railing against this and nobody else seemed to back him up in government.
Thank you for the historical reminder of the EO. I’m going to do some focused digging now on this.
Well, in Oregon, Warren Buffett, hiding behind no fewer than four corporations, bought Klamath Lake and all its assets/dams. Warren Buffett, the cajillionaire! Why would he do this? Doesn’t he have enough cajillions? And I accidentally omitted the number of the Executive Order, it’s 12803, in case you’d like to look it up and read the text. And yes, I’ve written about this before, and insert it wherever I can to get the word out. I get very little feedback even now about it – sigh.
There was no reaction in ’92, because the press/news didn’t cover it, much like they don’t cover most of the EOs that have destroyed our nation and our rights. In fact, I can’t remember once when I heard it or read it until the last couple of years that I’ve been active about this tyranny. So I’d imagine they started when the order came into effect, but I don’t know if that was that year, or if it maybe was ordered to happen some time in the future.
And I’d also imagine it’s been going on a very long time, and quickly – there is a LOT of infrastructure in this nation. Infrastructure as you know refers to the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or area, including the services and facilities necessary for its economy to function. Roads, bridges, dams, reservoirs and water supplies, tunnels, sewers, electrical grids, mass transit, airports, hospitals, schools, prisons (that’s one we’ve heard about but didn’t “connect”, privately owned prisons), waste disposal, just to name a few.
Obama signed over 275 EOs during his eight year reign of terror, and Trump has, as of the 20th of this month, signed 37 already. I can’t name one of them for either of them, can you? Bush Sr. signed 183 of them, Bush Jr. signed 291 of them, Clinton, a whopping 364. Talk about a shadow government…
You’re amazing, that’s a very impressive overview.
They sure do plan far in advance. Rappoport wrote a great article (actually a few, he republished with slight revisions) about Nixon derailing a free trade proposal. After Nixon’s impeachment, the new Vice President Nelson Rockefeller worked to pass the Fast Track legislation that made it much easier to get trade pacts through congress – an early greasing of the skids for NAFTA and others that followed.
Nixon owed the Rockefellers some big favors and he angered them getting in the way of the trade deal. It was Nelson’s brother David who formed the Trilateral Commission to implement the policy changes to get the ball rolling on the NWO. Funny to keep realizing how our lenses on history are probably all fake. Watergate hoax? lol
keith, you’re most welcome, and thank you for finding what we have to say relevant and helpful! Your support is very much appreciated, and your contributions are always thought-provoking.
One more thing on this topic that I forgot to emphasize, by privatizing our infrastructures, and this must be going on throughout the UN nations now, the need for international jurisdiction and its own court system is cunningly created. This has been the goal all along, and is a major part of the NWO one world, one religion, one language, one government, one law, one jurisdiction, one society, one big, fat, Babylonian free-for-all-from-hell.
They know their days of national courts are short because so many of us have caught on in every nation to their Roman Canon ecclesiastical, maritime color of law fraud, and they know that if this is ever exposed nationally, their houses of cards would fall quickly and they’d lose everything (the confidence and support of their armed thugs, fake judges, and demoralized soldiers who do ALL of the dirty work to back up their legal assaults by pen and paper).
So I think the plan is to destabilize all of our societies by doling out our public assets to international interests to create the jurisdictional need for these international systems of law. And we will be forced into using them which then creates the very “consent” hence authority they require to continue their color of law fraud when we go to sue or collect damages from, say, the international entity that bought the Golden Gate Bridge, the Holland Tunnel, or any structure or facility of the infrastructure when it fails due to negligence or is intentionally damaged. Sneaky bastages… The scary part? Hardly anyone is talking about this so preventing it is, well, nigh impossible. So this is war, and we have been the enemy all along.
Welcome to WW3, the silent war waged behind curtains with pen and ink, where the people are relentlessly attacked by psychological and pharmaceutical, not to mention edible and drinkable weapons rendering them impotent, apathetic, weak, clueless, confused, sick, and distracted by false flag operations worldwide.
Blue, thanks for the kind words and backatcha! Yes! Watergate was a hoax! I don’t think Nixon and Rockefeller were angry at all with each other, I think it was part of the plan all along. After all, they were both 33rd degree freemasons and brothers don’t go after brothers genuinely, but they do pretend to publicly to further the NWO agenda. And look how far it’s come. This is much like the left wing pretending to fight the right wing, when they’re again, both attached and sealed to the same filthy bird. Check out the list I posted here (it finally posted!) to foggydew of the Knights of Malta – or Opus Dei (Roman Order) to show who’s been pretending to fight whom over time. Won’t be long now until they seal the deal with the devil himself.
I agree and I assumed, using Rappoport’s perch, it was more of a “spank” (lol) than a close call JFK moment and fully agree that it’s equally likely it was another complete charade.
BTW, on a tangential note, several months ago on BLN someone shared a link with me to a BBC documentary on the Vatican scandal involving the butler, which I had only read a few MSM articles on. BBC admitted the butler story was a ruse (a front) by high powers in the church to create a press leak situation to reform the church. Thus Vati-leaks is modeled after Wikileaks, Snowjob, Panama Papers, and likely “Humpty Dumpty” in Russia as intelligence tools for social engineering. No surprise to us! I just had no idea what the butler frame was and was amused BBC revealed this.
Sometimes I want to pinch myself because none of this seems real, it’s way too much theater of the absurd. Thank goodness you and other kindreds / caring souls of the Remnant are around. 😉
After reading the article, that’s the first thing that popped into my head. Total BS.
Hey you !
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Seymour Hersh again! The person who not long ago resurrected the Osama Bin Laden capture by American Seals story to put a twist on it when all along Bin Laden had been a US asset who died long before from failing kidneys.
With so many major incidents such as Sandy Hook, Boston, Paris, London, Turkey, SITE releases, etc, etc., all being created from whole cloth, how on earth could we possibly know for certain who released poison chemicals or if some incidents may have been being staged? We also don’t know the reasons anymore, except that it is ordo ab chao playbook .
Do we not see a pattern here. Everyone who rejects big pharma and big banking is attacked. The NWO in action.